This interview was my initial introduction to your excellent work. I remember being absolutely spellbound, as liquid zeolite (the one we used contains a high level of silicon) is the main thing that helped recover our son from vaccine injury. Such a fascinating and informative exchange. So happy that you did this interview! Thank you!
I wanted to thank you for including that video for us. I just finished watching it yesterday and I love how you explain biological processes in a way that makes total sense and easy to understand. I appreciate you!
Wow, what a great interview Dr. Exley. I hardly ever watch videos, much preferring reading but I watched this entire 90 min video. Engaging, and interesting, and informative.
It is good to finally understand there are basically two types of aluminum adjuvants(an oxide and a phosphate salt version) that have two completely different ways of migration systemically into the body and, that most of all I learned, the main culprit and concern for aluminum is not the element but rather its ion missing 3 electrons!
Thank you for the information conveyed to non-scientists in such an "easy" way. Your students here rate you an A+ prof.
Dr. Exley, I have been reading your articles for some time and I have enjoyed the immensely. With that said I have a question for you, do you believe that anything called a virus exists? I recently was made aware of the fact that no scientific evidence exists to prove the claim. If you are not familiar with Doctors Bailey and Bailey from New Zeeland, then you should be. The Baileys have shown scientifically that there is no such thing as a virus! It is a construct of fraudulent medicine, and until the computer came along to generate a model of a supposed virus, there was not even this falsity for people to view. The actual scientific method was thrown out the window. No proof of a virus exists, and yet no one has reported this. I asked Dell Bigtree and Robert Kennedy about this and why they have not mentioned this fact. I have so far not received any reply one way or the other, nothing at all in fact. Dr. Peter Mccullah claims to have a photo of a virus but has not seen fit to show said photo. I ask you, show me any evidence of this creature, and if you cannot, then tell me what you think. Make a public statement about this fact, because the people I mentioned will not touch it! I also asked Dr. Mercola the same question, and no response. Everyone in the movement has stated that the jabs are deadly, dangerous and the criminals behind it have to be stopped, but it is like stating how dangerous the sharp tip of a unicorn's horn is, when no such creature ever existed, or the clergy arguing about how many angels can stand on the head of a pin. Have you ever questioned the virus existence yourself? If not, then why not? Go take a look for the scientific evidence and get back to me please, Jack Williams.
You will forgive me if I do not have any answers for you. The reason why I spent 40 years as a scientist was not to know the truth but to know what remains to be known. The latter being a subject of infinite curiosity and, often, beauty. I remain agnostic on the subject of viruses and similarly prions as infectious entities in their own right. I may not have the time to see these unknowns become known but I am open to all good arguments and discussions. Ask me about aluminium, I know a little more than most about that.
"The reason why I spent 40 years as a scientist was not to know the truth but to know what remains to be known. The latter being a subject of infinite curiosity and, often, beauty."
I am sorry Doctor, but this is not an answer at all. I am not trying to be disrespectful, but I have to say that ignoring the real science is well unscientific! Do you have some time to go to the source of my statements? I urge you to go to Dr, Sam Baileys website and listen to the pseudoscience of virology, because this is what it is. There is no scientific proof of the existence of a virus in nature, germ theory is still just that, a theory. Terrain therapy is more scientific than the current concusses. Kocks postulates and the scientific method must be used in order for a proof, right? None exists, like Unicorns do not exist, the earth is not flat, and the military is not intelligent. Perhaps a virus exists in the intestinal tract of Unicorns! So, I am again asking you to look at the evidence of the lack of evidence. Does this not seem an important subject in the scheme of things? I mean you question the vaccine, et al. Jack.
Although I similarly would like to see scientists, doctors, discuss this conundrum it is hard to get actual discussion. They likely see this as a huge Pandora's box. Mainly so, because there are so many unknowns it is like a glob of slime that can't be nailed down. Why? I think because the virus, as defined today, is SO small it can barely be seen. Only by ultra resolving electron microscopy can it be imaged, and then, rather than looking deeper(possible only if individual atoms could be finely resolved), 3D models are offered. Such models can be made to PERFECT resolution because they are designed by computer and manifested by graphic design software allowing "magnification" and rotatable visual viewing by anyone. So, they are so REAL to both scientists and secular viewers alike, they become REAL and accepted . . . But that alone is NOT proof.
