Gregory Poland is completely insane in my view. This is the guy who got tinnitus from the Covid shot, admits he got tinnitus from the Covid shot, and then still took a booster. As some one who nearly killed myself, because my tinnitus was so bad, I cannot explain this other than by sheer vaccine cultist-driven insanity.


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Nice to see you here on substack!

Yes it's really odd at how detached their reasoning is from their physical effects.

What a crazy spell to be under 🤣

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Excellent points Chris. Alosonice to hear a scientist who gives a thought to the poor monkeys used in horrific, low quality "trials".

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Thank-you Dr. Exley for your continuing heroism in enlightening an MSM-brainwashed public - - - your work is invaluable.

I pray that the day these poisons are banned is not far off - the ongoing destruction of lives and families is tragic beyond words.

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Great article as usual, Chris. This business that they do by using the aluminum as a placebo is fraudulent in my view. It cannot be viewed as a true placebo which would be saline. We know that saline is not toxic in the amounts that they would use as it is used in drips in hospitals. I think they do this because they know damned well that people will react badly to aluminum almost as much as the whole vaccine, so it looks like the vaccine is safe compared to their placebo. Unfortunately it seems that the drug industry which includes all vaccines is extremely corrupt and all they are concerned with is making money, regardless if said product causes illness or death - a la recent covid jabs.


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It’s a cult.

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Thank you for continuing to educate humanity about discerning proper science from the status quo of deliberately falsified con games in the critical area of aluminum vaccine adjuvants.

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It makes me feel safer to know that you are keeping an eye out for what others in the field are up to. And thank you for taking the time to write to the authors to hold them accountable. Blessings.

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Here is what Merck (MSD) says about the use of placebos,

However, when a placebo is given in medical practice, patients are not told they are receiving an inactive treatment. This deception is controversial. Some clinicians argue that it is prima facie (Latin for “at first view”) unethical and, if discovered, may damage the clinician-patient relationship. Others suggest that it is more unethical to not give something that may make patients feel better. Giving an active treatment solely for placebo effect may be further considered unethical because it exposes patients to actual adverse effects (as opposed to nocebo adverse effects).


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Always look at funding.

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It is blatantly obvious that stepping out into the road as cars are speeding towards you is not a good idea....and it is also blatantly obvious that injecting people with toxic metals is not a good idea. Cult-worshipping scientists are either stupid (doubt it) ....or being purposeful. Sorry, but this, too, IS blatantly obvious.

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This is real true. I believe in Dr. Christopher Exley. And here in Brazil we are alerting and raising awareness about the evil of al 13. I hope that government representatives remove this evil al13 that is in the pots and pans of innocent children's schools. I thank dr for having this opportunity to continue helping us fight against al13. Thank you for coming to Santa Maria/RS at the university. A hug and good luck for you to continue with this excellent work since 1984, because through this work we are fighting against this al13 disease. Thank you. Ass. FJane.

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Thank you, I always enjoyed my trips to Santa Maria.

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I haven't had any vaccines in over 50 years other than a tetanus shot. I am always concerned about excess exposure to metals like aluminum. I doubt there are any studies that show this substance to be healthy for the body. There aren't any studies that prove vaccines are healthy. No, the truth needs to be known about drugs and vaccines...the broken record idea does not apply.

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Thanks, great article, does anyone know of a link between aluminium in vaccines and type 1 diabetes?

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I don’t know if aluminum plays a role in Type 1 diabetes, but

Dr John McDougall’s July 2002 article describes a link to cow’s milk proteins that lead to autoimmune disease of infant pancreas:

“Bottle-fed infants show reactions to cow-milk proteins.  Increased levels of antibodies to these cow-milk proteins are found in children with type 1 diabetes.”

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Baby formula is high in aluminum according to dr Chris exley…. Very very high in aluminum….

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True, that’s why human mother’s milk is best for infants.

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Thanks for the reply I will have a look at that.

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Unbelievable. But also, this is par for the course for these people. Science is nothing but a tool for mind control at this point.

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Maybe someone ought to under the cover of looking to create a more optimal adjuvant to a study comparing aluminum adjuvant to saline solution? Or is that what that sheep study did?

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