Dr. Exley, I don't know you personally, but I love you! I work in integrated pediatric medicine and your tireless work on aluminum has had a profound impact on me and subsequently, ALL of the beautiful children I see on a daily bases. A sincere thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Linus Pauling's work calling out the suppressed science of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), and especially his Stanford colleague Robert Cathcart showed that all the disease narratives going back to smallpox are false and overblown by mass media messaging (like "covid"). Vaccine science, and the entire pharma industry, was obsoleted by orthomolecular medicine in the 1970s, and is now just zombie science that won't die. Vaccines are unnecessary products that damage children and cause brain damage...crimes against humanity.
Animals convert glucose (blood sugar) to vitamin C (ascorbic acid, which is C6H8O6), all day. It takes 4 enzymes for them to synthesize it, humans are missing the 4th enzyme. A goat our size can synthesize up to 100 grams a day (100,000 mg) internally if necessary. Ascorbic acid, when it was discovered, was named "vitamin C." It isn't really a vitamin though, more of a stress management and body building molecule. Other animals synthesize ascorbic acid internally. Human's synthesize it outside their bodies, using external energy, so we have an energetic advantage. Other animals are limited in how much they can produce, sometimes using 30% of their energy to make vitamin C. Humans can take as much ascorbic acid as needed at any time. Ascorbic acid is really "hydrogen ascorbate. "Sodium ascorbate" is a great form too. Liposomal typically delivers both the sodium ascorbate and ascorbic acid molecule packaged in a liposome for better cellular absorption. We use only ascorbic acid and sodium ascorbate with animals if they have issues. It is repeatably highly effective. Many myths are propagated to steer people away from taking vitamin C in amounts comparable to what animals make. At high enough doses, it very inexpensively obsoletes the pharmaceutical industry in your life. It is nobel level science that is very successfully suppressed with propaganda. The caplets you take likely contain vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in amounts that are generally too small to suppress disease symptoms. Those products usually list their vitamin C (ascorbic acid) content.
I don't know dr beth. If she says no benefit from ascorbic acid, then we prove her wrong every day. You would have to take up to 200 of those peak performance capsules in one day to eliminate symptoms from a 100-gram cold. You could do the same with about 6 tablespoons of ascorbic acid powder. Much less expensive and easier. I describe the science here: https://theofarmer.substack.com/p/vitamin-c-to-bowel-tolerance
Dr. Exley, I understand why you have limited your advice to aluminum adjuvanted vaccines. One can argue that if regulators authorized these unsafe/useless vaccines, why would other vaccines they authorized be any different?!
Hi Dr Exley, I have created an Instagram page to share my journey; from my son's diagnosis of Autism, to the discovery of your work and the incredible transformation of my son's life having followed your research surrounding SIlicon-rich mineral water.
Having experienced first hand the difference in someone's life this can make, I am so passionate about sharing this information to as many people as possible.
Not only is the improvement in my son's life undeniable, the knowledge and information you have provided is so freeing, it's difficult to put into words. Nature is truly perfect in every way and the least we intervene the better, it seems.
I only wish I had have come to this realisation before I had children.
I hope my words will reflect your research accurately, my aim is to make it as easy to follow as possible.
I really feel this is essential, as I am scared for what lies ahead for the next generation.
I know of 4 officially diagnosed autistic children in my oldest sons class (aged 8) and whilst the children in my youngest son's class have yet to be diagnosed (age 5) my assumption is that this figure could potentially be up to 8 children - due to the concerns of the parents that I have spoken with. This is a mainstream school.
This should be a concern for every single person, as at some point this will directly affect each and every family.
People must know this information Dr Exley and I am so grateful for your passion and determination in doing so, despite the push-back you have endured. It would have broken the majority of people.
I've heard pet vaccines are even less regulated, and they are notorious for causing harm. I can only imagine what would be found if they were tested for aluminum content as well. Thank you for your hard work and devotion, it is so very much appreciated! ❤
On our farm, we use no pharma products. Vaccines alter the perfect immune system design. They are assaults to God's creation, and no animal or human needs them. After a decade, using these methods with all of our cows (more than 60), hogs, chickens, we are seeing amazing results in animal health, resilience, and longevity. https://theofarmer.substack.com/p/gods-garden-science
Dr Exley. You are a brave man. I love your book. I only have an undergraduate degree in Chemistry and that was a long time ago- but we had to prove things in those labs and we had to document findings. I know how to read scientific literature enough to have understood 24 years ago (when I got pregnant for the first time), that the vax manufacturers had no proof to back up their claims. It’s all a house of cards people.
