Sep 22, 2022Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

Yes, likely another false lead to justify a new blockbuster drug that makes pharma lots of money and does zip for these afflicted people. If this disease is truly genetic then how come it is increasing exponentially? I would totally agree with you that it is mostly environmental and the genetic component is about how well a person can clear aluminium from the body and or body burden from environmental sources and cosmetics etc and also vaccines, but we mustn't mention vaccines must we, too taboo. We don't want to stop that little cash cow from producing.

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And one of the main ingredients in chemtrails is aluminium oxide - how many people feel underpar or have headaches after breathing in this dust?

And it's also used as the whitening ingredient in many toothpastes.

So that's 2 other ways as well as in vaccines that it can enter the body.

Strange how my garden bird bath water stays clean and clear on days no chemtrails are visible but the day following heavy chemtrailing a fine white powder covers the bird bath water and the surfaces in the house are covered in extra dust as I keep getting told I'm a nutter for thinking chemtrails exist.

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Sep 22, 2022Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

I love to research and read. If only our current situation was not so dire it would be a lot more fun.

But aware of fleeting time, I am more compelled than ever. One of my top of the list this summer was natural remedies for removing aluminum - in other words Detox. From what I have read curcumin can reverse aluminum toxicity in the brain. One study found curcumin blended with tumeric oil, raised free curcumin levels in the brain by 14 times, compared with standard curcumin. Definitely worthy of checking out for more research info. for those interested and motivated.

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Sep 24, 2022Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

Yes,Dr Exley,we mustn’t forget the Golden rule, nothing must stop the Big Pharma Gravy Train.🥲

The one good thing to come out of this is that I and many other people can read directly, what you, Dr Robert Malone, Dr Mike Yeadon et al, have to say on the wonderful Substack platform. Thank You for helping humanity with your very unique focus on Aluminium.👏🏻👏🏻

Up until “Covid”,I trusted the BBC, Wikipedia, Google searches, the Gov.What a naive idiot I was 🤬🤯,proven by 6 hours research every day,🤔since, to battle the total Media censorship. Nutrition, science, Medicine, Gain of function,UNAgenda 21,So Called GlobalWarming, Geo Engineering,Wars, etc,etc. All genuine honest professionals like yourself silenced, cancelled and discredited…..

If I wasn’t retired, (prev. lifetime self employed) I would never have been able to do this. Better late than never😄. Fortunate, to still be alive after PfizerBooster ,I am drinking silicic acid water every day, eating 6hr, 18hr fast, all Organic food,No added sugar, have taken protocols from World CouncilForHealth.org and am mostly recovered.

Locally we are building a community that grew out of astandinthepark.org group.I now have like minded friends to go forward with. If we all fight for truth, and self sufficiency we will win this battle.

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Prof Exley can you tell me what your opinion is on the 6 percent aluminium in my spinal hardware which was removed. I had neurological symptoms and my tests showed high levels of aluminium on my mitochondrial metallothionein. Could this have contributed to my issues (21 screws)? Since removal the levels have decreased.

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Sep 22, 2022Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

Dear Dr Exley

Are you aware of this NHS study involving millions of patients that showed flu vaccines offered zero benefit with regards to hospitalisation and death?

So on top of the aluminim related harm these products do not deliver as advertised.


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Sep 22, 2022Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

Thank you. I always look forward to your posts.

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Sep 22, 2022Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

Dr. Exley,

I read that news about this new protein, and it didnt seem nearly as an effective explanation as your aluminum findings and I was hoping for your take on things. Thank you.

After reading your book, I had two questions. 1. I do drink my silica water every day. Is beer also recommended? You mentioned beer in the book, but as a path to the silica water. Draft beer and bottled IPA contain high amounts of silica. (Just to be safe, I do both). and 2. Is donating blood on a regular basis also suggested to reduce aluminum levels? (Blood donation is one of the suggest remedies for when one has too much iron in the blood).

Thank you again for all of your work. We are all very supportive of you.

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This is why self-education is the key!

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Admit their lovely nutritious and delicous vaccines cause something as serious as this!

Not on your Nelly, won't someone think of the share holders?

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they still use aluminum in vaccines...if they stopped it would raise a giant red flag...the history of the small pox myth....https://odysee.com/@katie.su:7/thetruthaboutsmallpox:9

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Is the high level of aluminium only found in brain tissue of people suffering from Alzheimer's disease? What's the situation of people suffering from other types of dementia or neurological disorders - lewy bodies, Parkinson's, MND etc.

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