Excellent Chris. It remains a national scandals how Keele has treated you, and thank you again for your unerring commitment to integrity and truth - despite the huge personal cost.

For anyone else reading this, I also have longstanding ties to Keele and wrote up Chris’ story here: www.miriaf.co.uk/science-sold-out/

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After I read your post, the only thing that came to mind was ”WOW”!

After I got over the “wow”, I remembered that two very similar things happened to me while working at Fortune 500 companies. The first occurred at a Fortune 500 Semiconductor company. I was working in R & D running experiments using a GC/MS to validate the results. This was well before computers read the spectra. I was reading the spectra daily and reporting it to my manager. My manager was a PhD Organic chemist. At one point, I was sharing new data. He said to me “we need GOOD data”. In other words, the data needed to fit the hypothesis that he had submitted to upper management. Eventually, I concluded that my manager had run one too many ether extractions which fried his brain. Not long after, I found a new job with another company.

The second occurred while working at a Fortune 500 chemical company. My position was to manage “sustainability” for a group of 1200 employees. In this case, “sustainability” was mostly about business ethics such as hiring slave labor, conflict metals, adhering to local laws. One of our customers ran some sustainability audits in China. They ALL failed miserably. Since the company I was working for had plants in Asia, we got asked to run similar audits. I was in charge of cleaning up the MESS, so that the customer would continue to do business with our company. This led to my becoming well acquainted with the VP of Ethics and assistant to VP of EHS. I had an email from a VP of HR in Asia stating that she knew the plant managers were breaking the law. I called the VP of Ethics and told him I was going to forward the emails to him. He told me NOT to do that because then “he would have to do something with it”. I had just signed a CODE OF CONDUCT with the company which stated that if I found something illegal, I was to report it. I sent the emails and then called the VP. He told me that he “was going to block my phone number” because I was calling him so much. The moral of the story is that anything posted on companies website regarding EHS or sustainability is most likely not accurate and is a lot of "fluff". I left the company shortly after I got the mess cleaned up.

Lastly, telling the truth will get you in trouble!

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LOL! Probably benzene extractions.

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Ha ha, yes! There's that old religious adage of "the truth will set you free" but it's not like that at all in reality, is it?!

The truth gets you fried. And invariably fired.

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A lot of people find out that the line from A FEW GOOD MEN is accurate..."You can't handle the truth!" In these cases, management can't handle or won't handle the truth. In my case, I quit before I received a pink slip.

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Sounds like a smart move....

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"I do wonder if the reason behind small Universities like Keele choosing to completely lock down everything is more about seeing what is possible on line than any concerns about catching the current cold."

I was an academic advisor at university before taking retirement in Dec. 2020. Even in just that first year, the online shit was doing my head in. What a striking observation of yours above, and the more I think about it, the more I believe it to be truth. Thank you.

I am appalled at what happened to you and the other doctors and scientists (the freedom fighters, et al) who stood up and stood firm. I think we are all waiting for the rotten structures to come tumbling down before returning to see if there's anywhere we want to re-insert ourselves. Blessings.

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💕 Thanks so much for this piece, though it was heartbreaking to read.

This exposure of the state of play in the field is so grim, worse than I even imagined.

And what happened to you from the first shots over the bough, seeing it start to finish is just a tragedy of epic proportions.

On a human level to you and for all of society.

It’s no consolation, but you’ve been a pebble that changed so many lives, with waking to current times, via the topic of aluminium in shots just not hanging together as plausibly safe..

That niggling gateway drug to being empowered to questioning much else.

We detransitioned from pharma, tech, gov trifecta acolytes, stopped eating whatever sludgey, truth like material narrative was on the junk food menu.

As a complete novice, I did so by ruling out alleged critical pharma / medical experts, where the mud had already even somewhat stuck, to try and evaluate both “sides”.

It was 2018, only after 3 nurses on 9 months presented with health issues, in consultation discussed their “side issue” of severe Vx reactions.

That my uncle was brought to ICU after a shot, followed by my mum having anaphalxis with a flu shot in docs office hadn’t even registered, barely made a dent to my guiding blind maxims, “one in a million” .. “safe and effective”. Repeat.