The only positive thing to come from Covid is the Pharma industry showed its lies so blatantly that now more people than ever doubt efficacy across the board.
We have measured this and we did not find a significant amount of aluminium. However, I am told that aluminium is included in some formulations so I do not rule it out.
What about B12 shots? I am low in B12 and used to periodically take shots but ever since getting red-pilled on vaccines (the one silver lining to the plandemic) I have not taken any. Have not been able to find anything on whether B12 injections include aluminum.
I don't think anyone has looked at this but I do not think that aluminium is added to these shots. It could be present as a contaminant. We did measure aluminium in folic acid and we did find high levels in some brands.
Yes, unfortunately the same is true of most flour milled in the UK. I presented my evidence on aluminium in folic acid to the government sub-committee that 'investigated' this. Another example of an unwanted and unnecessary mass medication.
If the "dose" is the ONLY thing that make a substance into a "poison" then why do they routinely convict people for MURDER when only a "trace" amount of the SAME TOXINS found in vaccines, are found in a dead man's body AND in his wife's pantry??
If you look up the research on B12 supplement pills, you will find that high-dose oral tablets, e.g., of a 1000 or 5000 µg dose, are effective in treating low B12 levels and even anemia. Even for those missing the intrinsic factor in the stomach necessary to process and absorb vitamin B12, my understanding is that injections of B12 are generally unnecessary. You could also try one of the high-quality B12 tablets, such as those from Solgar, which would eliminate the possibility of any aluminum contaminant being injected into your body.
In the U.S. the FDA no longer requires them to list ALL of the ingredients. They're even putting aluminum oxides in "saline" and there is ZERO mention of this ingredient on the bags or other product inserts.
Aluminum oxides are now on the FDA's "excipients" list which the FDA claims are "generally accepted as safe" substances. And so, manufacturers don't have to list it on the ingredients lists anymore. Another nice thing that made this list is propylene glycol or anti-freeze - which will land you in JAIL (for murder or attempted murder) if you're caught putting it in someone's coffee.
The simple fact is, we no longer have ANY idea what's inside of ANYTHING produced by pharma, or even General Mills & Kellogg's for that matter. They can also now add ground up bugs to our cereal products (as well as myriad other toxins) WITHOUT listing it as an ingredient AT ALL, even though the chitin (bug proteins) are KNOWN to be toxic to humans.
No jabs. NONE. And no pills (other than supplements from trusted sources). Further, any sort of ground up and mushed-together processed "food" (no matter what it says on the box/can) can NOT be assumed safe. If you couldn't possibly have picked it yourself or killed it yourself, it is highly suspect at best.
Hi Feminist Burner, I am the founder of the Control Group. In 2020, we completed a nationwide (48 state) health study of entirely unvaccinated people of all ages. 69.1% of the entirely unvaccinated had not been exposed to the K-shot at birth. And only 2.64% of this group had ANY conditions, (generally mild ones) and there were ZERO autism cases.
However, in the entirely unvaccinated group who WERE exposed to the K-shot, the rate of chronic conditions jumped up to 11.73%, and this was the sub- group that included the only two cases of autism found in the study.
Again, NONE of the entirely unvaccinated (either post or pre-birth) who ALSO avoided the K-shot, had autism, even though this group represented 69.1% (the majority) of the total sample.
So the rate/risk of autism (and all other conditions) within each smaller sub-group comes into play. We had a group (of unvaccinated "post-birth") who had been exposed to BOTH the k-shot and pre-birth (pregnancy) vaccines. This was an even smaller minority within the study, at only 2.02%. The rate/risk of chronic conditions within THIS group was 30%!!!
In the end, what we found the "worst offender" was pregnancy vaccines. But we ALSO found that the vitamin k-shot, standing ALONE can and DOES (1) cause autism (2) increased the risk of at least one condition from only 2.64% to 11.73% (a 344% increase in risk) and; (3) amplified the negative effects/risks of pregnancy vaccines.
Because we completely ruled out any post, OR pre-birth vaccines as a possible cause of autism in the "k-shot only" group, and yet DID find autism in this group, it's clear what the cause was in THAT case.
