Jun 15Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

Thank you, Dr. Exley, for your very informative posts. I have your book. Lots of yellow highlights in it. Two of my daughters received the HPV vax, thanks to the recommendation of their pediatrician. Lots of sleepless nights. Their own children (my grandkids) now going through the vax schedules. I talk. I don’t find anyone listening.

You are providing me with tools. My kids know I am concerned about Alzheimer’s as my mother died with it. I speak about aluminum often. I hope to use your data to bring up how aluminum is also in shots.

Thanks again for sharing with us your deep knowledge on the subject and the being courageous.

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Jun 15Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

In 2001 I had to get a few boosters for work. Was applying for disability by 2003. Mmr was one. The irony is, I was working in a special needs kindergarten class, most of the students were autistic. We had the ones no one else could handle. Most rewarding job I ever had. Back then it was 1 in 148 children.

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You are fortunate to see it as rewarding. In my home daycare business, I began only working "with families who choose not to vaccinate." The stress was too much for empathic/educated me, whenever a parent would tell me they were going to take their child to a 'well-baby' doctor appt (marketing term for get 'em in the door and inject 'em)! Liability is a risk as well. Encephalopathy from vaccines is sometimes labeled as shaken-baby syndrome, and the nearest adult is charged with child abuse.

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I know . Sid’s , shaken baby. All related. . But at least I was helping the non verbal children communicate , that was rewarding. At the time I thought that the research would show vaccines. Instead the organization were rerouted to study genetic links.

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Thanks for providing child care to that population as long as you could. Sorry it caused stress. So many things are backwards in our society.

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Annual flu shots driving egg or ovalbumin food allergies would also make sense in this context.

Even as a resident who didn’t know about the overt dangers of vaccines (yet), I questioned one of our residency attendings why we were administering vaccines to infants whose immune systems had not completed development or reached maturity yet. 🙋🏻‍♀️ I was told we were “getting parents in the habit of bringing in their kiddos for their scheduled well-baby checks”. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I asked how the thymus interpreted this invasion of “foreign invaders” while it was still undergoing self vs non-self education. 🙋🏻‍♀️ “Idk” was the answer. 🤷🏻‍♀️ “Shouldn’t we know that before enacting population-wide medical administration policies on infants?” was the followup question. 🙋🏻‍♀️ I don’t recall getting any answer to that inquiry at all 😑 Now that I understand how much money is generated for medical practices that administer these dangerous chemicals, I see how this all evolved into the destructive machine it is today. Makes me incredibly grateful to have avoided any work in my career that required giving them. No regrets in my choices now other than having gotten them up until stopping 11 ya

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Development of infants' immune systems may not be as incomplete as you and Jack Stockwell claim. Hep-B (well, maybe the aluminum adjuvant it contained), injected on day of birth, gave my adopted son an allergy to milk protein (in the formula they fed him). That caused congestion, no breathing, and almost SIDS until we took him entirely off milk protein. It's not just later DTaP or MMR.

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A complete/mature immune system means the “education” process by the thymus is done. The immune system has basic function at birth, it is just less precise.

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Thanks. You'd better tell Jack. He claims infants can't make any antibodies at all until they're at least 6 months old.

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Jun 15Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

Excellent explanation. So many injured.

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Jun 16Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

I have bought your book and am excited reading it already in chapter 3. I am a doctor's child and am disgusted with them since convid and that's when I actually started eading listening, and realised why my daughter changed after her 2 Gardasil injectables, I had also given my son one after listening to Pr Didier Raoult and he was saved from the second by my husband who told me, 'you're dead set against the convid jab, don't you know the Gardasil one is very dangerous?', Then I researched it and also all jabs thanks to heroes like Dr Andrew Wakefiled and I understood with hindsight why my child changed. I would give ten years of my life at least to go back, but alas we cannot go back in time. I thank you for your answer on it being suffcient that my daughter drink Volvic a few weeks ago, and decided it was urgent I read your book to be educated on how to prevent further contamination. Needless to say none of us will have any needles in our arms. I am also relentllessly speaking against jabs and trying to make my children understand that when they have kids it should be zero stabs. They get fed up because they want to be part of the mainstream, but I am reading and will leave for them these books so that when they have more self-confidence , they will do all to avoid poisoning their kids. I do hope that by them the entire world will have awakened to the pharma lies and evil. Thank you to people like you who have chosen to lose money rather than lie. God bless you and protect you and your loved ones.

