After I became aware of your research, my husband and I immediately started to give our (autistic) son 1L of Fiji water per day. It has been several years and his academic ability and his overall cognition has improved immensely. He went from needing an aide to help with academics at school to earning almost all As independently. I am forever grateful for your work.
I bought your book, now I want to read it. The most unbelievable thing is apparently nobody wants to know the truth if it doesn't make money. As you stated, there has been no further published literature confirming or falsifying your previous results. That is most fascinating and provides insight into the state of science and research. I shared this Substack with many others, along with a link to your book.
I read your piece explaining the sham process by Keele academics and ‘leadership’ to take you down and try to destroy your reputation and life’s work. I cannot even imagine the pain, anger, suffering and frustration they’ve put you through. I hope you have a strong support network and family to remind you of your tremendous value.
I was the victim twice of political attacks that cost me 2 jobs for speaking truth to power and doing valuable work. Small impotent people are threatened by talent, excellence and personal integrity. You exposed a valuable truth, which can take down an industry of lies, one that has seriously harmed and killed tens of thousands (if not millions) of babies, children and adults.
Keep up your important work and thank you for all that you’ve done and continue to do. Godspeed.
Dr. Exley, I have two autistic sons and strongly suspect aluminum toxicity from newborn vaccines to have been a major factor. I've been slow-walked, so to speak, to that conclusion, because everything we've done to help has always helped a little, but not significantly. One of my sons is only minimally verbal, and the other "scripts" his language, almost exclusively.
Since finally digging into your research some months ago, I finally started giving my sons daily Fiji water, since, hey, as far as protocols go, that's an easy one!
One month in, and my minimally verbal son has started to wake up, in a sense. He's started telling me little details about his school day. He's never done that before - and it's one of my biggest worries, because it's easy to mistreat a kid who doesn't talk because he can't speak about what's happening to him. But suddenly, for the first time, he's using his own words and telling me things that happen. Tonight, he succinctly told me about some "tussles" he got into at school, and why he has a scratch on his leg and who did it.
I cannot overstate how big these wins are for us. He's almost 13 and has been through so much in the way of treatment - from medications to homeopathy to a fantastic biomedical doctor and so much therapy. We've learned to be cynical and not expect too much when we try something new after all these years, but I think I'm going to be able to say that your research is helping him find his voice. God bless you, Dr. Exley.
Thank you for doing this work & refusing to back down! 5 years ago I didn’t understand the autism/aluminum link, but my beloved stepfather did die after ten years with Alzheimer’s & dementia and a mouth & body full of metal, so I had my suspicions something was going on.
I am forever grateful for your study and the fact that you are an honest scientist who was willing to look at the question without automatically assuming it couldn't be related to vaccines. You changed my mind on the question of vaccines and autism and I have been benefiting from removing aluminium (which I am doing as I write this comment)
I still have the toxic test results for my autistic grandson from age 3 and on . We used to do it every year. Aluminum was always off the charts. It probably still is. Might try it now-years later and see results. Thank you for this.
Thank you for your hard work. I hope someday more people will start listening to you and those who truly understand the science which the basics are not that difficult for laypeople to understand. Heavy metals are NOT meant to be in any body and they come from these drugs/vaccines.
Luckily, there are many ways to detox heavy metals out of the body (medicinal mushrooms, zeolite powder, humic acid, pectin, chlorella, charcoal, bentonite clay, etc - please learn how all this works before trying - you need to know what "dislodges" the toxin and which then bind to them to take them out of the body - not difficult to learn but you need to know the difference so not to cause more harm to the body). Unfortunately, most people prefer to be stuck in their world of pharma and do not want to know there are ways to "clean out" the body of these and other toxins. So, instead they suffer and what's worse, their children suffer with so called diseases which are very often merely symptoms of these toxins.
It's also so easy to test for heavy metals with hair testing. It's just all so ridiculous at this point but people prefer to be blind.
Actually previous studies showed otherwise. Those children who had hair that tested high in heavy metals were excreting the metals. It's the ones that didn't excrete it thru hair that retained it in their bodies.
