Mar 20Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

And now I finally understand why aluminum is added to vaccines. Thanks. Doesn’t it always come down to money?

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Mar 20Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

The ingredients of a vaccine become moot if one never injects anything into the body.

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Mar 20Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

Reading and posting questions as I have them:

“What if for some reason your vaccine did not include the aluminium adjuvant, just the antigen. Well the answer is that absolutely nothing would happen. Not enough foreign material, antigen, for the body to bother about.”

What about Charles Richet and his experiments with anaphylaxis— isn’t a small amount of a toxin or substance and then subsequent challenge a potential for anaphylaxis? What is special about a substance that causes anaphylaxis that a non-adjuvanted or adjuvanted vaccine doesn’t have?

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Mar 22Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

I get excited when I see a new posting from you in the inbox. Always fascinating and I always learn something. Thank you!

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Mar 22Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

I was curious to know what a vaccine formulation might contain. Here is a sampling.

CHEMISTRY SET ingredients:

Mercury at about 0.3 micrograms (despite them saying “no Thimerosal” added as a preservative. It sneaks in from the manufacturing process and is the residue left after “purification” which they claim is harmless)



Ammoninium sulphate



Monosodium glutamate


ANIMAL Origin: vegans watch out


Chick embryo

Human diploid cells from aborted foetal tissue

Vesicle fluid from calf skins

Mouse serum proteins

Monkey kidney cells (famous for looking like “viruses" as they break down in cell cultures after poisoning)

This is VERY similar to the “cell culture” ingredients BTW.

The widely discussed idea of venom in the jabs, even if unfounded, is not so far from the truth. Proteins injected into the blood don’t have to be from a cobra's fangs to be extremely poisonous.

Two quotes from Herbert Shelton:

“Protein, as essential to life as it is, is a virulent poison if introduced directly into the blood without first undergoing digestion”

“Speedy death following vaccination is dignified by the title anaphylactic shock”

Credits to “What Really Makes You Ill” 2019

Since I did not see any sign of an antigen in these lists then the posters around town should read "Wanted: Virus, Dead or Alive"

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Mar 20Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

You make great sense of this, Dr Exley! Thankyou for writing so clearly such that we can understand! :-)

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Mar 20Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

To me, if they need to put outright poisons in any vaccines to make them work, they are worthless...the vaccines that is as the poisons will always do nasty things to a body. Sorry, if you send me a penny, the IRS will want to tax it to death.

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Mar 20Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

Bullseye Doctor Exley!

You might add that alum as a (very) cheap addition to magnify the effect of an (expensive) antigen was accidentally discovered in 1926 by Alexander Glenny.

(We will probably have to celebrate it in two years.)

There is phrase in your second paragraph which almost took my breath away- .........'the injection is the last act of consciousness'............ I know that I am cherry-picking, but this cherry is literally true for large numbers of small children.

You know, those children with neurotic mothers?

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Very fine article, Chris. Cheers, Rod

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Mar 20Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

The power of words to disempower … just too loose & wiggle-room filled are the dictionaryly interdicted ob/literates.

Or, when put “that way,” can the Prussian schooling/indoctrination model & approach to “the best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves” be seen as oh-dunno-maybe one of the original/earliest antigenic/anti(your)body sins … of the fathers/mothers/parental-units-others?

In American milk & honey land the (misbe)gotten-young are sentenced to 12 years of continuous injection & boosterism that renders all too many-most immune to the adversarial “vagaries” (which are, in fact, raison d’être) of “that” state’s Borg-nervousystem (same as every other state … means, according to Voltaire’s Pangloss, that this is also the state of nature - the best of all possible worlds … & *that* means - subject to nervous system interpretation - tragic, or comic, or some chimera of the two).

“Profit,” for an example the prophets are all too eager to muddle, cannot & does not flow from the barrel of a gun nor the barrel of a coerced syringe.

Better word “elected representative for” the takings-actions-language of indirect force (fraud) & direct force is “crime.”

When a robber sticks a gun in your face & says “your $ our your life” what s/he takes from you is certainly not “profit.”

Stolen property is not “profit.” Theft of one’s person is not “profit.”

Distilling to the essential ingredients, profit is the signal beacon that leads away from rocks & reefs of ruin in “markets.” Which is another adjuvant-filled word, since the beating heart of markets is freedom.

If the silent, but always necessarily implied, “free” isn’t prefixing “market,” then there isn’t a market.

Cartels, monopolies (incl patent/IP monopolies), color of law, backroom deals dividing spoils … etc … are not markets. Those are all crime. Not profit.

Paraphrasing Lewis: We make (pirate) chests of lawyers and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honour and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful.

