Mar 21, 2023Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

Thank you Dr. Exley for writing on this topic! Many people do not realize that the chemical solution most commonly used by public water services for artificial water fluoridation is hexafluorosilicic acid (also known as hydrofluorosilicic acid). HFS is a toxic and highly corrosive waste product of the phosphate fertilizer mining industry. HFS solutions are almost always contaminated with arsenic and frequently contaminated with lead. According to this research study by Phyllis Mullenix entitled, "A new perspective on metals and other contaminants in fluoridation chemicals", HFS solutions also contain "surprising amount of aluminum". https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24999851/

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The survival of the entire medical system depends on poisons. As long as the parade continues with exposure to things like fluoride, mercury, aluminum, pcbs, vaccines, mRNA injections and many drugs, there will be a steady line of very sick people ready to provide endless profits for big pharma and doctors.

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Mar 20, 2023Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

What great information! I knew fluoride was “bad” but I don’t know about the relationship with aluminum. Great info. Thank you for writing this up!

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I don't believe we should be putting anything into the water supply, except where it is needed to keep bacteria and other nasties out of the water. Fluoride has the capacity to cross the blood brain barrier, which is why it is in some anti depressants. It is also in a certain type of antibiotic which, quite frankly is quite toxic to the body and especially the brain. These are called fluoroquinolones. If a doctor prescribes these for you, run far away and go to someone whom you can get a safe antibiotic. Plenty on the net about them. I have read elsewhere that fluoride enhances the absorption of aluminium and if it is bound as Dr Exley says, then the fluoride can transport it into the brain. If I am wrong about this then maybe Dr. Exley can enlighten me.

What no one has ever mentioned in this whole thing, whether talking about aluminium or fluoride in the water (aluminium is in our water too) is that all the animals and birds and insects, and livestock on that water supply also gets this fluoride too, whether they need it or not. Considering that fluoride is only useful (not in my opinion) as a topical application then it is pointless putting it in water as it bypasses the teeth. If most people are using fluoridated toothpaste then why the heck are we putting it in the water, except as a way of getting rid of a toxic waste. If people feel that they need fluoride for their teeth then they can take fluoride tablets, if they are still available. I personally don't believe we need any of this toxic waste product. Bad teeth are simply the lack of proper minerals in the diet plus the excess sugar and low dental hygiene.

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Mar 20, 2023Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

Thank you for sharing this information! Now, the health issues related to fluoride make sense.

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

Hope this might be helpful for the topic of research studies that discuss the relationship of fluoride and iodine and their effects on the thyroid. The author references a total of 337 research studies and articles in this summary review entitled, "Fluoride Exposure Induces Inhibition of Sodium/Iodide Symporter (NIS) Contributing to Impaired Iodine Absorption and Iodine Deficiency: Molecular Mechanisms of Inhibition and Implications for Public Health". https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6466022/

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Mar 20, 2023Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

There is an interesting 5 pages on water fluoridation in the recent book “What Really Makes You Ill”, Pg 326. Also, Dr Sam Bailey recently covered fluoride toxicity quite extensively in a wonderful interview with a citizen activist. Now this article by Dr Exley adds the aluminium connection which is a critical contribution. Thankyou!

The fluoride ion is said to disturb sleep via interfering with melatonin production on the pineal gland.

For example, these authors, did find an effect on sleep in older adolescents in this small study.


They also mention "Fluoride accumulation in pineal gland hydroxyapatite is present in higher concentrations than in any other part of the body, including bones and teeth”. They did not prove this - just stated it with a reference.

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Thank You Dr Exley,❤️As you say ,your report was never included!!

Another one of the many elephants littering Pharma history of drug repurposing and development.

As I understand, it is a waste product, why let a good waste product go to waste? When there is a profit in it.🤯Never mind how many bodies need to be stepped over 😳🤬

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

This amplifies the ignorance of modern medicine, the way so many chemicals are introduced into the human organism with no attention paid to how they interact with one another. As if each chemical booked a separate room in the human motel with an outside door, and they would rarely ever see each other, let alone interact.

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

What a Great & easy to understand Explanation of how Fluoride is Harmful ( Indirectly if not directly ) . Thank you

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Mar 20, 2023Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

Outstanding, thank you!

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Jan 15Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

Outstanding: explained in a way that is easy to understand and gives us another weapon to fight with in our city councils. Thank you!!

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You're a conspiracy theorist!. No Seriously, thats what my family say to me when I try to have a discussion about your research. Great work. Thanks Dr Exley.

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Jan 15Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

Great article Christopher thank you. What sort of science is available regarding the toxicity of fluoride per se ? Is there any evidence that fluoride in and of itself in "normal " demonstrable levels in municipal water supplies is toxic?

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Oct 15, 2023Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

Just received your Aluminum Atom book from Amazon. Question: is there ingestion risk from fluoride water filter that uses activated alumina?

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I've heard this before and perhaps a similar thing occurs with the blood-brain-barrier? Fluoride also "works" only topically, (if at all). So drinking it is the least efficient way of getting it on your teeth, you would get more fluoride on your teeth swishing it around your mouth for one minute than you would in a whole day of drinking it. Plus it was the first drug for hyperthyroidism, is associated with a 10% rise in cancer, over time calcifies the pineal gland where melatonin is synthesised (melatonin regulates sleep and detoxes the brain). Fluoride also worsens atherosclerosis (artery calcification) and therefore must worsen dementia; as such, I wonder if it also makes biofilms worse by providing the aluminium complex you described. All this for a few kids whose shitty parents give them sugar to drink but don't brush their teeth??? This is the only good argument they have but I don't even believe it.

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