I'm not sure what you're contradicting. With hair testing, the heavy metals are not always seen until detoxing has started or is occurring. It can take months or years depending on the situation to excrete heavy metals from tissues in a safe and proper fashion. Parasites love to use heavy metals which makes it even more difficult to detox the metals. I know from personal experience. Once the protocol is in place and detoxing is happening, the hair WILL show the heavy metals. You have to test every 3 months until ALL the heavy metals/toxins are out of the body. That's the only way to know what's going on.
It takes an expert in hair testing and mineral balancing to truly understand how to read the test and how to detox the heavy metals out of the tissues. If the person is already detoxing the metals then they might be lucky enough to have their detoxing pathways functioning well enough. But I bet, even those people need assistance considering the load of toxins that are in the environment.
Unfortunately, when the heavy metals like mercury and aluminum pass the blood/brain barrier(as is often the case with autism happens in about 2 weeks) no matter how much detox one does, it often doesn't remove these toxins because they have already moved into body organs etc. There are studies done that prove that most kids with autism do not have heavy metals in their hair because it is never excreted like it should be.
From what I've learned that's not true. These heavy metals get into the organs of anyone who is exposed to them because the blood must be in homostasis and the heavy metals can stay in the blood or people would die. So they go into the tissues of the organs. Not a surprise there. So, yes, many people have detoxed these heavy metals from their bodies.
Who's studies are these? What type of detox is being done?
23 years plus raising a grandson with autism. Vaccine injury. Early baby vaccines with mercury. Aluminum etc. Years of working with autism specialists. Dozens of tests done over many years. Loaded with toxins that don't just simply disappear. Lots of chelation over years. different kinds. Babies and children without the predisposition he had and has unloaded the mercury etc within two weeks AND DIDN'T GET AUTISM... lET ME KNOW WHEN YOU'VE RAISED A VACCINE INJURED CHILD INTO ADULTHOOD WITH AUTISM...
Please don't yell at me. I'm very sorry for what you've been through and so very sorry for your grandson. First, I had no idea of your situation. Second, there are many stories of detoxing with many successes.
I still know that there is hope for many. I don't know the details of your situation but there are people who have healed from heavy metal toxicity. There are genetic factors that come into play with regards to detoxing and if those aspects aren't attended to then detoxing can be difficult too. Chelating also doesn't always work but other detoxing does. Also, just because someone is a "specialists" doesn't mean they have all the answers. I been to many who are "experts/specialists" and they miss plenty and end up causing more harm.
Again, I'm sorry for what you've all been through but please don't take hope away from others by insisting that detoxing doesn't work.
I would note here that Dr. Exley doesn’t recommend zeolite for aluminum, and all the detox methods you mention work on other metals, but not aluminum. Which is why Dr. Exley’s work here is so vital. Highly recommend reading his material on the subject.
I'll take a look at Dr. Exley. Thank you for pointing that out. There are other supplements that do help remove aluminum such as pectin.
The important thing is to detox in a way that works for your individual body. Genetics does play a role. When certain genes are mutated and not functioning properly all the detoxing in the world simply won't help enough. So, the genetic component needs to be addressed for some. Also, please do note that zeolite powder does work for those who have been inoculated. I've known several who have been helped and their symptoms have disappeared due to the zeolite powder since it's a negatively charged substance that binds to positively charged substances such as glycoproteins (spike proteins), lipid nano particles, and possibly graphene oxide.
I am aware - been at the detox thing with my kids for quite a long time now, working with many different protocols and doctors, etc. Zeolite actually made one of my sons so much worse, which set us on a different discovery path.
I’m really just pointing out that you are here on Dr Exley’s substack, and he has done so much work on aluminum and does not recommend other agents for removing it from the body based on his clinical research, so I would suggest reading some of his work. It’s fascinating and remarkable and helped inform some of my own assumptions based on lots of popular detox methods and information. 👍🏻
Interesting thought: Zeolite is already bound to aluminum in it's construction which isn't problematic since the aluminum doesn't unbind from the zeolite in the body. So, it's strange that it doesn't bind to aluminum in the body unless it can't since it's already bound to the zeolite to begin with. Aside from the fact that in the study I posted below, they seem to be able to bind zeolite to aluminum. Idk. I'm just putting thoughts out there.
