Dr Exley is a courageous man standing for truth - respect!

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It seems like Microglia Activation plays a key role in brain disorders, especially in developping brain (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31729416/)

Post natal immune activations seems to be sufficient to prime microglia (microglial priming needs multiple stimuli to fully activate... causing cytokines release and the beginning of troubles).

Li et al makes a SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT "Immune system activation during prenatal and early postnatal development may contribute to the development of autism spectrum disorder (ASD)." https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29491010/

The "chronic inflammation" factor seems to be the key here : Aluminium doesn't have to enter the brain to cause microglia activation (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31672161/) because of its long biopersistence. Peripheral immune activation seems to be sufficient.

The repeted "immune activations" in the first days/months/years of life, may be another key factor, gradually priming the microglia...

If only doctors knew how complex the immune system is... :'(

If only they would take the time to read those free papers...

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My son is now 31 and living in a Steiner community. He became ill after his MMR in 1992 when he had the vax - I returned from work in the evening (he was in the care of my father) My father said he had become very silent and withdrawn and had a temperature. But that evening this had turned into screaming and high temperature. We called the doctor and he said that t was probably a reaction to the vaccine? He prescribed Calpol. This began my son’s downward spiral into full blown Autism, at the time I didn’t know what was wrong with him? He became increasingly difficult to manage his behaviour. I eventually had a definitive diagnosis at the age of 5 that he has Autism Spectrum Disorder- never at anytime did I think this was caused by anything other than the MMR. I was told many times I was wrong. When my son was 21 - I saw a Doctor in Camphill community, my son had an assessment there. He was the first person to confirm that my son was indeed vaccine damaged.

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I am very sorry to read your story. Unfortunately I have heard this same story many times.

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link is not working on my browser.

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Copy and paste after you Add the www.


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Thank you for your thoughts and insight.

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My father was diagnosed and eventually died from Altheimer's in 1988. I strongly believed he was poisoned from metals, specifically aluminum. He worked for years for an aircraft manufacturer, handing and grinding aluminum parts. There was no respiratory protection, or other PPE; consequently, he inhaled and digested the fine dust particles of aluminum for years. I could never prove metal poisoning, but my "gut" told me otherwise. I am so glad you exposed the truth behind the exposure to aluminum and were able to provide details on TheHighWire.com. I have a Safety & Health/Environmental background and I am spreading the word too.

- Craig Dahl


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The American Contact Dermatitis Society (is that really an organization?) claims Aluminum(Aluminium) the “Allergen of the year” but minimizes the issue with saying subcutaneous skin nodules post-vaccines resolve for 99.99% without understanding the body wide distribution and pharmacokinetics of a neurotoxin. They need an update and a broader view on the science. https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/970976

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Indeed! Perhaps you might inform them of my website and/or substack.

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I just wrote my comment on Medscape. Hasn't been posted yet. Probably being moderated first. Had to take out the hyperlinks because it said that I violated their community guidelines. Seemed to work the second time. Time will tell.

Here it is:

I had a “great awakening” on Aluminum by reading the important paper: “Silicic acid: The omniscient molecule” by Christopher Exley, et al. This was the beginning of my understanding of how Aluminum is novel to biota and how nature (via silicon) selects it “out” of all living things. However, the events of the last 150+ years of mans’ processing of bauxite ore causing liberation of aluminum from being safely sequestered in the earth’s crust away from biota, and now into the environment, has been detrimental to biological systems. Aluminum is a novel silent visitor to the body, unlike other heavy metals that have been exposed to living systems for millions of years. Living systems have not evolved any enzymatic detox systems to deal with Aluminum due to its recent evolutionary pressure.

I have read most (if not all) of Dr. Exleys papers on Aluminum and Silicon. He has elucidated the pharmacokinetics and distribution of Al in the body to the greatest extent than any other researcher has. He’s the worlds authority on Al. I highly encourage physicians and researchers to read his groups papers, visit his group’s website: aluminiumresearchgroup.com, or follow him on his Substack: substack.com/profile/75069001-dr-christopher-exley. He also has an excellent laymen’s book: “Imagine you are an Aluminum Atom.”

The admission of Aluminum being named “Allergen of the year” is a start. It only “scratches the surface” to the myriad of negative effects it causes within biologic systems. And boy are those systems complex. The data are there if you choose to read it.