I am unsure why Chris would discount the "vitamin" K-shot as a possible cause of health problems or neurological problems. Perhaps the types of k-shots given in the UK are lower in aluminum that they are in the U.S.? IDK about that. But I DO know for a FACT that the k-shots being given to babies in the U.S. are massively increasing the risk of health conditions and brain disorders. I also know that the ones in the U.S. contain several times the amount of aluminum that is found in typical childhood vaccines. This is the REASON for the "black box" warning on the labels. SEE: https://www.drugs.com/pro/vitamin-k1.html
DEATH is one of the observed "side effects" of this chemical mix of toxins, which includes aluminum oxides.
Apparently, Chris has yet to read the Control Group study, even though a paper on it has been peer-reviewed and published in an international journal. SEE: https://ijvtpr.com/index.php/IJVTPR/article/view/40 - And please DO open and take a look at the full PDF with color (and other) graphs and also the mathematical detail in the text which proves the K-shots (standing ALONE) are massively increasing diseases and disabilities, which we all know lead to an agonizing life on the way to an EARLIER grave, (which is why they call these "co-MORBIDITIES").
K-shots ARE dangerous and they DO cause chronic and disabling conditions. The primary toxin they have in common with vaccines is the aluminum, which is an 'adjuvant' KNOWN to "trigger" the immune system, leading to immune-mediated inflammation and problems similar to the ones vaccines cause.
Thank you very much for all the information Joy!! I appreciate you taking your time to respond to my question and I will read through your research!! 🙏🙏
Do spread the hard DATA around. This was a very important study that our "health" agencies REFUSE to ever conduct, although it's obviously the single most reliable and conclusive "scientific method" for determining WHAT the primary cause is for the literal explosion of immune-mediated and deadly/disabling disorders and diseases Americans are suffering (and dying) from.
Of course, we all know that this is WHY they refuse to apply the single most fundamental (and conclusive) scientific method available to reach the TRUTH about the cause. It would only put all of their pharma buddies, AND themselves, OUT of business for good;-)
The evidence for CAUSATION is irrefutable and conclusive. There's only a 1 in THREE TIMES the number of ATOMS estimated to exist in the entire universe that vaccines (and the k-shot) were NOT directly responsible for well-over 90% of the deadly and disabling diseases suffered by Americans in 2020.
In a murder case, if a prosecutor can show there's only a 1 in 100K possibility the DNA was not that of the accused, he's defeated all "reasonable doubt" and he WILL get a conviction, particularly when he's shown motive and opportunity. In the case of vaccines, the motive is $BILLIONS$. And far from having any pretense of an alibi, they've already ADMITTED to being at the "scene of the crime" (injecting).
Chris - I feel I know you as I have followed your progress over the years - you are on the right side of history and our battle against evil - a credit to your parents. Great respect!
Simple, factual and to the point. But will not change many minds unfortunately. But I appreciate your thoughts on the issue, and your concern for your fellow humans.
During a Marine Vietnam Veteran’s reunion at Parris Island, SC in 2010 our tour was treated to lunch at the Weapons Bn (Rifle Range) Mess Hall. We found the chow was so ‘salty’ that none of the vets—including our wives, and guests—could eat a bite of it! Boarding the bus to return to our hotel the main topic of conversation was “SALTPETER” and the obvious fact that recruits were still having it added to their chow—just as we suspected it was in the 1960’s when we were in boot camp. Myth? Perhaps. But try convincing an 18-year-old Marine recruit!"
Snopes, & the military (spent) brass, say it's debunked myth.
But its no myth that "citizens" are conscripts. That food & water are adulterated. That education is indoctrination (imported lock-stock-barrel from the Prussian military - see John Taylor Gatto for the history). That "terrain theory" would deprive Versailles/lavishly appointed high ground that Pasteurian French germ theorist Kings would prefer to retain ... & the "let them eat cake"works that goes with it - so long as they can keep control of the guillotines.
Informed consent? Of the governed? Within the geopolitical map lines known as countries but more accurately called CAFOs? Meh. Confidence games/cams.
Patents & IP mentioned the other day: These are among the Lilliputian threads that tie Gulliver down.
The seeming irony is that many/most patented & IP'd Pilgrims say the Progress-water is just fine. C'mon in!
"Four states here meet" (sounds exactly like "meat" ... fe-fi-fo-fum).
Let's see. There's solid, liquid, & gas (or you?, the FedRes/cammers, & politicians/confidence scammers). That's three states. Then there's awake, & asleep. That's two more. Should sum to five. Which one's missing?
Cue scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark where the Found Ark is being shelved away is some enormous warehouse.
