That's a brilliant review. Catherine Austin Fitts is a force of nature.

I do love it when all my favourite people discover each other.

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A very fine review and well deserved. I hope it stimulates more book sales.

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Just bought the book and I'll make it the subject of my next Liberty Book Club meeting (in October)! They have censorship, tracking, AI, etc. on their side...We have strong human hearts and souls on ours. I'd much rather be us!...

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Wow! Book reviews don’t get much better than this! You so deserve the accolades and praise, Dr. Exley. I’m going to buy the book now.

(Over the years I’ve given folders of research articles to some of my doctors to help them understand the dangers of the adjuvants and other excipients in vaccines. I always included one of your articles.)

Many blessings to you.

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When I tell my “regular” and “Alzheimer’s” MDs about the Aluminum research, I get either silence or a dismissive comment like “Aluminum theory was dismissed years ago!”

But, none of them can explain how... without taking any “approved” Alzheimer’s drugs... my MMSE 30 point score has gone... in 3 years... from the low 20s to HIGH NORMAL.😇

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I just ordered your book. I notice in that review they mention something about aluminum propellants. Does that include fire accelerants? I live near land that once belonged to a military base. They at times (over local opposition) have conducted controlled burns to eliminate unexploded ordinance. I was reading some old news about a controlled burn from a few years ago and was horrified to note they were using something like aluminum gel to start the fires!

So not only were they burning old explosives which produces dioxin, but they were haphazardly dumping aluminum substances to do it. I imagine that some of it gets taken up in the smoke and liberally dispersed around the entire region. The soil here was already contaminated with forever chemicals from fire retardant foam and other debacles of US military environmental malfeasance, too.

According to the media, I am supposed to worry about a trace gas that plants breathe and completely ignore the soil and groundwater being contaminated with ultra toxic substances that we haven't the slightest idea how to remove. And pay no mind to the toxic metals they want to inject us all and particularly our babies with!

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Yes, aluminium is used as an accelerant and it is also used in fire extinguishers. The Aluminium Age, enjoy the book.

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Great news, and congratulations!

I *literally* owe you... and other researchers that identified the deadliness of Aluminum... my life.

3 years ago, at age 80, I was diagnosed by both “regular” and “Alzheimer’s” MDs with “beginning” Alzheimer’s.

My MMSE... the 30 question diagnostic tool used to screen for Alzheimer’s... was in the low 20s.

This means (meant) that I was in the beginning... and supposedly irreversible... stages of Alzheimer’s.

In my first “overnighter” since University, I devoured your book. Alzheimer’s, you I learned is *caused* by Aluminum.

Further research led me to understand that *few* chemicals can dissolve bodily Aluminum *and* are *also* biologically safe. One of those is OSA... short for (by memory) Orthosalycylic Acid. This *human-safe* ingredient is found in many natural spring waters that are marketed worldwide. The second-highest is available OTC worldwide... Fiji Water.

The now-dissolved Aluminum can be eliminated via urine and perspiration.

I began a liter/quart a day regimen of FIJI WATER. Every day. No excuse.

On my 2 most recent MD-administered MMSE tests, I scored 28 and 29! HIGH NORMAL!

At age 82, going on 83 next week, I can still drive (safely). All my usual tasks are normal. I even published an action - adventure novel ... CEDAR ROSES , on Kindle! (Not *quite* brave enough to “renew” my private pilot’s license.)

Summary... Alzheimer’s disease is deadly if untreated. OSA water... like Fiji water... can safely dissolve bodily Aluminum. The now-dissolved aluminum can now be eliminated via peepee and perspiration.

DISCLOSURE I have NO financial arrangements with Fiji Water or any other similar companies. BUT my wife of 30+ years was born there and is now a US citizen.

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What a wonderful testimony, and congratulations on your incredible improvement!

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Thanks for the congratulations!

Without the diligent research and publications of others, and especially from Laurie and Dr. ExIey, I am sure that, by now, I would be dead. 🤢

Or, perhaps, even worse, I would be in a vegetative state!

But, I was obstinate enough to ask all my “conventional” MD practitioners a simple question...

“What percentage of your patients have either partially or fully recovered from Alzheimer’s?”

I never got a responsive answer!

So... I started looking online for answers, and learned two pieces of important information.

1. Post Mortem analysis of deceased Alzheimer’s-afflicted brains always showed that they were *loaded with Aluminum!

2. OSA water, like Fiji Water, is one of a handful of natural waters that contain a *human-safe* substance... OSA... that can dissolve bodily Aluminum so it can be expelled from the body via pee-pee and perspiration.