The other thing that makes discussion of this subject so hard is the demand by Bailey et al(not saying this is wrong!) to prove via complete isolation of the targeted virus and then, subsequently reproducing infection / multiplication with another, in-vitro entity. Being there are SO many additives in the cultures/ samples, isolation is obviously impossible--to both sides of the narrative. So, in essence, Bailey et al require something that really is impossible, and they know it. They insist upon it. So, how can the virus-believer side hope to have a reasonable discussion and potentially "win"; they realize they cannot.
So, here is another metaphor.
Ask astrophysicists to prove their concept, long accepted for decades, for how a black hole sucks all matter into it, or similar concept. He can use all the math in the world and it will never completely convince me(even if I could understand the math!) because I am aware it is theory and not empirical. They cannot take me back in time to the creation of any black hole and SHOW me. They cannot provide a telescope that goes back that far in distance(TIME!). There is no space vehicle available to explore one. The nearest black hole would take millions of human lifetimes to reach even if traveling at the speed of light. So the black hole astrophysicist can't prove this either! It boils down to the same basic problem.
Long story short: No win situation for proving the existence. So, why irritate scientists asking that they beat their heads against a wall.
Finally: You and I and THEY will someday know this answer.
When we graduate to the only real LIFE-- at the end of this one.
And yet they push the lab leak theory, which only promotes fear, despite it being either bunk or just another flu. 😔
Here's the reason why it's so hard to change things even with the existing theory (germ theory) is shown to be broken... Sooner or later the new generation of scientists will see, but the current generation is entrenched in the BS.
"The evolutionary psychologist William von Hippel found that humans use large parts of thinking power to navigate social world rather than perform independent analysis and decision making. For most people it is the mechanism that, in case of doubt, will prevent one from thinking what is right if, in return, it endangers one’s social status. This phenomenon occurs more strongly the higher a person’s social status. Another factor is that the more educated and more theoretically intelligent a person is, the more their brain is adept at selling them the biggest nonsense as a reasonable idea, as long as it elevates their social status. The upper educated class tends to be more inclined than ordinary people to chase some intellectual boondoggle. "
Nothing invisible with optical instruments exists. No atoms, no molecules, no electrons. All imaginary. The stars in the sky are probably a projected illusion.
Origin of the universe is a matter of imagination (Big Bang or whatever; okay, I consider the Steady State view, as well as literal 7 day creation, matters of fantasy, Noah's deluge covering the face of the entire globe and Jericho falling to marching and trumpet blasts, too).
"Million"? Heinz von Förster was unaware of the distinction between Million and Milliard? (People in the UK previously called the American "billion" a thousand million, yeah, I'm that old, and in Germany a "Milliard". Americans call their Billion a "trillion".) "Particles" are de Broglie constructs. Even your bowling ball (a really big molecule) is a wave with perhaps a kilogram mole of molecular (more if you count subatomic) subwavelets.
Not sure what your point is here Sahib! Is everything an illusion? Is evil an illusion? Do we exist at all? Where is the commentary on the subject at hand? Does a tree falling in the forest make any sound if no one hears it? Well yes it does! Animals hear as well as humans do, they not? We do not see the wind, but we know it is there because we feel it.
Well since we are talking about subjects other than the pandemic, vaccine, lab leaks, then I think we should talk about science and the scientific method. First, there is no such thing as a virus, no scientific proof at all, and yet we have been told for 75 years that they exist. Let us discuss what we actually know about the last three years. We were told s deadly virus was on its way, it will kill millions, we have to have a vaccine, it will protect you from the virus, right? No virus exists, and it has e proven. Let us discuss this, ok?