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Thank you

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No wonder there are so many food allergies now! Aluminum is in many foods (root vegetables) and meds!

If the gut is too alkaline (on acid reducing meds) or acid production is otherwise poor, aluminum is easily absorbed from the diet. If the gut is acidic as God designed it, Aluminum is in its poorly absorbed state and leaves the body in the stool. This situation could easily promote food allergies/sensitivites/intolerances. Also makes me wonder if this is the cause behind the explosion of EOE cases we have been seeing in the past 20 years.

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Infants and children are on acid reducing meds?

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Yes, many are on pepcid for reflux or excessive spitting up. Tragically, we are finding the pH of stool in newborns and infants has pathologically increased over the last 75+yrs, becoming more alkaline (still acidic at 6.0 but less than the 5.0 that is normal). LES becomes flaccid as gut pH becomes more alkaline, allowing reflux of stomach contents into the poorly equipped esophagus. Not good.

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Aluminum is in root vegetables? Wonder where I can learn more about that?

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I am not sure which vegetables are referred to. I am not aware of root vegetables being a significant source of dietary aluminium.

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Thank you very much Chris for taking your time to continue to explain Al toxicity to everyone. It’s always interesting and it always makes you think. We miss you!

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Merci Guillemette and thank you for continuing to take the fight to them at the bench. We need you.

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Thank you Professor Exley and Doctor Crepeaux for your incredibly important work.

You two should consider doing a monthly "The Alu Corner" podcast, where you discuss your research fields. You could take questions from the comment section here.

To the subscribers of Dr Exleys Substack: Give this comment a "Like" if you think this is a great idea!

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Jun 16Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

Your book changed so much in my life about certain habits and what I consume. I’m 62 and hoping for a long,healthy, cognitive life. I drink silica rich water daily, nothing out of aluminum cans, don’t use aluminum foil and eat organic, low inflammation foods with lots of animal products. Thank you so much Chris . You are worthy of this quote by James Thorp, “Telling the truth is my obligation as a physician. I will never compromise my ethics in order to protect the financial interests of any corporation “

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Thank you

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Jun 16Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

Thank you for doing what you do. xo

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Thank you for everything Dr. Exley!!

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Jun 15Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

Interesting and important information. Has the mechanism of releasing stores of Al in the body from vaccine adjuvants been physically demonstrated in the lab or is mechanism based on basic scientific knowledge?

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If you are asking if there are studies that confirm the mechanism I describe then the answer is no. However, all fundamental points supporting the mechanism have been tested experimentally. Did I answer your question? Read my book for more insight.

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Yes that was my question, thank you. Of course no one will fund such a study for the same reason properly design studies are not funded for many other products. The ones that do get funded seem to be designed to get the result the funder's desire. I have your book, not finished yet.

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Watch Trace Amounts documentary about mercury in a tetanus vaccine given to a 29 yr old male, and his self-awareness of its impact. 👍👍👍 https://vimeo.com/427406856

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

I deeply appreciate your courageous perseverance in publishing and speaking about this information, Dr. Exley. Thank you so much for doing it. I recently read your book with fascination and horror, but not surprise, as I've come to know the ugly truth about pharma's lies and obfuscation through copious reading in the past four years. My mother died at 92 after a decade of what seemed like progressive Alzheimer's, and every year she got a flu shot, along with various others they recommend for the elderly, most of which seem to contain aluminium. And I wonder if some of her many medications might also have had it. My 93-year-old father has been debilitated by what they are calling Parkinson's, but his symptoms don't really improve with the levodopa, so I question that diagnosis (and he has no tremors at all). After his last flu shot (and, I fear, Covid booster) -- which I and my sister begged him not to get -- his symptoms have gotten markedly worse, along with accelerated cognitive decline. It's like watching a slow train wreck and feeling powerless to stop it. I have wondered if there is any possibility that chelation therapy, such as the desferrioxamine you mention below, might have a positive effect on him or others who are already quite ill with the effects of heavy metals. And if so, how does one find a trustworthy practitioner to provide this? I have wondered the same thing for myself, since I had the normal childhood vaccines (although far fewer than what they inflict on today's poor kids, since I'm 65), a scattered handful of flu shots, and even a DTaP about six years ago before I started to learn the truth about all of this. I do drink the mineral water with silica, but if I understand you correctly, that does not draw out stores of aluminium that have already accumulated in the brain. Finally, is there a reliable resource somewhere that lists the adjuvants in specific vaccines/inoculations as well as medications? Are manufacturers legally required to provide this information?

