I enjoyed your article, and I appreciate your words and your resolve to no matter what may come ,to publish, express the truth. Please keep it up. I appreciate people such as yourself who are not faint of heart who do not run for cover, but stand up and courageously tell the truth. That is so lacking today and it is refreshing.

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Such a coincidence that this is in my inbox this morning as I spent part of the night wondering if those Nespresso coffee capsules are made with aluminum? Fortunately I don’t use them, but I know many that do. Ever since reading your book, I have been aware of most things in daily life that have aluminum ( it’s everywhere!) and do my best to avoid it. I keep reminding my adult children and my husband to stop buying beer and drinks in aluminum cans. And I remind them all the time to drink Fiji and Gerolsteiner water. Thank you for all that you. I wish there was an option for a one time donation, or kindly point my way to where I can do that.

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Thank you for this excellent essay that educates us on aluminum’s benefits to human civilization and negative impacts on life. The point that silicon can tame aluminum’s negative impacts is important in that it gives humanity an opportunity to avoid further decline in viability of all life forms. There should be a new industry that invents and creates processes and products to disrupt and make irrelevant the status quo of “do not mention any possible hazards of aluminum on life” and instead focuses on solutions. We have seen many cases of thinking people collaborating in unlikely places such as garages to invent personal computers, so why not with biochemistry?

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Aluminum in the body is the same as mercury, mRNA spike proteins, fluoride, glycophosphate and a host of other nefarious substances of which we have no real knowledge of the long term effects. But hey, big pharma and the medical establishment says they are all good for you!

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Thanks to you, I regularly detox my family with Volvic (the easiest high-silica brand water I can get). God bless you Dr. Exley.

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I recently started a monthly subscription for delivery of Sousas water, sourced by this UK company from the Galician mountains of Spain:


I'm pleased that there is this alternative to giving my money to supermarkets for my bottled water. I will never forgive the pantomime they put us all through over the past few years i.e. masks, hands, distancing, etc. Now I use supermarket chains as little as possible.

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This was a pleasure to read, and I love that you shared some benefits of aluminum. Industry simply went crazy with all that could be done with the metal, rather than the steady-on approach of only doing what should be done without safety studies.

I do not know if you are a Star Trek fan, but to add a little "Lightness of Being" today...there was a scene in Star Trek IV movie in which Scotty was trying to talk to an industrial engineer's computer (they had gone back in time to find whales). When he was told to "just use the keyboard" in his lilting brogue Scotty replied "how quaint!" and then proceeded to type up the formula for transparent aluminum. The engineer was agog with possibilities, the pure genius of the formula.

When the doc (Bones) made the remark that they would be changing the future to give the engineer the formula, Scotty replied, "well how do we know he didn't invent the thing?"

So if we need to transport whales to another place and time, aluminum may save the day! lol

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That was a lovely and fascinating well written essay! Thank you for sharing and thank you for making the information available for all!

I know you have mentioned drinking water that has some silicon, my question is how do you know if the water you are drinking has it? Can you add it?

Man has made this world so toxic in so many ways I feel so stuck in so many areas of my life on how to avoid toxins! Do you or anyone have any recommendations on books or articles that are good for living a less toxic life style?

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Thank you, I am sure that my book will answer all your questions on aluminium.


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As an 83 year old *recovering*/ *recovered* Alzheimer’s patient, I publicly say that the revelations in your work saved my life!

Three plus years ago, as part of my annual physical, my family MD asked me a series of 30 questions. This process is called MMSE and, I later learned, is a common technique for a physician to identify patients with Alzheimer’s. My score was 16. According to google, this is beginning… and *irreversible* Alzheimer’s.

I was referred to an Alzheimer’s specialist. There, I was told two rather disturbing “facts.”

1. Nobody knows what causes Alzheimer’s.

2. There is no cure.

Then I learned of your work. In my first “overnighter” since University, I learned that Alzheimer’s is *caused* by bodily Aluminum. You… and others also taught me that it may be possible to *safely* chelate bodily Aluminum using Orthosilic Acid… OSA. And I learned that OTC Fiji Water contains enough OSA to chelate bodily Aluminum for removal via perspiration and urine.

Since then, I have been on a liter/quart a day regimen of Fiji water.

Results? Last year, my MD-administered MMSE had climbed to 28. Six months later it was 29.

Both of these scores are HIGH NORMAL! Most recently, I went back to the specialist MD. We chatted for a while, and he did not even bother to do the MMSE test.

For all practical purposes, I am *cured* of Alzheimer’s!

Final note… I continue to drink a liter/quart of Fiji water daily. I will do so forever!

Personal note… Thank you for saving my life!

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Sadly you have avoided Aricept! Where is the profit and progress in GDP in that?

Congratulations for achieving independent thinking and reversing your MMSE.

Three decades ago I was trying to convince the nursing staff to arrange MMSE practice sessions so that we had the answers in long term memory and would not have our driver's licences cancelled for scoring less than 23.

Thank you for sharing this very positive story.

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Excited to tell that I am heading to the Falklands and then to Antarctica! Still thinking clearly and still drinking a liter/quart of Fiji water every day.

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A suggestion for additional reading: POISON IN YOUR POTS AND PANS. This short, fascinating 1955 booklet describes the deadly nature of Aluminum. One the author’s footnotes points to research done in 1835 (!!!) that indicated the poisonous nature of Aluminum!