See above. Do you consider any filtratable infectious agents, such as Mollicutes, to exist at all? Enjoy your vac scenes. Only BCG, for a bacterium, seems to offer any prophylactic benefit.
WHO does not know that oral exposure to aluminium is not equal to exposure through injection. As only 0,1 % is absorbed by oral exposure. That means that WHO has an error with a factor 1000.
(quote): "The FDA analysis indicates that the body burden of aluminium following injections of aluminium-containing vaccines never exceeds safe US regulatory thresholds based on orally ingested aluminium even for low birth-weight infants. "
On the comments a little over halfway into the video about eating aluminium verses injecting it, here's another thought. There's silica in lots of foods. Maybe in the process of digestion, the silica binds out the aluminium that was in the food with it, and you get an inadvertent or natural protection from eating it that way too!
Some silica present in food will be converted to silicic acid during digestion but not much and not enough to help remove aluminium from within the body.
I wasn't thinking about aluminium already in the body, but aluminium contamination that might be present in the food at the same time of eating. Maybe it's part of the beauty of nature - that some of the silica naturally in foods sequesters some of the aluminium contamination that got in with it!
This was a wonderful interview, thank you for this. I hope you can find a university that appreciates you & your important work.
I’m so glad you do not accept the level of collateral damage that is happening & are speaking out.
This interview was my initial introduction to your excellent work. I remember being absolutely spellbound, as liquid zeolite (the one we used contains a high level of silicon) is the main thing that helped recover our son from vaccine injury. Such a fascinating and informative exchange. So happy that you did this interview! Thank you!
I thought I had watched this interview...but it appears not. Did you guys do two takes on the same day?
I have watched The Highwire one several times...its nice to know the backstory. I would never have guessed.
Thank you for your speaking out about the truth.
You are on my list to add to the large list of experts speaking out.
Yes, I did a 'live' interview and we followed that with the longer more personal interview that I have highlighted in this post.
Excellent!! hadn’t seen this one. You break complex scientific knowledge down so it is much easier to understand. Thank you Dr Exley :)
I wanted to thank you for including that video for us. I just finished watching it yesterday and I love how you explain biological processes in a way that makes total sense and easy to understand. I appreciate you!
Deeply appreciate both of you!
Thanks for sharing! I will definitely be watching this episode and sharing with both my integrative medical docs and friends.
Wow, what a great interview Dr. Exley. I hardly ever watch videos, much preferring reading but I watched this entire 90 min video. Engaging, and interesting, and informative.
It is good to finally understand there are basically two types of aluminum adjuvants(an oxide and a phosphate salt version) that have two completely different ways of migration systemically into the body and, that most of all I learned, the main culprit and concern for aluminum is not the element but rather its ion missing 3 electrons!
Thank you for the information conveyed to non-scientists in such an "easy" way. Your students here rate you an A+ prof.
Dr. Exley, I have been reading your articles for some time and I have enjoyed the immensely. With that said I have a question for you, do you believe that anything called a virus exists? I recently was made aware of the fact that no scientific evidence exists to prove the claim. If you are not familiar with Doctors Bailey and Bailey from New Zeeland, then you should be. The Baileys have shown scientifically that there is no such thing as a virus! It is a construct of fraudulent medicine, and until the computer came along to generate a model of a supposed virus, there was not even this falsity for people to view. The actual scientific method was thrown out the window. No proof of a virus exists, and yet no one has reported this. I asked Dell Bigtree and Robert Kennedy about this and why they have not mentioned this fact. I have so far not received any reply one way or the other, nothing at all in fact. Dr. Peter Mccullah claims to have a photo of a virus but has not seen fit to show said photo. I ask you, show me any evidence of this creature, and if you cannot, then tell me what you think. Make a public statement about this fact, because the people I mentioned will not touch it! I also asked Dr. Mercola the same question, and no response. Everyone in the movement has stated that the jabs are deadly, dangerous and the criminals behind it have to be stopped, but it is like stating how dangerous the sharp tip of a unicorn's horn is, when no such creature ever existed, or the clergy arguing about how many angels can stand on the head of a pin. Have you ever questioned the virus existence yourself? If not, then why not? Go take a look for the scientific evidence and get back to me please, Jack Williams.