"If you build it, they will come." Not unoften when I write it, they write back. The bit between "Fires" & "face" is today's echo (so far). So I looked it up:
“Truths turn into dogmas the instant that they are disputed. Thus every man who utters a doubt defines a religion. And the scepticism of our time does not really destroy the beliefs, rather it creates them; gives them their limits and their plain and defiant shape. We who are Liberals once held Liberalism lightly as a truism. Now it has been disputed, and we hold it fiercely as a faith. We who believe in patriotism once thought patriotism to be reasonable, and thought little more about it. Now we know it to be unreasonable, and know it to be right. We who are Christians never knew the great philosophic common sense which inheres in that mystery until the anti-Christian writers pointed it out to us. The great march of mental destruction will go on. Everything will be denied. Everything will become a creed. It is a reasonable position to deny the stones in the street; it will be a religious dogma to assert them. It is a rational thesis that we are all in a dream; it will be a mystical sanity to say that we are all awake. Fires will be kindled to testify that two and two make four. Swords will be drawn to prove that leaves are green in summer. We shall be left defending, not only the incredible virtues and sanities of human life, but something more incredible still, this huge impossible universe which stares us in the face. We shall fight for visible prodigies as if they were invisible. We shall look on the impossible grass and the skies with a strange courage. We shall be of those who have seen and yet have believed.”
Thank you Dr Exley for your work. I wonder if you happen to know if aluminium adjuvants are routinely used in the hormone preparations for IVF injections?
Can't help but wonder... increasing numbers of women going through IVF, involves the injections and surgery for egg retrieval (do general anaesthetics contain aluminium adjuvants?), another potential source of problematic substances like aluminium?
Dear Dr Exley, I have been reading your fascinating research on Aluminium adjuvants in vaccines and was prompted to see whether VAERS data corrobotated your hypothesis regarding the harmful effects of Aluminium adjuvants in vaccines. My quick review (< 20 minutes) is obviously not exhaustive, but here is what I found.
The number of Serious adverse events as a % of all events are listed below for the vaccines with the highest and lowest levels of Aluminium:
Pediarix - 19.05% (High Al)
Infanrix - 7.76% (High Al)
Prevnar13 - 11.33% (Low Al)
I used this metric because VAERS does not provide data on the number of vaccinations and reasoned that the number of ALL events would be a good indication of the number of vaccinations.
As you can see the results for Pediarix and Prevnar13 support your hypothesis but that for Infanrix does not.
This line of research needs much more thorough analysis than I am capable of before firm conclusions can be drawn, I wonder therefore whether you use your far superior statistical skills to ascertain whether the VAERS data for the vaccines investigated by you fully support your contention regarding the injuriousness of Aluminium adjuvants. I would also be interested to know the Aluminium content of Covid vaccines for which the % of Serious adverse events is unprecedented.
I am afraid that it cannot be as simple as the aluminium content stated by the manufacturer and the incidence of serious adverse events. As our research showed even the aluminium content shown by the manufacturer can be completely wrong. There are many confounding variables that require to be taken into account in any such analysis.
The mRNA 'vaccines' do not include an aluminium adjuvant. Some others used primarily in China do.
Thanks for the response Dr Exley, I suspected that my quick review would be too simplistic, but I think you have successfully shown that Aluminium adjuvants are potentially harmful, now we need to see whether they are so harmful, that they shouldn't be used at all.
Dr. Exley, I don't know you personally, but I love you! I work in integrated pediatric medicine and your tireless work on aluminum has had a profound impact on me and subsequently, ALL of the beautiful children I see on a daily bases. A sincere thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Linus Pauling's work calling out the suppressed science of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), and especially his Stanford colleague Robert Cathcart showed that all the disease narratives going back to smallpox are false and overblown by mass media messaging (like "covid"). Vaccine science, and the entire pharma industry, was obsoleted by orthomolecular medicine in the 1970s, and is now just zombie science that won't die. Vaccines are unnecessary products that damage children and cause brain damage...crimes against humanity.
I agree vitamin C is essential to good health BUT I am not sure about Ascorbic acid form of vitamin C
Dr Eric Berg says => Ascorbic Acid is not a healthy vitamin C.
There are no benefits from taking ascorbic acid.
I now eat “raw” C vitamin tablets…which are just pieces of vegetable in a caplet.
Are you familiar with the different forms of (synthetic?) vitamin C:
the acid form as ascorbic acid,
the sodium ascorbate salt,
liposomal vitamin C.