"Animal Studies (using a variety of zeolites) – shows natural clinoptilolite effectively detoxes heavy metals and aluminum in rats: Novel, oxygenated clinoptilolite material efficiently removes aluminium from aluminium chloride-intoxicated rats in vivo. Read the study here." Here's the study .
Just a side note: the liquid zeolite doesn't work and that's what's being pushed a lot for some reason. It's the powdered zeolite that helps for heavy metals, flouride, mold, etc. at the correct dosage. Most people do not take enough to have the zeolite powder (which is a cage like structure) bind to the many toxins so they end up having a negative effect (herxheimer effect) and then think it's not working.
I wish you well and hope you find solutions for your sons. I'm very sorry you all are going through what you're going through. One other thought, I have my own issues with detoxing due to genetics. I don't know if you've looked into that aspect but as I've mentioned, if there are detoxing pathways, enzymes, etc. that are not functioning properly due to genetics (my case) then one has a much more difficult time detoxing anything. So, you have to fix that issue first and then the other issues will follow. Basically, the genes are at the core of the issue sometimes. Then, minerals and toxins. If minerals aren't balanced the body also doesn't function well. You need minerals to create neurotransmitters and to do hundreds of functions in the body. Just my 2 cents.
Dr. Vanden Bossche said on The Highwire a while back that the WHO were discussing an initiative to replace aluminum adjuvants. And then no further details given, despite that being an incredible statement. Would be great to have insight into these discussions, if true.
Chris, I’m trying to ascertain how much silica (OSA) is present in our tap water (north Liverpool, Formby). United Utilities don’t measure it (apparently) but I found this equipment available online:
If I was going to buy one of these tests then I would buy the low range test, up to 2ppm, and also buy some distilled/pure water and dilute your tap water twenty times before measuring it.
According to all I've read, aluminum is the one thing that chelation protocols can't touch. Which is why Dr. Exley's advice to do mineral water is invaluable.
Up to 1L of mineral water daily - but water that has a minimum silica content. Fiji water has a fairly high silica content, so that's what we use. I've tried liquid silica supplements in the past, and they don't do much. But the water has been miraculous for my autistic sons.
I hear you. There’s so much out there to help, but testing it out for what your needs are is such a tricky process. Definitely give the water a try! It’s easy, as far as protocols go.
Hello all, I heard Pr Exley's talk, and absolutely need to give my daughter this water, and might even have her shower with it ( i wonder if that might help as our pores absorb water when we bathe) . She has changed from being a friendly child, who was learning piano, tennis, did a play with her drama cclub in front of huge crowd, to socially shy, putting on weight, running to and fro i, bouts or quite often when at home (not in school) , she cannot stand noise, is tired when aroud a lot of people, unable to concentrate and has big anxiety issues. Might have been the MMR she got at age 4 or 5 which started this, but things got worse with Gardasil when she was 12 (forgive me, I need to curse the doctor who told me to get her the two shots here) . I live in France and we do have Volvis, but Professr Exley seems to say Fidji and Spritzer i think are the best. Does anyone know of a sure place to buy it from so I don't get some fake water please? Thank you .
After I became aware of your research, my husband and I immediately started to give our (autistic) son 1L of Fiji water per day. It has been several years and his academic ability and his overall cognition has improved immensely. He went from needing an aide to help with academics at school to earning almost all As independently. I am forever grateful for your work.
what's in Fiji water that helps?
It's all here:
Silicic acid
This is an incredible testimony to the impact of your research Chris!
I bought your book, now I want to read it. The most unbelievable thing is apparently nobody wants to know the truth if it doesn't make money. As you stated, there has been no further published literature confirming or falsifying your previous results. That is most fascinating and provides insight into the state of science and research. I shared this Substack with many others, along with a link to your book.