Dr. Willliam Risley

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It was not viewable by anyone but me so I had to remove the weblinks completely (against community guidelines) to be allowed to post for all to see. Follow any further discussion at the link here: https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/970976

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With aluminum being such an alien substance to biology, the suggestion within this article seems positively Gung-ho: "If a physician strongly suspects an aluminum allergy in a patient but the test with the ACH 2% is negative, they should then try a 10% solution, he noted, adding that 7-day readings are also necessary to maximize accuracy." Surely nobody would want this stuff strapped to their skin for a week; would that not be quite an effective way to start a sensitivity?

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Thank goodness we have you to show the science of aluminum and microglia cells in the brain.

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Meanwhile the complacent use of Tylenol (Calpol in UK) after immunisation would seem to be adding insult to vaccine injury, with the dawning realization that acetaminophen (i.e. paracetamol) has effects not just on physiology but on psychology, particularly in the developing infant human brain:

William Parker, Ph.D. on this:



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Thanks Pauline, I recently viewed a Children's Health Defense video with Dr William Parker that explained the relationship of acetaminophen and autism. https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/good-morning-chd/acetaminophen--autism/ . I will ask Chris in a separate post here if he knows of any direct effect or mechanism by which the chemical acetaminophen reacts with aluminium to cause brain problems.

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Naturally Recovering Autism has a free online masterclass coming up SOON, to teach the 4 necessary stages for the best results in autism recovery, naturally. Please share! Everyone is welcome! The link to register now is NaturallyRecoveringAutism.com/masterclass. :)

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Hello Chris, thanks for this. I recently viewed a Children's Health Defense video with Dr William Parker where he explained the relationship of acetaminophen and autism. He has studied this deeply and has come to the conclusion that the main culprit is this drug, in conjunction with other body challenges including vaccines, current infection and/or circumcision in babies. Find it here - https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/good-morning-chd/acetaminophen--autism/ .

Do you know of any direct effect or mechanism by which the chemical acetaminophen reacts with aluminium to possibly cause brain problems other than its known toxic effects adding to the problem?

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Many painkillers including products such as Paracetamol include an aluminium salt in their composition. These are often called buffered or high strength products. The role of the aluminium being to increase the absorption of the product in the gut.

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I suspected as much, thanks.

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Great man. Your warnings are what medical associations should require as part of informed consent (RIP). Until then there is none.

Granted a lot of this material may be beyond the grasp of the general public, it is critical that people are aware that modern medicine implies important trade-offs and that, due to conflict of interest, there is a silencing of this fact.

One request: could you provide a detox protocol for aluminum and the timeframe over which it is required (on average) to consider that it has provided a benefit?

I am not considering an autistic child but rather us “normal” adults that may have received shots with adjuvants and not suffered the extreme adverse effects, but have some residual, difficult to identify degree of impairment from accumulated aluminum and want to get rid of it.

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Thank you. I think you will find exactly what you ask for in my other susbstack posts and also in my book.

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Lets all keep asking questions.

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Hi I live near an aluminium recycling plant, I have lived here 13 years. I am concerned as recently there has been white particles on the estate from this plant. What tests if any would you recommend I have to see if I have any damage to my body due to living near this factory

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Ask your local council/authority for tests on the quality of the air. The best way for you to assess your body burden of aluminium is via a urine test. Read all about this in my book.

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Thank you, I really appreciate you taking the time to reply. Keep up the good work

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Just watched episode 295 and especially the part with you. I see the connection with Aluminum in baby's vaccines and the levels found in their brains. Since, almost 100% have hade vaccines, with the aluminum in them.

If and since aluminum is causing Autism, why is it not almost 100%?

Please respond, having a discussion with my grandson and need answers... Thanks in advance.

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Science has not proven that aluminium causes autism. However, its presence in very high amounts in brain tissue in autism does suggest that it is playing a role. Future research if allowed to take place might confirm a role for aluminium in autism. What I have written in this substack and elsewhere is what is different about those individuals in which aluminium is accumulated in their brain tissue. Understanding this will identify those individuals most susceptible to aluminium in vaccines. We see similar susceptibilities in aluminium and Alzheimer's disease.

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