Animals convert glucose (blood sugar) to vitamin C (ascorbic acid, which is C6H8O6), all day. It takes 4 enzymes for them to synthesize it, humans are missing the 4th enzyme. A goat our size can synthesize up to 100 grams a day (100,000 mg) internally if necessary. Ascorbic acid, when it was discovered, was named "vitamin C." It isn't really a vitamin though, more of a stress management and body building molecule. Other animals synthesize ascorbic acid internally. Human's synthesize it outside their bodies, using external energy, so we have an energetic advantage. Other animals are limited in how much they can produce, sometimes using 30% of their energy to make vitamin C. Humans can take as much ascorbic acid as needed at any time. Ascorbic acid is really "hydrogen ascorbate. "Sodium ascorbate" is a great form too. Liposomal typically delivers both the sodium ascorbate and ascorbic acid molecule packaged in a liposome for better cellular absorption. We use only ascorbic acid and sodium ascorbate with animals if they have issues. It is repeatably highly effective. Many myths are propagated to steer people away from taking vitamin C in amounts comparable to what animals make. At high enough doses, it very inexpensively obsoletes the pharmaceutical industry in your life. It is nobel level science that is very successfully suppressed with propaganda. The caplets you take likely contain vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in amounts that are generally too small to suppress disease symptoms. Those products usually list their vitamin C (ascorbic acid) content.
Great comment,
So you disagree with dr beth, who says that “no benefit from Ascorbic acid”
Thanks for the explanation of all the vitamin C forms. Very interesting about goat making its own vitamin c
The vit c I now take is
Raw whole food vitamin c
From peak performance.
I don't know dr beth. If she says no benefit from ascorbic acid, then we prove her wrong every day. You would have to take up to 200 of those peak performance capsules in one day to eliminate symptoms from a 100-gram cold. You could do the same with about 6 tablespoons of ascorbic acid powder. Much less expensive and easier. I describe the science here: https://theofarmer.substack.com/p/vitamin-c-to-bowel-tolerance
Dr. Exley, I understand why you have limited your advice to aluminum adjuvanted vaccines. One can argue that if regulators authorized these unsafe/useless vaccines, why would other vaccines they authorized be any different?!
I agree.
Hi Dr Exley, I have created an Instagram page to share my journey; from my son's diagnosis of Autism, to the discovery of your work and the incredible transformation of my son's life having followed your research surrounding SIlicon-rich mineral water.
Having experienced first hand the difference in someone's life this can make, I am so passionate about sharing this information to as many people as possible.
Not only is the improvement in my son's life undeniable, the knowledge and information you have provided is so freeing, it's difficult to put into words. Nature is truly perfect in every way and the least we intervene the better, it seems.
I only wish I had have come to this realisation before I had children.
I hope my words will reflect your research accurately, my aim is to make it as easy to follow as possible.
An eternally grateful Mum 🙏
Thank you, you and your son are the inspiration I need to continue to speak my science as loudly as possible.
I really feel this is essential, as I am scared for what lies ahead for the next generation.
I know of 4 officially diagnosed autistic children in my oldest sons class (aged 8) and whilst the children in my youngest son's class have yet to be diagnosed (age 5) my assumption is that this figure could potentially be up to 8 children - due to the concerns of the parents that I have spoken with. This is a mainstream school.
This should be a concern for every single person, as at some point this will directly affect each and every family.
People must know this information Dr Exley and I am so grateful for your passion and determination in doing so, despite the push-back you have endured. It would have broken the majority of people.
Where can I find out more about this? (other than your instagram account)
Is the silica water issue covered in Dr Exley's book?
From another Mother
Unfortunately my page has already been closed down. But yes, it's covered extensively in his book and various other posts on his page.
Have a look at the testimonials on www.silicawaters.com also! X
Thank you so much Shae. 🙏🙏🙏
All vaccines are bioweapons. Full stop.
I've heard pet vaccines are even less regulated, and they are notorious for causing harm. I can only imagine what would be found if they were tested for aluminum content as well. Thank you for your hard work and devotion, it is so very much appreciated! ❤
On our farm, we use no pharma products. Vaccines alter the perfect immune system design. They are assaults to God's creation, and no animal or human needs them. After a decade, using these methods with all of our cows (more than 60), hogs, chickens, we are seeing amazing results in animal health, resilience, and longevity. https://theofarmer.substack.com/p/gods-garden-science
Theo Farmer - I'm glad to see you have a substack! I'm enjoying reading your book to our grandchildren:)
God bless you Christopher for this amazingly cogent article. We are truly blessed for the volume of your yeoman's' work.
