Can I say “amen” 1,000 times? I’ve decided my mission is to convince people that autism is an injury, not a “difference,” not a magical gene that gets passed down (as I’ve recently seen a TV show try to portray) through the ages, and most certainly not a super power or a gift. Yes, some beautiful things can arise from autistic people, but you can also kick over a paint can and accidentally create a beautiful painting. Doesn’t mean the paint can should have been kicked over.

I have two autistic boys and maybe we’re lucky that their damage is obvious - so people don’t blame me for crusading on the autism-is-an-injury front. We have done a lot to help heal them, but they will never be fully healed or returned to a baseline of functioning. I have more or less come to peace with that, but am angry that the genesis of this disease continues to be batted around and obscured because of political and financial interests. There’s a special place in hell for anyone who watches autistic kids suffer like this, and watch their families get pilloried for trying to heal them, while continuing to make money or gain influence or even obscure the real source of the disease.

And we need to mention that a good portion of the transgender issue arises from undiagnosed autism, as well. If that doesn’t get our attention at the suffering of this generation, what will?

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Can you point to some studies/data on a causal relationship between autism and transgenderism?

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No, sorry, I am Mr Aluminium.

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You are a hero. Some of us are listening and are trying to call attention to the important things you are saying. Thank you!

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What makes it even more infuriating is its not like Mothers aren't paying attention to every little thing that goes into their babies. They cut out caffeine, and deli meats, and alcohol, and tell relatives to stay away for the first 6months or year. Then painstakingly introduce elements to a babies diet one solid food at a time. And in the backdoor of vaccination enters a whole host of random scientific experiments. It is painful and sad.

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This "rant" is going to shared to The Highwire community immediately. It just flat makes me crazy that the taxpayers are being robbed and much of the research, as you say, is being directed toward keeping the geese laying those golden eggs. So frustrating!!

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In my previous job with a mental healthcare charity, I actually created a basic introductory e-learning module on autism, and at that point was totally suckered in by all the nonsense about it just being another area on the rainbow of neurodiversity, with no known cause. I studied a number of books and online resources before creating the module, and aimed to put across a positive spin on the disease, for instance by including short bios of high-achieving celebrities on the spectrum, and interactive slides to encourage understanding of how it might feel to be under- or over-sensitive to certain environments.

Of course nowhere did I find any mention of aluminium, vaccines or the plethora of other factors which have accompanied the explosion in the rates of autism. Anyway, it remains a healthy business stream for that institution, which built an enormous specialist facility for young patients with the most challenging behaviours due to the disease. And during Covid the executive were very proud that the main site in Northampton was given the status of 'mass vaccination centre'. So glad I don't work there any more.

I hope to make up for that ignorance by sharing knowledge such as is found here, although people are so sensitised to the topic, I have to drip feed the truth to those around me. It took me long enough to realize, even though my own children, now adults, and my twin sister, have all had profound mental health issues which in retrospect seem very likely to have been exacerbated by immunisations. At least I woke up in time to help some of us avoid the latest round of 'safe and effective'.

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welcomed this rant.

truth and facts, even when considered inconvenient truths, are still a sight too rare

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Bravo on standing for the truth.

I'm sensing more and more that the fraud of modern medicine is being exposed.

Genetics has not delivered on its promises and gives medicine an excuse to ignore other factors, like aluminum.

It's as hocus pocus as witchcraft lol.


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This is not a rant! 😁 Thank You for the true facts ,scientifically and politically.👏🏻👏🏻

History will laud you,and you have probably already saved many young lives being ruined by your published research.

Many people read it and can see your honesty integrity and unique brilliance shine through.They listen/ read,and act, based on your research and you have spurred onwards a new generation of scientists to expand your studies.

I am drinking Fiji water every day,thanks to you.I inform everyone about you and your work and your persecution by Big Pharma.I am sure Many Substack readers and publishers do the same.

Many of us would never have heard of you if you were still in a lab in Keele University....their loss is humanities gain.

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Our new puppy had a 5 in 1 vaccine before we got her and could put a stop to it, and very young to boot. She had a definite vaccinosis reaction, known to vets as Puppy Strangles. One vet told us she would suffer from permanent neurological damage and be untrainable. Eye and ear infections, nodular lymph nodes on the head. Along with homeopathy and veterinary acupuncture and Chinese herbs, we used the Fiji water for months to help reduce her aluminum load. She is now a very healthy, smart and energetic 2 year old.

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Good news. We always make sure that the vaccines given to our cat are aluminium free.

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Well ranted Dr Exley!


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Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you,

<3 <3 <3

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Great rant by you, Dr. Exley. I agree wholeheartedly and wish that something could be done about this lack of will to find the cause and to stop this censure of anything that interferes with big pharma's wealth and others profiting from not looking into the damage that aluminium is doing to all that consume it and who get injected with it. Unfortunately anyone saying anything against vaccinations are viewed as conspiracy theorists, no matter who they are. Same goes for aluminium in water and other products. They simply do not want to look at it or any other environmental contaminant, because that would cost a lot of money, to clean up the environment, and companies would have to be more diligent about their manufacturing protocols. It's getting worse though, because any true research in the scientific realm seems to be sidelined because it does not fit their profit driven agenda.


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"wish that something could be done"

If you are in the US, #Kennedy24!


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Thank you for ranting.

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Keep going Dr Exley. If we cannot rant about this, what can we rant about?

Stick to the issue like a terrier with a rabbit in its jaws!

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Or a squirrel!!

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I prefer we say rabbit.

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It shouldn't be insurmountable to identify many of the toxicants causing autism. Patterson's group at Caltech proved that maternal exposure to anything raising IL6 produce offspring with autistic features. Blocking the IL-6 production in the exposed mice resulted in normal offspring. Al raises IL-6, (as does glyphosate) and I would think it would be possible to show that early exposure to a toxicant that raises IL-6 could produce regressive autism.

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No, not harsh at all! Yes! You are spot on. But all medical charities are like that, including the cancer ones. What industry does so well is to guide research away from what is not in their interests. If research gets too close to the bone, they take other more direct measures.

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AWESOME RANT! You need to do more of these! THANK YOU!

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