“I have certain rules I live by. My first rule: I don’t believe anything the government tells me. Sooner or later the people in this country are going to realize: the government does not give a fuck about them. The government doesn’t care about you, or your children, or your rights, or your welfare, or your safety. It simply doesn’t give a fuck about you. It’s interested in its own power. That’s the only thing keeping it and expanding it wherever possible.”

George Carlin

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It took me to reach the ripe old age of 63 before I learned this. Hats off to George Carlin, a man way ahead of his time.

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Wrong. They are not indifferent; they are trying to kill us.

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Well, I think he was being charitable:)

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Christopher Bryson's book The Fluoride Deception woke me up in 2014, fIollowing a devastating vaccine injury that stole my short term memory and attempted to send me down the path to dementia. I managed to detox and radically change my life; but the aluminum connection in the poison shots was something that I knew was key to innerstand the damage. My research organically brought me to find you, Dr. Exely.....and even a decade ago, I was forced to use alternative search engines beyond the google-based censorship platforms to find and download your numerous published studies about aluminum and its destruction of the brain. I still have these copies saved on several carefully preserved flash drives. I haven't stopped digging into the subject. The connection between the chemically-produced fluoride that is used to mass poison entire populations in America and its amplification of aluminum's harm to the kidneys (among other things) was a huge revelation for nephrologist Dr. Suzanne Humphreys. The message has been echoed by many in inner city dialysis trenches over the years, as clinics with fluoridated water see accelerated health decline in those they serve. - Chemical fluoride is in the water supply that is the base for numerous food products and drinks that people are buying and consuming from the grocery store. It is in the water that the businesses provide for their employees. And now, thanks to the criminals that we have allowed to remain in power in "government", it is in the majority of public water supplies of towns all across the country, where a massive, silent campaign went on in 2021 to get it installed without disclosure to the public. - The damage to health that this chemical waste product causes is insidious, and with all the aluminum that has been deliberately injected and sprayed into the bodies of humans and into the environment, it is growing by leaps and bounds. During the two-decades span of time that I held an EMS cert, during which time I assisted the director of the EMS training program at our local college...... dialysis clinics were few and far between. Now, just in the Springfield, Mass...which is the largest city in Western Mass and right next door to me.....there are some neighborhoods there with more than one dialysis clinic. No doubt this is just a coincidence! Fluoride bioaccumulates in bones, making them very heavy and dense...yet fragile. Osteoporosis, anyone? The death cult of allopathic medicine is "baffled", as usual. It's high priests couldn't find their own asses with two hands if they were trying.....and the majority of ethical, thinking people in medicine who might actually care enough to attempt to get to the bottom of the carnage have mostly been excommunicated from the cult with the covidcon.

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Crikey, reading about Camelford here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camelford_water_pollution_incident

And the cover-up.

We are in such dire straits with the terrible governments we have which are working against the best interests of the people.

And now we’re seeing it writ large with the Covid debacle cover-up, although I hope Covid is the straw that breaks the camel’s back.

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Be careful with Wiki, did you see what 'they' write about me!

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Yes indeed Christopher, I’m usually careful of Wiki, but that quick overview looked compelling.

And yes ‘they’ are not to be trusted, and have aimed to suppress dissent.

Just checked the page about you - not that awful…and it’s becoming rather fashionable to be ‘anti-vax’…

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I can usually spot right away when one of their ‘editors’ has been doing its dirty work. Generally, ancient history and subjects that are not particularly relevant or exigent to their evil agenda are left alone. Anything, however, that can thwart their death squad agenda is being “edited”.

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Interesting that you wrote "well established science that demonstrates that fluoride in the diet significantly increases the absorption of dietary aluminium from the gastrointestinal tract. It is exposure to aluminium that is lowering the IQ of our children, not exposure to fluoride."

You know, I did not know that dietary fluoride increases the absorption of aluminium. Thankyou for that insight!

We prefer tank water anyway. And if we can't get it, we filter the water a lot! Honestly, it's the chlorination of water that my body seems to hate more than any fluoridation. Drinking bleach, however diluted, is not my idea of 'clean' or 'fresh' water...!