Dr Exley. You are a brave man. I love your book. I only have an undergraduate degree in Chemistry and that was a long time ago- but we had to prove things in those labs and we had to document findings. I know how to read scientific literature enough to have understood 24 years ago (when I got pregnant for the first time), that the vax manufacturers had no proof to back up their claims. It’s all a house of cards people.
The only positive thing to come from Covid is the Pharma industry showed its lies so blatantly that now more people than ever doubt efficacy across the board.
You go Dr Exley. Share as much as possible.
I appreciate your work and the clarity it provides.
Let's not forget the "vitamin" K-shot, which well-over 99% of all babies in America are injected with AT BIRTH. Please, let's not forget this.
Dr Exley, what are your thoughts on the Vitamin K shot?
We have measured this and we did not find a significant amount of aluminium. However, I am told that aluminium is included in some formulations so I do not rule it out.
What about B12 shots? I am low in B12 and used to periodically take shots but ever since getting red-pilled on vaccines (the one silver lining to the plandemic) I have not taken any. Have not been able to find anything on whether B12 injections include aluminum.
(Now I just do B12 drops each day…)
I don't think anyone has looked at this but I do not think that aluminium is added to these shots. It could be present as a contaminant. We did measure aluminium in folic acid and we did find high levels in some brands.
Crap, folic acid is added to all commercial bread in Australia, along with thiamin.
Yes, unfortunately the same is true of most flour milled in the UK. I presented my evidence on aluminium in folic acid to the government sub-committee that 'investigated' this. Another example of an unwanted and unnecessary mass medication.
If the "dose" is the ONLY thing that make a substance into a "poison" then why do they routinely convict people for MURDER when only a "trace" amount of the SAME TOXINS found in vaccines, are found in a dead man's body AND in his wife's pantry??
If you look up the research on B12 supplement pills, you will find that high-dose oral tablets, e.g., of a 1000 or 5000 µg dose, are effective in treating low B12 levels and even anemia. Even for those missing the intrinsic factor in the stomach necessary to process and absorb vitamin B12, my understanding is that injections of B12 are generally unnecessary. You could also try one of the high-quality B12 tablets, such as those from Solgar, which would eliminate the possibility of any aluminum contaminant being injected into your body.
Thank you for your response. 🙏 I have heard the same but when I found ingredient lists they did not include aluminum.
In the U.S. the FDA no longer requires them to list ALL of the ingredients. They're even putting aluminum oxides in "saline" and there is ZERO mention of this ingredient on the bags or other product inserts.
Aluminum oxides are now on the FDA's "excipients" list which the FDA claims are "generally accepted as safe" substances. And so, manufacturers don't have to list it on the ingredients lists anymore. Another nice thing that made this list is propylene glycol or anti-freeze - which will land you in JAIL (for murder or attempted murder) if you're caught putting it in someone's coffee.
The simple fact is, we no longer have ANY idea what's inside of ANYTHING produced by pharma, or even General Mills & Kellogg's for that matter. They can also now add ground up bugs to our cereal products (as well as myriad other toxins) WITHOUT listing it as an ingredient AT ALL, even though the chitin (bug proteins) are KNOWN to be toxic to humans.
No jabs. NONE. And no pills (other than supplements from trusted sources). Further, any sort of ground up and mushed-together processed "food" (no matter what it says on the box/can) can NOT be assumed safe. If you couldn't possibly have picked it yourself or killed it yourself, it is highly suspect at best.
Godspeed, Joy
Thanks for this helpful and informative post.
Hi Feminist Burner, I am the founder of the Control Group. In 2020, we completed a nationwide (48 state) health study of entirely unvaccinated people of all ages. 69.1% of the entirely unvaccinated had not been exposed to the K-shot at birth. And only 2.64% of this group had ANY conditions, (generally mild ones) and there were ZERO autism cases.
However, in the entirely unvaccinated group who WERE exposed to the K-shot, the rate of chronic conditions jumped up to 11.73%, and this was the sub- group that included the only two cases of autism found in the study.
Again, NONE of the entirely unvaccinated (either post or pre-birth) who ALSO avoided the K-shot, had autism, even though this group represented 69.1% (the majority) of the total sample.
So the rate/risk of autism (and all other conditions) within each smaller sub-group comes into play. We had a group (of unvaccinated "post-birth") who had been exposed to BOTH the k-shot and pre-birth (pregnancy) vaccines. This was an even smaller minority within the study, at only 2.02%. The rate/risk of chronic conditions within THIS group was 30%!!!