You will forgive me if I do not have any answers for you. The reason why I spent 40 years as a scientist was not to know the truth but to know what remains to be known. The latter being a subject of infinite curiosity and, often, beauty. I remain agnostic on the subject of viruses and similarly prions as infectious entities in their own right. I may not have the time to see these unknowns become known but I am open to all good arguments and discussions. Ask me about aluminium, I know a little more than most about that.
THIS IS PURE GOLD. Thank you. You wrote,
"The reason why I spent 40 years as a scientist was not to know the truth but to know what remains to be known. The latter being a subject of infinite curiosity and, often, beauty."
I think we are all searching for people we can trust. I love your honesty!!
I am sorry Doctor, but this is not an answer at all. I am not trying to be disrespectful, but I have to say that ignoring the real science is well unscientific! Do you have some time to go to the source of my statements? I urge you to go to Dr, Sam Baileys website and listen to the pseudoscience of virology, because this is what it is. There is no scientific proof of the existence of a virus in nature, germ theory is still just that, a theory. Terrain therapy is more scientific than the current concusses. Kocks postulates and the scientific method must be used in order for a proof, right? None exists, like Unicorns do not exist, the earth is not flat, and the military is not intelligent. Perhaps a virus exists in the intestinal tract of Unicorns! So, I am again asking you to look at the evidence of the lack of evidence. Does this not seem an important subject in the scheme of things? I mean you question the vaccine, et al. Jack.
Although I similarly would like to see scientists, doctors, discuss this conundrum it is hard to get actual discussion. They likely see this as a huge Pandora's box. Mainly so, because there are so many unknowns it is like a glob of slime that can't be nailed down. Why? I think because the virus, as defined today, is SO small it can barely be seen. Only by ultra resolving electron microscopy can it be imaged, and then, rather than looking deeper(possible only if individual atoms could be finely resolved), 3D models are offered. Such models can be made to PERFECT resolution because they are designed by computer and manifested by graphic design software allowing "magnification" and rotatable visual viewing by anyone. So, they are so REAL to both scientists and secular viewers alike, they become REAL and accepted . . . But that alone is NOT proof.
The other thing that makes discussion of this subject so hard is the demand by Bailey et al(not saying this is wrong!) to prove via complete isolation of the targeted virus and then, subsequently reproducing infection / multiplication with another, in-vitro entity. Being there are SO many additives in the cultures/ samples, isolation is obviously impossible--to both sides of the narrative. So, in essence, Bailey et al require something that really is impossible, and they know it. They insist upon it. So, how can the virus-believer side hope to have a reasonable discussion and potentially "win"; they realize they cannot.
So, here is another metaphor.
Ask astrophysicists to prove their concept, long accepted for decades, for how a black hole sucks all matter into it, or similar concept. He can use all the math in the world and it will never completely convince me(even if I could understand the math!) because I am aware it is theory and not empirical. They cannot take me back in time to the creation of any black hole and SHOW me. They cannot provide a telescope that goes back that far in distance(TIME!). There is no space vehicle available to explore one. The nearest black hole would take millions of human lifetimes to reach even if traveling at the speed of light. So the black hole astrophysicist can't prove this either! It boils down to the same basic problem.
Long story short: No win situation for proving the existence. So, why irritate scientists asking that they beat their heads against a wall.
Finally: You and I and THEY will someday know this answer.
When we graduate to the only real LIFE-- at the end of this one.
They won't touch it because they're still deluded that there was a pandemic.
And yet they push the lab leak theory, which only promotes fear, despite it being either bunk or just another flu. 😔
Here's the reason why it's so hard to change things even with the existing theory (germ theory) is shown to be broken... Sooner or later the new generation of scientists will see, but the current generation is entrenched in the BS.
