Just a short while after I returned from my day in the Polish Parliament in 2019 I was
contacted by a small independent film company based in Poland. They wanted to visit me in Keele to do an interview on vaccination. I understood that my interview would be used in a new film they were in the process of making. My contact was someone called Pablo Maria Tkacz. All was arranged for March of that year. I have to admit that I was not always the most patient of hosts and some of this lack of patience stemmed from me questioning if the time could be better spent in the laboratory doing science. The film crew were late and my limited patience was waning when there was a knock on my office door. Someone, heavily laden with baggage, was just visible, peeping through the glass window in my door. It was Pablo Maria Tkacz, or PMT as SHE preferred to be known as. I write SHE in capitals simply because I was naively expecting Pablo to be a man. I was also expecting a film crew. There was just PMT. A young woman carrying what seemed like an entire film unit, PMT apologised for being late and then proceeded to explain her journey to me. She had flown from Warsaw into Birmingham and then travelled to Stoke-on-Trent, where Keele University is located, by bus. It was now about lunchtime though PMT was not wanting to rest or eat, she proceeded to get set up for our interview. I think she sensed my surprise that she was the film company, she has said since that she remembers the somewhat ‘funny’ look on my face upon her arrival. PMT is a lovely person and I soon relaxed, took that ‘funny’ look off my face and gave her the interview that she wanted.
I had planned to write about this interview several months ago but when I looked for it on my YouTube channel I found that it had become a victim of this platform’s active censoring programme. (YouTube/Google is a despicable organisation and I am not sure why we continue to give them the light of day.) When I then tried to contact PMT about this I realised that we had lost touch, probably due to my somewhat rapid demise at Keele University. I left her one or two obscure messages on a number of social media platforms and waited. I am very pleased to say that just a few days ago she got in touch. Like many small independent film makers working in the field of truth PMT had been experiencing hard times and recently had not been able to continue to make films. I suggested to her that we could not let the censors win and that we must find a way to post her interview with me. She looked back in her archived material and found the original recording. Please watch and support this video here. In addition her film Second Class Citizen was also censored by YouTube and so PMT has posted it to her Rumble channel.
Please watch both of these censored films and help to disseminate them as widely as possible. The censors of science, truth and free speech must never be allowed to be successful. If nothing else each and every film censored by YouTube and others should be worn as a badge of honour. After all, they only censor that for which they have no answer.
Pablo Maria Tkacz is as skilful and as determined a film maker as you could ever wish to find. Think about her, and what she is prepared to endure in telling the truth, next time you are looking for a young and inspirational film maker.
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I have shared both on The Highwire community page and will watch them a little later today. Thank you, Dr. Exley!
Thank you & her both for making this available! This is so important!