I heard this many years ago and kept my 5 children unvaccinated. I deeply appreciate the people doing the work and sharing the info.
I read your piece explaining the sham process by Keele academics and ‘leadership’ to take you down and try to destroy your reputation and life’s work. I cannot even imagine the pain, anger, suffering and frustration they’ve put you through. I hope you have a strong support network and family to remind you of your tremendous value.
I was the victim twice of political attacks that cost me 2 jobs for speaking truth to power and doing valuable work. Small impotent people are threatened by talent, excellence and personal integrity. You exposed a valuable truth, which can take down an industry of lies, one that has seriously harmed and killed tens of thousands (if not millions) of babies, children and adults.
Keep up your important work and thank you for all that you’ve done and continue to do. Godspeed.
Dr. Exley, I have two autistic sons and strongly suspect aluminum toxicity from newborn vaccines to have been a major factor. I've been slow-walked, so to speak, to that conclusion, because everything we've done to help has always helped a little, but not significantly. One of my sons is only minimally verbal, and the other "scripts" his language, almost exclusively.
Since finally digging into your research some months ago, I finally started giving my sons daily Fiji water, since, hey, as far as protocols go, that's an easy one!
One month in, and my minimally verbal son has started to wake up, in a sense. He's started telling me little details about his school day. He's never done that before - and it's one of my biggest worries, because it's easy to mistreat a kid who doesn't talk because he can't speak about what's happening to him. But suddenly, for the first time, he's using his own words and telling me things that happen. Tonight, he succinctly told me about some "tussles" he got into at school, and why he has a scratch on his leg and who did it.
I cannot overstate how big these wins are for us. He's almost 13 and has been through so much in the way of treatment - from medications to homeopathy to a fantastic biomedical doctor and so much therapy. We've learned to be cynical and not expect too much when we try something new after all these years, but I think I'm going to be able to say that your research is helping him find his voice. God bless you, Dr. Exley.
Thank you for doing this work & refusing to back down! 5 years ago I didn’t understand the autism/aluminum link, but my beloved stepfather did die after ten years with Alzheimer’s & dementia and a mouth & body full of metal, so I had my suspicions something was going on.
I am forever grateful for your study and the fact that you are an honest scientist who was willing to look at the question without automatically assuming it couldn't be related to vaccines. You changed my mind on the question of vaccines and autism and I have been benefiting from removing aluminium (which I am doing as I write this comment)
Holland and Barrett's sell Fiji water, got a couple of bottles to try today.
Yes they do, Waitrose also sell it.,
I still have the toxic test results for my autistic grandson from age 3 and on . We used to do it every year. Aluminum was always off the charts. It probably still is. Might try it now-years later and see results. Thank you for this.
If it is not already there, I am sharing this with The Highwire community. Thank you!
Thank you for your hard work. I hope someday more people will start listening to you and those who truly understand the science which the basics are not that difficult for laypeople to understand. Heavy metals are NOT meant to be in any body and they come from these drugs/vaccines.
Luckily, there are many ways to detox heavy metals out of the body (medicinal mushrooms, zeolite powder, humic acid, pectin, chlorella, charcoal, bentonite clay, etc - please learn how all this works before trying - you need to know what "dislodges" the toxin and which then bind to them to take them out of the body - not difficult to learn but you need to know the difference so not to cause more harm to the body). Unfortunately, most people prefer to be stuck in their world of pharma and do not want to know there are ways to "clean out" the body of these and other toxins. So, instead they suffer and what's worse, their children suffer with so called diseases which are very often merely symptoms of these toxins.
It's also so easy to test for heavy metals with hair testing. It's just all so ridiculous at this point but people prefer to be blind.
Actually previous studies showed otherwise. Those children who had hair that tested high in heavy metals were excreting the metals. It's the ones that didn't excrete it thru hair that retained it in their bodies.