Correcting Lewis: We don’t make anything. Too many people are born “on the make.” Ma Nature obviously selects for derelicts.

Privateers & pirates do not markets make. Privateers & pirates are parasites. They are criminals. As are those who collude, take bribes (including “paychecks”) from them.

This dirty wellsprings bottom upward. Not top down.

A few years ago SC “justice” Ginsburg died. A woman went on at some length to me about what the judge had done for women & so it was appropriate that flags everywhere presented half-masted. Cuz “independence” of women is an obviously worthy goal.

But political patronage is not independence. It is dole. Permissions are not rights. Permissions can, & will be, denied. A lot of female independence *has* been denied just since Ginsburg’s passing (in ’20).

Prussian Clausewitz wrote that war is the continuation of politics by other means. The commutative property is obvious: politics is the continuation of war by other means.

War is the health of the state. Randolph Bourne.

Healthy state means unhealthy state conscripts-citizens. Healthy states are an extremely unhealthy state. Its like saying “that’s a very healthy cancer you got growing in your garden there.”

But here’s the hinge: pragmatic utilitarians, of both genders, don’t care how they get what they want - so long as they get it (however strings attached & temporarily). Just like other more socially acceptable to tsk-tsk poo-poo addicts don’t care how they get “fixed.”

Many last stands of “consciousness” are the first, “best possible,” hardwired, slate-is-full (not blank) stands they will ever, can ever, take. And that’s what takes the “let them eat” cake.*

*The scrolling history at the end of Ridley Scott’s sleep-inducing Napoleon said that, by the time the short man was finally dispensed-dispatched to Helena, his accumulated military campaign carnage of French soldiers summed to three million killed.

Napoleon & all those killed people are long gone. France is still there.

And same related vein, Helena, Montana is being transformed by fleeing French Californians into … California. Cue Kansas that tune, but replace “Dust” with “Spores.”

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Mar 20Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

It occurred to me, that picture above, that could be an image of a nebula from the James Webb telescope! You see in stain, they see in infrared. The aftermath of a little exploding star at your injection site.

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Mar 20Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

Excellent, as ever - sympathetic magic has always been and continues to be the most profitable expedient for cash strapped drug maker, many doctors, assorted corrupt governors, and so on. Are we surprised? No, of course not. Are we ever taking another vaccine? No, of course not. Is aluminium something we want injected into our bodies? No, of course not. Thanks for letting the world now about their chicanery and the dangers of aluminium in the body.

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Mar 20Liked by Dr Christopher Exley


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Quackzines are just a toxin delivery mechanism.

They used to have mercury, then aluminum, and now nano lipids aka plastic that doesn't break down.

None of them proved efficacy or safety.

And BTW even the PCR test is pseudoscience, yes even as the tool it was intended to be!


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Mar 20·edited Mar 20

I read the article. It’s obvious there are huge gaps in the germ hypothesis and in vaccinology.

Please allow me to point out the obvious.

1. NO evidence that people who are ill can spread the illness to healthy people. Dozens of attempts to prove contagion described in the literature (often gruesome) all failed. The British Common Cold Unit was one hilarious example. One thing they did come up with was an electron microscope image they christened “Corona” virus (which was likely the kidney cells in the culture breaking down because you see them on controls too - especially if trypsin is added).

2. NO evidence that people who are not ill can spread illness to healthy people. "Asymptomatic spreaders ” were suddenly invented during the Covid theatrics. One could argue that the nocebo effect and bone pointing would be interesting exceptions.

3. NO evidence that any sub-microscopic particle resembling the mythical virus can be detected within the body or detected on it’s way out of a diseased person by any means.

4. NO evidence that even a mega dose of “antigen” (virus or bacteria without adjuvant) magically imparts immunity.

5. NO evidence that vaccinated children are healthier than unvaccinated children. See the study by Dr. Paul Thomas on health outcomes at his pediatric practice where his patients were a mix of 3939 vaccinated and 561 unvaccinated. This paper was redacted by the publisher despite being accepted and despite thorough revisions after extensive peer review. The unjabbed kids were MUCH healthier than the jabbed in all disease categories

6. NO evidence that jabs prevent any disease. Plenty of famous measles outbreaks included vaccinated kids.

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Mar 21·edited Mar 21

If the charts and graphs in Dissolving Illusions are correct, the risk from most diseases have been almost totally eradicated by access to safe drinking-water, better sanitation, hygiene, and nutrition. So why inject toxic substances into children at all? Of course, if there is data disproving these charts and graphs, please share them. We should only make such important decisions based on hard data.


"Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History"

By Suzanne Humphries MD and Roman Bystrianyk

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