In the end, what we found the "worst offender" was pregnancy vaccines. But we ALSO found that the vitamin k-shot, standing ALONE can and DOES (1) cause autism (2) increased the risk of at least one condition from only 2.64% to 11.73% (a 344% increase in risk) and; (3) amplified the negative effects/risks of pregnancy vaccines.
Because we completely ruled out any post, OR pre-birth vaccines as a possible cause of autism in the "k-shot only" group, and yet DID find autism in this group, it's clear what the cause was in THAT case.
I am unsure why Chris would discount the "vitamin" K-shot as a possible cause of health problems or neurological problems. Perhaps the types of k-shots given in the UK are lower in aluminum that they are in the U.S.? IDK about that. But I DO know for a FACT that the k-shots being given to babies in the U.S. are massively increasing the risk of health conditions and brain disorders. I also know that the ones in the U.S. contain several times the amount of aluminum that is found in typical childhood vaccines. This is the REASON for the "black box" warning on the labels. SEE: https://www.drugs.com/pro/vitamin-k1.html
DEATH is one of the observed "side effects" of this chemical mix of toxins, which includes aluminum oxides.
Apparently, Chris has yet to read the Control Group study, even though a paper on it has been peer-reviewed and published in an international journal. SEE: https://ijvtpr.com/index.php/IJVTPR/article/view/40 - And please DO open and take a look at the full PDF with color (and other) graphs and also the mathematical detail in the text which proves the K-shots (standing ALONE) are massively increasing diseases and disabilities, which we all know lead to an agonizing life on the way to an EARLIER grave, (which is why they call these "co-MORBIDITIES").
K-shots ARE dangerous and they DO cause chronic and disabling conditions. The primary toxin they have in common with vaccines is the aluminum, which is an 'adjuvant' KNOWN to "trigger" the immune system, leading to immune-mediated inflammation and problems similar to the ones vaccines cause.
Godspeed, Joy
Thank you very much for all the information Joy!! I appreciate you taking your time to respond to my question and I will read through your research!! 🙏🙏
Do spread the hard DATA around. This was a very important study that our "health" agencies REFUSE to ever conduct, although it's obviously the single most reliable and conclusive "scientific method" for determining WHAT the primary cause is for the literal explosion of immune-mediated and deadly/disabling disorders and diseases Americans are suffering (and dying) from.
Of course, we all know that this is WHY they refuse to apply the single most fundamental (and conclusive) scientific method available to reach the TRUTH about the cause. It would only put all of their pharma buddies, AND themselves, OUT of business for good;-)
The evidence for CAUSATION is irrefutable and conclusive. There's only a 1 in THREE TIMES the number of ATOMS estimated to exist in the entire universe that vaccines (and the k-shot) were NOT directly responsible for well-over 90% of the deadly and disabling diseases suffered by Americans in 2020.
In a murder case, if a prosecutor can show there's only a 1 in 100K possibility the DNA was not that of the accused, he's defeated all "reasonable doubt" and he WILL get a conviction, particularly when he's shown motive and opportunity. In the case of vaccines, the motive is $BILLIONS$. And far from having any pretense of an alibi, they've already ADMITTED to being at the "scene of the crime" (injecting).
Godspeed, Joy
You can see a peer-reviewed and published paper on the 2020 Control Group study (showing the very REAL damage that the "vitamin" k-shot presents) here: https://ijvtpr.com/index.php/IJVTPR/article/view/40
Decide for yourself after you see the numbers for yourself.
Godspeed, Joy
Chris - I feel I know you as I have followed your progress over the years - you are on the right side of history and our battle against evil - a credit to your parents. Great respect!
Simple, factual and to the point. But will not change many minds unfortunately. But I appreciate your thoughts on the issue, and your concern for your fellow humans.
"Lawrence Wells on June 5, 2022 at 22:21
During a Marine Vietnam Veteran’s reunion at Parris Island, SC in 2010 our tour was treated to lunch at the Weapons Bn (Rifle Range) Mess Hall. We found the chow was so ‘salty’ that none of the vets—including our wives, and guests—could eat a bite of it! Boarding the bus to return to our hotel the main topic of conversation was “SALTPETER” and the obvious fact that recruits were still having it added to their chow—just as we suspected it was in the 1960’s when we were in boot camp. Myth? Perhaps. But try convincing an 18-year-old Marine recruit!"
Snopes, & the military (spent) brass, say it's debunked myth.