I'm not sure what you're contradicting. With hair testing, the heavy metals are not always seen until detoxing has started or is occurring. It can take months or years depending on the situation to excrete heavy metals from tissues in a safe and proper fashion. Parasites love to use heavy metals which makes it even more difficult to detox the metals. I know from personal experience. Once the protocol is in place and detoxing is happening, the hair WILL show the heavy metals. You have to test every 3 months until ALL the heavy metals/toxins are out of the body. That's the only way to know what's going on.
It takes an expert in hair testing and mineral balancing to truly understand how to read the test and how to detox the heavy metals out of the tissues. If the person is already detoxing the metals then they might be lucky enough to have their detoxing pathways functioning well enough. But I bet, even those people need assistance considering the load of toxins that are in the environment.
Unfortunately, when the heavy metals like mercury and aluminum pass the blood/brain barrier(as is often the case with autism happens in about 2 weeks) no matter how much detox one does, it often doesn't remove these toxins because they have already moved into body organs etc. There are studies done that prove that most kids with autism do not have heavy metals in their hair because it is never excreted like it should be.
From what I've learned that's not true. These heavy metals get into the organs of anyone who is exposed to them because the blood must be in homostasis and the heavy metals can stay in the blood or people would die. So they go into the tissues of the organs. Not a surprise there. So, yes, many people have detoxed these heavy metals from their bodies.
Who's studies are these? What type of detox is being done?
23 years plus raising a grandson with autism. Vaccine injury. Early baby vaccines with mercury. Aluminum etc. Years of working with autism specialists. Dozens of tests done over many years. Loaded with toxins that don't just simply disappear. Lots of chelation over years. different kinds. Babies and children without the predisposition he had and has unloaded the mercury etc within two weeks AND DIDN'T GET AUTISM... lET ME KNOW WHEN YOU'VE RAISED A VACCINE INJURED CHILD INTO ADULTHOOD WITH AUTISM...
Please don't yell at me. I'm very sorry for what you've been through and so very sorry for your grandson. First, I had no idea of your situation. Second, there are many stories of detoxing with many successes.
I still know that there is hope for many. I don't know the details of your situation but there are people who have healed from heavy metal toxicity. There are genetic factors that come into play with regards to detoxing and if those aspects aren't attended to then detoxing can be difficult too. Chelating also doesn't always work but other detoxing does. Also, just because someone is a "specialists" doesn't mean they have all the answers. I been to many who are "experts/specialists" and they miss plenty and end up causing more harm.
Again, I'm sorry for what you've all been through but please don't take hope away from others by insisting that detoxing doesn't work.
I would note here that Dr. Exley doesn’t recommend zeolite for aluminum, and all the detox methods you mention work on other metals, but not aluminum. Which is why Dr. Exley’s work here is so vital. Highly recommend reading his material on the subject.
I'll take a look at Dr. Exley. Thank you for pointing that out. There are other supplements that do help remove aluminum such as pectin.
The important thing is to detox in a way that works for your individual body. Genetics does play a role. When certain genes are mutated and not functioning properly all the detoxing in the world simply won't help enough. So, the genetic component needs to be addressed for some. Also, please do note that zeolite powder does work for those who have been inoculated. I've known several who have been helped and their symptoms have disappeared due to the zeolite powder since it's a negatively charged substance that binds to positively charged substances such as glycoproteins (spike proteins), lipid nano particles, and possibly graphene oxide.
I am aware - been at the detox thing with my kids for quite a long time now, working with many different protocols and doctors, etc. Zeolite actually made one of my sons so much worse, which set us on a different discovery path.
I’m really just pointing out that you are here on Dr Exley’s substack, and he has done so much work on aluminum and does not recommend other agents for removing it from the body based on his clinical research, so I would suggest reading some of his work. It’s fascinating and remarkable and helped inform some of my own assumptions based on lots of popular detox methods and information. 👍🏻
Interesting thought: Zeolite is already bound to aluminum in it's construction which isn't problematic since the aluminum doesn't unbind from the zeolite in the body. So, it's strange that it doesn't bind to aluminum in the body unless it can't since it's already bound to the zeolite to begin with. Aside from the fact that in the study I posted below, they seem to be able to bind zeolite to aluminum. Idk. I'm just putting thoughts out there.