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Jan 15, 2024Edited
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I actually fill up our filtered water and put them in (IKEA) glass jars and leave them on the countertop, too! I always find tap water, even filtered, tastes better when left to sit and air for a while. Same with the water glass overnight.

Can't wait to finish building our house on our property so we can enjoy proper tank water again!!

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Jan 15, 2024
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OK, super long reply to short Qs! :-D

We are renting a place whilst we build our house on our property, and we have x2 carbon filters (that are rated for chlorine, lead & fluoride removal) under the kitchen sink. It's just town water, unfortunately! I drink the filtered water (after I put it in glass jars).

We will have 100,000L of H20 in our water tanks on our property by the time we move in there! We will still use filters for our tank water once we're in, like we did on our last property: a whole house filter (20 micron sediment) first, then x2 filters under the kitchen sink (carbon & sediment) for our drinking water.

Currently we also use filters on our shower heads as well! No need for that once we're on home tank (rain) water, though, as it will be lovely rain water that has been through the whole house filter first.

I loved the water at our last place. We'd had the water tanks cleaned out multiple times (it's gross what accumulates down the bottom of those after many years!), we got a new roof installed (so no nasties from what was probably old lead paint!) and we had a few filters as well. The water was divine. The nicest water I've ever drunk, in fact! When the previous owners gave us some water to try, there were little rocks in the bottom of the glass! Now I don't mind some rocky/sandy filtration, but if little rocks are getting in the water supply, what else is?!

One of the first things we did was get the water tanks cleaned out when we moved in. And we got another one installed and had all 3 connected together so we could use all 3 to draw from! The new roof made a difference, too, and yes, we got the water tanks cleaned out again after we got the new roof!

And we did have to get water delivered once or twice during the drought. But town water is better than no water! The delivered water was actually Canberra water, which is not too bad, generally (I'm in Australia).

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We live on the side of a small mountain with a stream and there are wild deer here. These deer are not vaccinated or drugged. They live and die here. They get all their food and water from the mountain which is large inaccessible to humans and is wild. When I went to get water last night I startled one and it bounded into the undergrowth. It was completely healthy. I agree with you about the undesirability of all forms of mass medication. Good health is life and no drugs are needed to somehow ''improve'' upon it. Thanks for your posts.

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Sounds idyllic.

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Very good writing, which laid the point out well...You connected the dots in an easily understandable way...I'm not a scientist, but easily understood it...What a significant point!...Hopefully other voices (authors, commentators) will remark on this and echo it...Thank you for your hard work!

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The Wiki article about Camelford is actually fairly accurate, although there is a great deal more that needs to come out. A major TV documentary was due to be filmed right at the start of the Covid incident , and was suddenly abandoned at the last moment, despite everything having been arranged. No explanation was ever provided.

As far as the fluoridation pseudoscience fiasco is concerned, you may like to read an article on how the public health sector has been diverted away from true science and has become utterly political.

( the article is at https://www.researchgate.net/publication/303911129_An_unhealthy_obsession_with_fluoride)

It was written nine years ago, but its relevance to the way that true science has been subverted by vested interests is frighteningly relevant today. It reveals how the deliberate application of psychological manipulation originated and has now taken hold in virtually every field of science.

And, in context, also it explains why it is no use attempting to rely on scientific arguments in trying to deal with the claims of the obsessed proponents of water fluoridation. But there is hope still – but not, sadly - through the application of scientific research. To succeed it is necessary to apply 'out-of-the-box' approaches, because the pseudoscientists that you are opposed to can't handle that!

For example , here in the UK, some years ago. I pointed out that fluoridated toothpaste is a cosmetic product, and making any medical claims for any cosmetic product is illegal. Shortly afterwards, the government was forced to change ('fix') the Cosmetic Regulations to allow fluoride to be continued to be added to such toothpastes provided that the manufacturers did not make any claim that it prevented prevented dental decay. The result? Just watch any TV ad carefully, and you'll realize that there is never now any mention of fluoride. The same prohibition, which prohibits any medicinal claim for a food or food product ingredient, also applies to drinking water. I suspect that this is why the UK government is still having so much difficulty pushing forward the any new fluoridation schemes in Britain.