But its no myth that "citizens" are conscripts. That food & water are adulterated. That education is indoctrination (imported lock-stock-barrel from the Prussian military - see John Taylor Gatto for the history). That "terrain theory" would deprive Versailles/lavishly appointed high ground that Pasteurian French germ theorist Kings would prefer to retain ... & the "let them eat cake"works that goes with it - so long as they can keep control of the guillotines.
Informed consent? Of the governed? Within the geopolitical map lines known as countries but more accurately called CAFOs? Meh. Confidence games/cams.
Patents & IP mentioned the other day: These are among the Lilliputian threads that tie Gulliver down.
The seeming irony is that many/most patented & IP'd Pilgrims say the Progress-water is just fine. C'mon in!
"Four states here meet" (sounds exactly like "meat" ... fe-fi-fo-fum).
Let's see. There's solid, liquid, & gas (or you?, the FedRes/cammers, & politicians/confidence scammers). That's three states. Then there's awake, & asleep. That's two more. Should sum to five. Which one's missing?
Cue scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark where the Found Ark is being shelved away is some enormous warehouse.
"If you build it, they will come." Not unoften when I write it, they write back. The bit between "Fires" & "face" is today's echo (so far). So I looked it up:
“Truths turn into dogmas the instant that they are disputed. Thus every man who utters a doubt defines a religion. And the scepticism of our time does not really destroy the beliefs, rather it creates them; gives them their limits and their plain and defiant shape. We who are Liberals once held Liberalism lightly as a truism. Now it has been disputed, and we hold it fiercely as a faith. We who believe in patriotism once thought patriotism to be reasonable, and thought little more about it. Now we know it to be unreasonable, and know it to be right. We who are Christians never knew the great philosophic common sense which inheres in that mystery until the anti-Christian writers pointed it out to us. The great march of mental destruction will go on. Everything will be denied. Everything will become a creed. It is a reasonable position to deny the stones in the street; it will be a religious dogma to assert them. It is a rational thesis that we are all in a dream; it will be a mystical sanity to say that we are all awake. Fires will be kindled to testify that two and two make four. Swords will be drawn to prove that leaves are green in summer. We shall be left defending, not only the incredible virtues and sanities of human life, but something more incredible still, this huge impossible universe which stares us in the face. We shall fight for visible prodigies as if they were invisible. We shall look on the impossible grass and the skies with a strange courage. We shall be of those who have seen and yet have believed.”
― G.K. Chesterton, Heretics
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Thank you Dr Exley for your work. I wonder if you happen to know if aluminium adjuvants are routinely used in the hormone preparations for IVF injections?
I do not. Something to investigate.
Thanks Dr Exley.
Can't help but wonder... increasing numbers of women going through IVF, involves the injections and surgery for egg retrieval (do general anaesthetics contain aluminium adjuvants?), another potential source of problematic substances like aluminium?
Thanks again.
Dear Dr Exley, I have been reading your fascinating research on Aluminium adjuvants in vaccines and was prompted to see whether VAERS data corrobotated your hypothesis regarding the harmful effects of Aluminium adjuvants in vaccines. My quick review (< 20 minutes) is obviously not exhaustive, but here is what I found.
The number of Serious adverse events as a % of all events are listed below for the vaccines with the highest and lowest levels of Aluminium:
Pediarix - 19.05% (High Al)
Infanrix - 7.76% (High Al)
Prevnar13 - 11.33% (Low Al)
I used this metric because VAERS does not provide data on the number of vaccinations and reasoned that the number of ALL events would be a good indication of the number of vaccinations.
As you can see the results for Pediarix and Prevnar13 support your hypothesis but that for Infanrix does not.
This line of research needs much more thorough analysis than I am capable of before firm conclusions can be drawn, I wonder therefore whether you use your far superior statistical skills to ascertain whether the VAERS data for the vaccines investigated by you fully support your contention regarding the injuriousness of Aluminium adjuvants. I would also be interested to know the Aluminium content of Covid vaccines for which the % of Serious adverse events is unprecedented.
I am afraid that it cannot be as simple as the aluminium content stated by the manufacturer and the incidence of serious adverse events. As our research showed even the aluminium content shown by the manufacturer can be completely wrong. There are many confounding variables that require to be taken into account in any such analysis.
The mRNA 'vaccines' do not include an aluminium adjuvant. Some others used primarily in China do.
Thanks for the response Dr Exley, I suspected that my quick review would be too simplistic, but I think you have successfully shown that Aluminium adjuvants are potentially harmful, now we need to see whether they are so harmful, that they shouldn't be used at all.