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I will have to search for that booklet. About 1987 when I was in college and on a strict budget, I used to look through the thrift stores for cookware. Aluminum pots and pans were in abundance. There recently had been some press about Al toxicity to the brain and the possible cause of Alzheimers. Everyone apparently had dumped their Al cookware. Unfortunately, commercial kitchens use a lot of Al cookware still. Another reason for processed food to be harmful?

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I do not know what you mean by “processed food.” Please clarify.

I often shop at Costco. We also travel a lot, and frequently shop at their outlets in NC and SC. Most/all Costco stores have a deli/pre-cooked foods section. And *all* of them use large, deep rectangular pans for cooking many of my favorite foods.

Now, I Never purchase PRE-cooked foods from them.

They… and others… also sell frozen foods that are packed in Aluminum!

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I realize now that “processed food” was really not the right term to use. I’m not an expert on food manufacturing practices but I have seen how things are made in commercial kitchens. I have seen large aluminum pans, pots, trays etc. used to prepare dishes.

So really it could include everything prepared in a commercial plant or kitchen.

This is a distressing thought. I am going to be drinking high silica mineral water for the rest of my life!

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A *slight* detail. Orthosilic Acid… OSA… has the near- unique ability to *safely* dissolve bodily Aluminum so it can be flushed out of the body. Fiji water is widely available worldwide and has a useful amount of OSA.

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Thanks to Dr. Exley, I now drink 1 liter of Fiji water a day. I also try to avoid aluminum in any form. 😊

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For your sake, and that of your loved ones, continue to drink it.

I attribute the reversal of *my* Alzheimer’s symptoms to the daily consumption of a liter of Fiji water.

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Thank you for this excellent summary al Al. Now l am on the hunt for more info in soluble silicon. I assume you've written about it...

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OSA is not the same as “soluble Silicon.”

OSA stands for Orthosilic Acid. OSA is found in several natural “spring waters.” The most readily available (stateside) “brand” is Fiji Water.

OSA is a Silicon-based acid that has two “interesting” properties.

The first is that… when diluted with water… it is tasteless, odorless, and transparent.

The second is that it is essentially unique in its ability to *safely* dissolve bodily Aluminum. Once dissolved, this bodily-harmful metal is eliminated via perspiration and (mostly) via urine.

This process takes time! Do NOT drink a glass and sit back… awaiting a “magical” cure for Alzheimer’s! It took decades for Aluminum to build up in your body. For me, it took about three years for my MD-measured MMSE 30-point “score” to improve FROM 16 (Google says this score is beginning… and irreversible… Alzheimer’s) TO 29 (This score is HIGH NORMAL.)

Effectively… it seems that I am *cured* of Alzheimer’s.

I will NOT “rest on my laurels”! At age 83… going on 84… I will remain on this regimen for life!

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Definitions are arranged for various interests, many of them pharmaceutical, especially in a medical context.

See the mutation of the definition of "vaccine" from a substance containing antigens which provoke an immune response to compounds which turn the recipient into an antigen factory.

MMSE under 20 was noticeably impaired, not pre-dementia.

Thank you again for the report.

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Please read it again. MMSE of 16 is not just “under 20.” Read deeper, please!

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How do I contact you to do a presentation for doctors in Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia? I organize a monthly study group for those interested in integrative medicine in particular energy and nutritional medicine. Your work must be made known to more doctors.

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Do you think RFKJr might be able to bring this issue to the forefront in his new role in the U.S. government? This country spends a lot of money on researching the “causes” and treatments of diseases such as Autism, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s; your research suggests that the answers might already be known, if not fully, at least in part.

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Yes, I think so. Watch this space.

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I would love her to try Fiji water. I will mention it to her son who is in charge of her care. I do find it difficult to convince some folks that alternative therapies are legitimate which makes me reluctant to suggest them. I think people have put far too much faith in pharmaceutical chemicals. She is going into a memory care facility soon so wish me luck!

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It's fascinating that aluminum is so abundant yet did not tend to interact biologically before industrialization. It therefore makes perfect sense to test for it or try to treat it when there are otherwise unexplained neurological symptoms.

I found out that aluminum is actually one of the more common elements found in seawater, at least according to this source: https://web.stanford.edu/group/Urchin/mineral.html

( after sodium and chloride are excluded, going by order of magnitude)

Would this mean that health supplements that remove sodium and chloride and concentrate seawater for the mineral content could potentially have problematic levels of aluminum that can biologically interact?

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This table is wholly incorrect with respect to aluminium. The aluminium content of seawater is closer to 1.9 ppb than 1.9 ppm. Not sure where they go their information from.

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A very interesting article. Thank you so much for sharing this. It’s amazing how aluminium is intertwined with so many things in our environment. I read that titanium is also added to plants to encourage growth. My question is this; if aluminium is in plants also, and supposedly aluminium can cause titanium hyper sensitivity reactions in humans, what does this mean for mankind?

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Thanks, titanium encourages plant growth? Aluminium causes titanium hyper-sensitivity? You didn't read this in my book or substack.

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You are correct I read in another author’s book that aluminium can cause a titanium hypersensitivity - an interesting concept though?

The article about titanium being used to encourage plant growth was online. It’s used in fertiliser. It would seem too much was not beneficial as was too little. Probably the same for humans. However, still messing with nature don’t you think?

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Many write and speak about aluminium. Luckily you have chosen to follow my substack, the culmination of forty years of academic scientific research.

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You are quite right - I am pleased to be following your posts. The combination and influence of different metals on both the prosperity of animals and plants though is interesting is it not?

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