Got an excellent persuasive article by a friend, with an awful title (retrospectively fitting) “first they came for the anti-vaccers” (by Breitgne Schiffer).

Worked my way through each pharma / scientist critic discounting each, (just shorthand), until Prof Shoenfeld and your good self.

Whilst prof S. had such a strong reputation, the pharma funded figures had shouted loudly enough about his Immune Vx damage ideas.

I was left with two clear definitely not “anti vaxxers” and their solid work.

One long Cochrane report on HPV by Gotzsche (though that was on politics of a cover up), one video by prof Aaby and your work.

Nothing the industry funded shouty, pretend informal scientist debunker on google first page was plausible.

They were caught out lying, making really poor fallacious arguments.

The science was top tier gold star irrefutable, I started watching all kinds of backstory to Aluminium videos.

The individual (you) had an astonishing academic record, twinned with impeccable immutable integrity.

No one could doubt this person was lying or wrong. Truth does that, it is just an unmissable quality.

Great unbought science, a man of conviction who would not be cowed.

Within months, (my favourite paper🤦🏻‍♀️). The Guardian, had a large piece on you.

The first time I’d ever seen something called a hit piece.

I had to read it three times in case I’d missed the point.

The point was only: this ( yes likelh valid) research may could lead to criticism of (potentially dangerous ?!) vaccines, ergo this is dangerous anti vaccines.

Watching this unfold in real time was an ontological turning over of every table in my life.

I know others have said that to me in conversation, on social media, and it’s spelled out on these pages.

Everything I’ve researched and done since (in various writings and actions), is done because of the first article and then 95% remainder to you, as a scientist and an individual.

What you did then and what you did now - keeping on keeping on, pushing back, speaking up, is also an incredible ongoing lasting see/do lesson.

Like I said, not much of a consolation at all to what you’ve been through, but just to put it out there.

And as to the rest of them, the spineless, the bought, the Stockholm syndromed, the love-a-good-rule cohort.

They put us where we are and they group funded mass rail ticketing to where we may well be going.

It’s on the basis of their intellectual and ethical dereliction, that their children and their Childrens children too, will be (metaphorically) pushed on board, packed train carts to dystopia.

But theres still time.

If their reading this, coming to sling mud or creep read, Trust your gut, listen to Professor Exley, the rarest of individuals and everything can change for the better for you.. and for us all.

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It is unfortunate what has happened to Professor Exley has also happened to many other scientists with ethics & integrity for a very long time, across all fields.

I suppose a silver lining is that now it is all coming to light & reaching more people than ever. People are slowly becoming more aware.

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Yes, once I saw it happen in real time, I couid go back to the other figures and see their work with a clear eye.

Turning instead to the reputation, ethics, funding, ideology etc of the critics like “raptor” guy etc and understand the shady awful politics.

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Whatever I say is not enough. I realise they had left you no place to go. I am aghast at the number of people classing themselves as scientists, medics and the educated elite who prefer to ignore the research evidence showing the truth, often hidden behind circular reasoning. Your career came to an end when you still had much to do. Often the musings you post are beyond me, but I feel the honesty in your words and the desire to find not manufacture the truth.

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Greetings Dr Exley. I wholeheartedly concur with all comments made with regard to your recent post on Acedemic Freedom.

The additional background information you provide really helps to illuminate your plight, as well as our current unfortunate state of affairs.

I don't mean to add another thorn in your side when I doggedly mention the geoengineering problem. God knows you don't need another one. It's just that I am as concerned as much with this issue as you are with yours. And I believe that the connection between them is "a marriage made in hell."

Anyway, a major stumbling block to your past suggestion to a peer reviewed study of this problem is the "castration" of the scientific community as well as the medical, political and media establishlisments.

Your post acknowledges the problem with your peers.

Yes, at times I am a thorn, but I never intend any form of disrespect to you or your important work.

And, yes, I am very concerned with the root problem of censorship. This evil makes me even more thorny as I fight to be heard while we still have the outlets to do so. Thanks again for yours.