For the last three years, I have drunk a liter/quart of Fiji water every day.

For the last 2 years, the Alzheimer’s MD-administered MMSE has been *high normal.*

Am I *CURED* of Alzheimer’s? I dunno!

Ask me in a couple of years.

At age 83, I am busy packing to go to Holy Land and see the Pyramids in Egypt!

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Awesome trip you have planned there. It's so encouraging to hear of stories like yours with improvement in brain function!

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Congratulations! To spread the good word about aluminium even further, you could consider subscribing and participating in other Substack's, such as the ones listed below. The network effect is a very strong force multiplier:

- https://jeffereyjaxen.substack.com/

- https://maryannedemasi.substack.com/

- https://robertfkennedyjr.substack.com/

- https://kirschsubstack.com/

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Great idea. Start commenting Chris. People love reading the comments, often more than the actual article.

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I forgot to include Dr. Tess Lawrie. She just did an interview with Prof. Brian Hooker, Ph.D., about his and RFK Jr's new book "Vax-Unvax" about childhood vaccines and aluminium.

You could have contributed valuable information about aluminium, and why it's toxic.

- https://drtesslawrie.substack.com/

- https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/multimedia/brian-hooker-vax-unvax/

- https://www.skyhorsepublishing.com/9781510766969/vax-unvax/

- https://rumble.com/v3d3fom-vax-unvax-let-the-science-speak-with-prof-brian-hooker-ph.d..html

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I am a subscriber to Solari Report and love her insight and foresight. I also bought and read your book when it came out and it changed many ways in which I go about my day. I don’t use aluminum foil, I don’t drink out of aluminum cans and I’m much more aware of all the hidden and unobtrusive ways aluminum is in our everyday life and I avoid it as much I can. As I tell my family, if you don’t even TRY to stay away from aluminum, glyphosate, pesticides and processed foods, you are surely doomed. This is a great article to remind me of what I wanted to do after I read your book; I am going to buy multiple copies to pass out during the Holidays. Cheers to you Chris, and thank you for being a warrior. You have made a difference.

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Exceptional review that is thorough and true to your book.

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I just sent it to someone with a popular blog suggesting they re-post it (with whatever permission is necessary). Hopefully your other Substack readers will think of their favorite bloggers to send it too as well, as a suggested post. I've said it before and I'll say it again - You are a hero!

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Your book is high on the list - thanks for writing it

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Great review, thanks Catherine and Carolyn for recognising greatness. Thanks to you Chris, in our house we use Volvic exclusively and have banned all the usual aluminium-containing articles such as pans, pots, cans, foil, etc. Anywhere we can eliminate it, we do. When I win the Lotto, you're getting a good chunk of it because I long to see unrestricted and deep research carried out on this unique metal.

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Ahhh! At last! Absolutely elated for you that more people are discovering your critically important work. My oldest son is vaccine injured and we have recovered him from mild autism and autoimmune disease through detoxing. So glad that others are beginning to realize the harm that toxins are doing to human health! We drink Fiji water daily and do many other methods of detox, all of which have helped us turn our health around. Thank you for all of your excellent work Dr. Exley!

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Wow! My goodness that is certainly far beyond “just a review” and it is so very well deserved. I pray your incredible and selfless ripples reach further and further day by day 😊🙏

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Incredible review and well deserved.

If I recall at the time was there covid timing or delay to amazon or publication date change or something.

It certainly seems like your publishers failed you for some inexplicable reason (that’s probably VERY explicable), but maybe the above glitches played a part.

You’ve reminded me to get it for a pal for Christmas, getting v concerned about Alzheimer’s after a parent had it since passed and who I’d like to become open to the other topics you table.

It may yet by a stealth and steller reviews like Catherine’s find it’s bigger deserved platform.

We should all do lists on our social for Christmas books and this as #1 !

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While not wishing to minimize the dangers of Thimerasol (mercury vaxxine preservative), I always thought the emphasis upon it as the causative agent in autism a "Look over here, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain" deflection to turn attention away from the aluminum hydroxide in vaxxines.

Aluminum hydroxide (injected) is used to study diabetes in lab animals as it destroys the Islets of Langerhans in the pancreas. Ever wonder why childhood diabetes is so rampant?

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Funny you should mention diabetes. Watch this space.

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I shall do so. Thank you for bringing this subject to a larger audience.

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