I just started looking at Dr. Exley work and found an article from Natural Recovery Austism ( ) and they talk about Dr. Exley work and then go and talk about a study that shows how zeolite removes aluminum from ratts (see below). Rather confusing.
"Animal Studies (using a variety of zeolites) – shows natural clinoptilolite effectively detoxes heavy metals and aluminum in rats: Novel, oxygenated clinoptilolite material efficiently removes aluminium from aluminium chloride-intoxicated rats in vivo. Read the study here." Here's the study .
Just a side note: the liquid zeolite doesn't work and that's what's being pushed a lot for some reason. It's the powdered zeolite that helps for heavy metals, flouride, mold, etc. at the correct dosage. Most people do not take enough to have the zeolite powder (which is a cage like structure) bind to the many toxins so they end up having a negative effect (herxheimer effect) and then think it's not working.
I wish you well and hope you find solutions for your sons. I'm very sorry you all are going through what you're going through. One other thought, I have my own issues with detoxing due to genetics. I don't know if you've looked into that aspect but as I've mentioned, if there are detoxing pathways, enzymes, etc. that are not functioning properly due to genetics (my case) then one has a much more difficult time detoxing anything. So, you have to fix that issue first and then the other issues will follow. Basically, the genes are at the core of the issue sometimes. Then, minerals and toxins. If minerals aren't balanced the body also doesn't function well. You need minerals to create neurotransmitters and to do hundreds of functions in the body. Just my 2 cents.
Great video from Doctor Palevsky:
Dr. Vanden Bossche said on The Highwire a while back that the WHO were discussing an initiative to replace aluminum adjuvants. And then no further details given, despite that being an incredible statement. Would be great to have insight into these discussions, if true.
Chris, I’m trying to ascertain how much silica (OSA) is present in our tap water (north Liverpool, Formby). United Utilities don’t measure it (apparently) but I found this equipment available online:
…which looks promising. What do you think? Is there any other way to have the natural levels tested for less money?
If I was going to buy one of these tests then I would buy the low range test, up to 2ppm, and also buy some distilled/pure water and dilute your tap water twenty times before measuring it.
Thank you. Are there any independent water testing services that are worthwhile, in your opinion?
Does chelation work on aluminum?
According to all I've read, aluminum is the one thing that chelation protocols can't touch. Which is why Dr. Exley's advice to do mineral water is invaluable.
What is his advice?
Up to 1L of mineral water daily - but water that has a minimum silica content. Fiji water has a fairly high silica content, so that's what we use. I've tried liquid silica supplements in the past, and they don't do much. But the water has been miraculous for my autistic sons.
Thank you. I will try it. I have special needs twin boys, who are now long covid sufferers also. Trying to detox and heal them.
I hear you. There’s so much out there to help, but testing it out for what your needs are is such a tricky process. Definitely give the water a try! It’s easy, as far as protocols go.
Thank you! Will pick up from Walmart today.
It can but it depends on the particular individual. How long it's been there. What damage it may have already done etc. IMHO.
Hello all, I heard Pr Exley's talk, and absolutely need to give my daughter this water, and might even have her shower with it ( i wonder if that might help as our pores absorb water when we bathe) . She has changed from being a friendly child, who was learning piano, tennis, did a play with her drama cclub in front of huge crowd, to socially shy, putting on weight, running to and fro i, bouts or quite often when at home (not in school) , she cannot stand noise, is tired when aroud a lot of people, unable to concentrate and has big anxiety issues. Might have been the MMR she got at age 4 or 5 which started this, but things got worse with Gardasil when she was 12 (forgive me, I need to curse the doctor who told me to get her the two shots here) . I live in France and we do have Volvis, but Professr Exley seems to say Fidji and Spritzer i think are the best. Does anyone know of a sure place to buy it from so I don't get some fake water please? Thank you .
Volvic works perfectly well.
Thank you very much .
thank you