Jul 11, 2023Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

Very interesting, especially just after Jessica Rose's Substack on the importance of sticking to the original, correct definition of placebo i.e. saline solution and nothing else. Like the word 'vaccine' the officially accepted meaning is veering towards something which better suits the interests of pharma.

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Check out the section on the entirely unvaccinated (post-birth) who DID get the "vitamin" K shot, and/or the mother was vaccinated during the pregnancy in this published paper on the Control Group study. (Graph on page 10 of the PDF.) HERE: https://ijvtpr.com/index.php/IJVTPR/article/view/40/163

The k-shot alone (with zero vaccine exposures) produces autism. There were only two autism cases in the post-birth unvaccinated population, and BOTH of them were found in the group exposed to the K-shot and/or pregnancy vax. About 30% of the "control group" (post-birth entirely unvaccinated) were exposed the K-shot, and/or pregnancy vax, and yet, this group accounted for almost 80% of the health conditions reported in the study.

I was curious about the mothers who got vaccinated during pregnancy but then refused vaccines for their child after they were born, (seemed odd) so I started calling them for follow up. The only answer I got, was that the women who were vaccinated during pregnancy produced "medically fragile" children and were for the first time, now suspicious of vaccines - because of the problems their baby was born with, i.e., things like microcephaly, a major organ defects, etc.

The only justification I could find for aluminum in the K-shot was the claim that it helps "balance the PH", which of course makes no sense. I routinely balance the PH in my pool with SAFE things. It would never occur to me to dump oxidized aluminum into the pool.

Godspeed Chris.

I believe the ONLY reason they chose to use aluminum was to produce autism and other vaccine-related injuries in "unvaccinated" children. And so pharma's logic is: "See here? There is an 'unvaccinated' child with autism. So therefore vaccines do not cause autism."

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

History will prove you to be correct...Keep up the great work!...You are a true HERO!

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Jul 11, 2023·edited Jul 11, 2023Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

There is No longer ANY doubt in my mind that Pharma, Politicians, Regulators, Know the facts & thus causing harm is deliberate. the analogy is knowing the truth & remaining silent when one ought to speak the truth, is as bad as lying. They Know. Thank you Dr. Exley

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

Yes, the aluminum adjuvant topic is stomach churning. It must be resolved with impeccable true science, not deception and force.

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

THANK YOU for calling out lies and deceit where you find them, Dr. Exley. Some days when I look back, I still cannot believe what the world went through in the last 3 years. These criminals just took over unopposed and mowed us down. Cheers for your great work and steadfast loyalty to the Truth. Blessings.

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A better approach might be to make sure there is no future whatsoever for vaccines. More people need to understand that contagion is a fraudulent concept. It has never been proven despite dozens of documented attempts. "The Contagion Myth" covers this. People need to understand that viruses don't exist and that bacteria don't cause ill health (blaming flies for the poop or firemen for the fire). Bacteria gather where diseased tissue is on the menu. Vaccines = poisons. "Virus Mania" is a good first reference.

So is virology a science? no, it's PROPAGANDA which is used to drive fear and huge wealth transfers from us to them. I was one of the naive "people" until 2020, but "covid" made me wake up and research - so I understand how hard it is come to terms with a new paradigm. "What Really Makes You Ill" is helpful in this regard. BTW the idea of an "antigen" in a vaccine is also a dopey concept. Vaccines are basically tissue cultures (no virus required!) - full of debris from animal and human origins + aluminum to make your arm red & sore so you think it's "working".

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“Live-attenuated Vaccines?”

Prove it!

No one has ever isolated a virus, and they’re just injecting soup from sick people’s body fluid.

Once you realize that virology is a sham you don’t have to worry about adjuvants anymore.

I stand with the Amish on this one. They seem to be doing just fine without adjuvants or “live attenuated vaccines.“

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Pg 90 of an infamous text called "Imagine you are an aluminum atom" lists 37 diseases for which aluminum is involved. This table is a fascinating resource. e.g. Obesity and arthritis related to aluminium!

I wonder if we should add allergies? In animal-based allergy research, aluminium hydroxide is used as an adjuvant to impart sensitivity to a particular protein. For example, to make a lab rat allergic to peanuts just give them peanut protein along with aluminium hydroxide. Rinse and repeat. So do we have an explanation of why so many people in the aluminium injected western world are allergic to their food etc? If a baby is injected in the spring does it become allergic to whatever pollen is in the air at that time? (my speculation). Here is a reference: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7301762/

To add insult to injury, while preparing this comment, I read that in Europe alum is added to "vaccines for treating allergies"!

Are there any plans to offer your book in German? Thanks

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It is more than obvious to me that all vaccines are useless without poisons to get 'em going. Then they become even more useless as they toxify you to death.

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On a side note, I have stopped buying beer in alum cans; glass is heavier, but probably safer. best

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I just read your book on Aluminum and now am reading the HVP Vaccine Trial. That book says the saline solution in the Gardasil trial still wasn't quite. It was the left over stuff after antigen and adjuvant. so preservatives. polysorbate80 was mentioned. But I think it noted that it looked like this cohort faired the best.

Recently it came to my attention the MMR vaccine doesn't have any aluminum adjuvant per the CDC? Is that true? Or is aluminum in that one in some other capacity?

I've been thinking about the fish example in your book and how that could make for an excellent demostration/metaphor for the 'placebo' used by vaccine trials vs. inert placeboe...shoot do a third tank to demonstrate how silicate can help. Set it up at the next MFM event. Drive home the point with a nice visual representation. Though I feel bad for the fish

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This article best explains the mechanism for vaccine aluminium adjuvant traveling into the brain supported by peer-reviewed published studies;


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The abstract of the paper on the fourth line does mention "they are inexpensive" as one of the reasons why aluminium adjuvants are widely used.

The way these articles are written are indeed stomach churning, presenting something that is really harmful, as a benefit to mankind.

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Is aluminium specifically the problem, or more generally, the fact that it does what they want - unspecifically "riling up" the immune system, pretending that will make it "aggressive" only against that one thing they happen to also introduce, all else stuff potentially present in the body at the time, "nothing to see here" ...?

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Can someone provide the full link to the Gardisil safety trial? I could not find it via search at clinicaltrials.gov. Thanks.

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