"The evolutionary psychologist William von Hippel found that humans use large parts of thinking power to navigate social world rather than perform independent analysis and decision making. For most people it is the mechanism that, in case of doubt, will prevent one from thinking what is right if, in return, it endangers one’s social status. This phenomenon occurs more strongly the higher a person’s social status. Another factor is that the more educated and more theoretically intelligent a person is, the more their brain is adept at selling them the biggest nonsense as a reasonable idea, as long as it elevates their social status. The upper educated class tends to be more inclined than ordinary people to chase some intellectual boondoggle. "
-Sasha Latypova
Thank you, Robert! There was no lab leak, there is no virus as they do not exist.
Nothing invisible with optical instruments exists. No atoms, no molecules, no electrons. All imaginary. The stars in the sky are probably a projected illusion.
Invisible things are inferred by experiments and measurements.
Math is used to predict what exists as a result of these things.
Here's a good short on imaginary physics being based on math.
Wow, interesting video. thanks!
Thanks for the refresher in German fluency.
Origin of the universe is a matter of imagination (Big Bang or whatever; okay, I consider the Steady State view, as well as literal 7 day creation, matters of fantasy, Noah's deluge covering the face of the entire globe and Jericho falling to marching and trumpet blasts, too).
"Million"? Heinz von Förster was unaware of the distinction between Million and Milliard? (People in the UK previously called the American "billion" a thousand million, yeah, I'm that old, and in Germany a "Milliard". Americans call their Billion a "trillion".) "Particles" are de Broglie constructs. Even your bowling ball (a really big molecule) is a wave with perhaps a kilogram mole of molecular (more if you count subatomic) subwavelets.
Not sure what your point is here Sahib! Is everything an illusion? Is evil an illusion? Do we exist at all? Where is the commentary on the subject at hand? Does a tree falling in the forest make any sound if no one hears it? Well yes it does! Animals hear as well as humans do, they not? We do not see the wind, but we know it is there because we feel it.
Sarcasm. Did you read my description? What does a skeptical chemist do if not work with molecules, atoms, ions, and electrons?
Where are the spikes on exosomes? (Jack Stockwell claims to see them!)
Electron microscopes require a lot of chemicals to set up before taking an image, staining etc.
Freezing is one step, which can create spikes etc on any cell or cell debris.
Well since we are talking about subjects other than the pandemic, vaccine, lab leaks, then I think we should talk about science and the scientific method. First, there is no such thing as a virus, no scientific proof at all, and yet we have been told for 75 years that they exist. Let us discuss what we actually know about the last three years. We were told s deadly virus was on its way, it will kill millions, we have to have a vaccine, it will protect you from the virus, right? No virus exists, and it has e proven. Let us discuss this, ok?
See above. Do you consider any filtratable infectious agents, such as Mollicutes, to exist at all? Enjoy your vac scenes. Only BCG, for a bacterium, seems to offer any prophylactic benefit.
At 34 minutes, how much aluminum is pooped out? Is it 7 or 70 percent?
WHO does not know that oral exposure to aluminium is not equal to exposure through injection. As only 0,1 % is absorbed by oral exposure. That means that WHO has an error with a factor 1000.
(quote): "The FDA analysis indicates that the body burden of aluminium following injections of aluminium-containing vaccines never exceeds safe US regulatory thresholds based on orally ingested aluminium even for low birth-weight infants. "
Well I think that they know! See my recent substack on this issue,
On the comments a little over halfway into the video about eating aluminium verses injecting it, here's another thought. There's silica in lots of foods. Maybe in the process of digestion, the silica binds out the aluminium that was in the food with it, and you get an inadvertent or natural protection from eating it that way too!
Some silica present in food will be converted to silicic acid during digestion but not much and not enough to help remove aluminium from within the body.
I wasn't thinking about aluminium already in the body, but aluminium contamination that might be present in the food at the same time of eating. Maybe it's part of the beauty of nature - that some of the silica naturally in foods sequesters some of the aluminium contamination that got in with it!
I downloaded a copy I could forward if you don't already have one saved off.