Best wishes, Larry

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These people seem oblivious to their own hipocrisy. The scientific method relies on a healthy discourse that questions orthodoxy, not censorship and casting out those that have points against it!

There's a good point made by Ian McGilchrist that society is effectively left brained, whether due to damage or just reinforced by society. This is much more prevalent in academia, which rewards such thinking.


It's interesting that the damage of metals, like aluminum, tend to shift reliance onto the left hemisphere. http://areyoucrooked.com/

Thanks for your work on this issue. I have yet to see criticism of your studies that doesn't resort to character assassination or strawman arguments.

Rfk Jr has been experiencing the same thing, but because it's on the public stage, these so called experts are making asses out of themselves.

They're no different than when the church controlled astronomy and censored the heliocentric model.

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I’m so sorry for the pain and disappointment this has caused you. It is because of people who have integrity, such as yourself, that we are approaching a tipping point in understanding so much that has previously been concealed. Thank you for your work, and thank you for sharing. By the way... I have a house guest who saw your book on a table in my kitchen and is now reading with great interest.

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The woke mind virus has infected the whole university sector. I stopped supporting my alma mater when they announced they were decolonising the maths curriculum.

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Ted Kaczynski keenly observed that the professional classes are the most easily corrupted and controlled. In the end, they are cowards. I experienced this in my medical community.

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Good article and well stated. By the way, I am proud to announce vociferously, and in stentorian tones that I am now, and will always be for now, and in the near future an anti-VAX ER . It is clearly a fool's errand to even consider taking a vaccine of any kind from this corrupt country and big Pharma.

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You paid a big price for your integrity and showing the rest of us how to get closer to the truth. As for bringing the university into disrepute, history will show you did the opposite. Those responsible for hurting the students, staff and public will be remembered for their failure to speak the truth.

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Well, actually it's all quite simple. Money talks and logic/common sense walks.

The Power Monkey Oligarchs (PMO's) and their government and medical lap dogs, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Rupert Murdoch, et cetera AND Anthony F-ing Fauci, Joe Biden (I'm in the USA), and all of Mainstream Media and most certainly the Medical world (CDC, NIH and the like), the fully sick Government community and the policing alphabet butts, all joined forces to PUSH a false narrative with international deadly detriment.

And yet, preeminent and groundbreaking experts, of Christopher Exley, PhD's stature, were put on the chopping block to be thrashed and fired. And this be done with no honor for more than at least 40 years of study and research! Universities and learning institutions worldwide, pummeled our best hope for sustainable life on this planet.

This is/was a worldwide coup that impacted life and death on a massive and monumental scale. And it will continue,, as long as the boot licking lackeys keep believing the volcano of lies that ignorant souls have been so easily influenced to thirstily drink up. The Power Monkey Oligarch and Governmental Policing Power Structure that systematically builds and unleashes vastly large degrees of fear tactics on every level of citizenry, isn't going to go away.

And what did the little people get for that blind dedication? They received and suffered an onslaught of death, maiming, full body systems attack and life long vital organ systematic painful shut down.

But, Christopher Exley, PhD, Mr. Aluminum, through your massive amount of research and dedication, you offer a likely proven avenue of actual assistance for anyone to help themself to live a healthy life. And your work should be touted and recognized as the groundbreaking breakthrough for how to regain health THAT IT IS!

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Truth is not necessarily confirmed by taking a poll to determine if the majority agree with a statement. It is so refreshing to find a source of truth these days because it gives us hope for the future of humanity.

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Yes Chris - "science' is bought and paid for - and largely dead. However you give us hope. Please accept my sincere thanks for your truly stellar efforts to expose the fraud and crimes of the ruling low lifes. And the "no virus" camp is strong. You would fit just fine with Tom and Andrew, Amanda and the Baileys - they are nice people.

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It's the same in the Chiropractic world. And again the same in all other academia worlds.

The common denominator is Stupid People - who allow their fears to run their lives and ruin those around them.

Your comment of "Science is simply a job for most and the assumption that scientists should know science is misguided" is spot-on.

"Idealists with integrity seeking the truth are as rare in academia as the proverbial hen’s teeth" is also spot-on.

Thankyou for your post.

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