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Regular drinking of a silicon-rich mineral water will lower the body burden of aluminium including the removal of aluminium from the brain. Lost neurones cannot be replaced but further damage to the brain can be slowed or even prevented.

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Thanks for clarifying that -- encouraging to know.

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Jun 16Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

Thank you Dr. Exley for educating us on aluminum. I am planning to read your book a second time, since the first time the information was new and stunning, and I likely missed quite a bit.

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I have read it several times myself!

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Jun 17Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

It is terrifying to know that Aluminum adjuvants are used in vaccines.

1. Are there any non-aluminum adjuvants?

2. If so, any idea *how* to be sure that injections that are *required* to visit some countries… and for updates… are Aluminum-free?

BTW… I am still on the daily ORTHOSILICIC Acid (OSA) regimen using Fiji water. A liter a day. Three plus years.

Had my annual physical today. Interestingly, the MD, a Phi Beta Kappa member, did not even *mention* the fact that my Alzheimer’s… that he had participated in diagnosing… is no longer present! 😇 He didn’t appear to notice, and didn’t bother to have me take the MMSE test!

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i didnt understand most of this review of adjuvants: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41573-021-00163-y

but it is clear there are many of them now and being considered.

I guess you would have to look up the jabs they want to give you to find specific ingredients. Secondly you might want to check whether the jurisdiction in question applies the Good Manufacturing Practices standard that was dropped for the Covid products (which ensure consistent batch quality, listed contents, storage procedures etc).

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Are antibodies to entities as small as aluminum ions (despite its intense charge) even possible?

Should you republish your book, you might want to add an exposition of aluminum's atomic orbitals (same as silicon's, phosphorus', sulfur's, and chlorine's, but different charge distribution) and how those affect the rest of the story. I'm sure you could do a Mr Tompkins emulation!

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Yes, at least several experiments have demonstrated such. Read my book for the details.

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I did, but didn't memorize it. Even then, the references are difficult to deal with unless one read it in a medical library.

Aluminum is clearly an adjuvant, etc., but how is it a direct antigen? The ion can't possibly ligate to more than 2 or 3 amino acid residues.

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Look up the research from Beka Solomon's group in Tel Aviv, Israel. They were the first to demonstrate antibodies against aluminium.

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Aggregate, bound to, reacted with, complex... Is this a difference of opinion regarding semantics? You gotta get those immunogens and a reaction to them somehow! BSA (bovine serum albumin) binds directly to aluminium ion. I missed how free, non-proteinic aluminium relate. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0162013497100137

(That horrid Boy Scouts of America (BSA)! Upped my exposure to vaccines and their aluminum adjuvants, and during spring tree pollen season at that.)

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When I was taught immunology at university in the early 80s it was believed that only proteins were antigens/allergens. Science today tells us otherwise.

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Alpha-gal, sure. But a monoatomic ion? Reminds me of the myth of "iodine allergy".

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Dr Exley I’ve just found your Substack as I’ve begun researching Al toxicity. (I’ve been aware since 1990 of the toxicity of vaccines and never had my children vaccinated.) I’m interested in your thoughts on this article ... https://open.substack.com/pub/elizabethnickson/p/geo-engineering-is-the-most-dangerous

The reason I’ve begun to research again is that myself and others in my locality have experienced episodes recently that had the appearance of some ‘virus’ but to me (with a lifetime’s susceptibility to respiratory viruses and hence great familiarity) felt more like acute poisoning events. The symptom progression was not typical of a virus and neither were the symptoms. The symptoms were, in fact, exactly what I experienced during ‘CoViD’. So it has got me thinking big time ...

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Thanks for subscribing. I have made many comments on this substack on the subject of geoengineering and I also wrote about it in my recent book. I trust that you will excuse me not repeating myself again here.

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Ah I did a brief scan of your posts and didn’t see anything. I’ll take a closer look. Thank you.

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I should add that I live in a context that provides a reasonable level of control of other variables. I live in an isolated, sparsely-populated rural area where I have my own water supply and grow most of my own food. I rarely visit locations with many people and spend most of my days working on my land. We do, however, experience a large amount of ‘weather modification’. My latest bout of illness came a few days after one of the worst ever days of particulate emissions I’ve ever seen. My symptoms all conform to the range of symptoms aluminium is capable of eliciting.

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