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"I am wholly against all forms of (unnatural) mass medication. " -as am I..

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My allopathic daughter likes to take my grand urchins to the dentist for fluoride varnish application. I checked wikipedia. There was NO safety testing data in that whole section. So far I did not find it anywhere else. Is it considered cosmetic and therefore not worthy of safety testing?

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Horrendous. I am also horrified that dentists recommend that you do not rinse your mouth after brushing with a fluoride toothpaste. You should rinse thoroughly to ensure that no toothpaste passes to your gut.

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Bicarbonate of soda is fine as a toothpaste.

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Does anyone have any information on our rights to stop paying our water bill based on this information?

There must be something we can do to make a physical stand. I simply can't sit by and allow this to happen to my children anymore.

Obviously we all now drink volvic/spritzer water. But that's not the point. They must be stopped.

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Leaving all the science aside, it simply does not make any logical sense to swallow a litre or two of fluoridated water a day for the purpose of (allegedly) helping your teeth. If the government wanted to promote fluoride teeth treatment, they should have promoted the daily swishing of it around in your mouth and then spitting it out.

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I wrote one of our city councilmen about another matter (the chemtrails which have increased exponentially over my house the last few years here in Texas). I picked this man because I knew that last year he brought the water fluoridation issue before the council and made a motion to stop putting fluoride into the city's water. He seemed the most likely of the council to take the chemtrails seriously.

He wrote me back to say that he did indeed motion to have the council take de-fluoridation under consideration but that the Dental Association lobbied the council and the motion was tabled. So, I take that to mean that the Dental Ass here is being paid off by the aluminum or fluoride industries or both.

He also went on to tell me that what I am seeing in the skies are condensation trails. I wrote him back and told him I have further information and pictures if he was interested. Silence. Heaven help us.

I am very grateful you keep fighting the good fight. You inspire me, Dr. Exley. So I am going all the way to the top on chemtrails because I want to know WHAT they dumping in the sky and on exactly WHOSE authority are they doing so. You are seriously a hero!

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Even though you say that fluoride is not in large enough amounts to effect the brain by itself, it can compete with iodine and iodine as far as I know is the weaker of the two elements, gets displaced and not available to the thyroid and other tissues that need it. We have a epidemic of thyroid disease in Western countries, including me who is effected. I do not have any autoimmune thyroid antibodies, so it is not that. Just the thyroid doesn't work very well. Also our water is not only fluoridated but has aluminium in it as well. Such a wonderful combination and no wonder there is now an epidemic of dementia type illnesses. As someone else mentioned, the government is not to e trusted.


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There is no scientific evidence that fluoride can replace or substitute for iodide with respect to the function of the thyroid. Aluminium, on the other hand does impact upon thyroid function, first shown in studies on fish.

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It is my understanding that fluoride is one of the halogens that competes with iodine--I think bromide is the other one--and that impacts the thyroid. If the thyroid is not getting the iodine it needs it will not work as well. I am on meds for it, too :(

If it is the aluminum effing up my thyroid too, I am going to be SUPER pissed!

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I have a funny corollary to "the elephant in the room..." -- that elephant died a long time ago and it's blocking the door!

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Dr Chris Exley, I drink Fiji water everyday,

But it does have fluoride in it.

Is it possible that it is a “natural” fluoride from the Fiji volcano


it is different then the fluoride in my tap water (which I believe is a powder added to the water, and the powder is a waste product from a manufacturing process)

Do you know?

Perhaps I should look for another brand of water that contains silicate.

As always, thank you for sharing your knowledge with me.

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Fluoride is fluoride just as aluminium is aluminium. As in everything in life it is all about getting the right balance. Personally I would not worry about the low content of fluoride in Fiji Water. The high levels of silicic acid in Fiji Water will negate any possible health effects of the fluoride.

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Dr. Exley, do you have any recommendations for home-based removal of fluoride from municipal tap water? This is trickier than I thought because most fluoride removal also involves the removal of all other helpful minerals from water, and many fluoride filters do so with activated alumina, which I learned about from reading comments from your other readers in previous posts. Maybe other readers who take this topic as seriously could chime in on how they were successful.

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Probably reverse osmosis is the least invasive option.

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