I was slightly surprised and pleased at Chat-GPT’s response to JB’s questions. They were similar to my own. The logical and ethical response to reading your research would be to phase out aluminium adjuvants and find something safer.
Then after more reading and research you realise that the alternatives eg LPS endotoxin are just as risky and potentially harmful. You need a large enough dose of poison to create an immune response but not enough to harm you. Working out the right dose for people of all shapes, sizes and susceptibilities is virtually impossible even before considering whether it’s possible to manufacture the product at scale within the correct tolerances.
Then you do more reading on vaccines and come to the conclusion we can do without them because they are pretty much based on a medical fallacy.
Read my book and my many substack posts on this subject to realise that it is not too difficult to find alternative approaches. Only money matters here.
turn that thing 90 degrees from the vertical. (to drive it like you stole it.) then 180 from the horizontal. see the aboriginal, & still the worst, boomerang.
it really did/does preceded "the boomers."
But ... boomerangs don't kill people. People do.
I got Down Under my skin, on my mind, this morning....
I agree. You don't need vaccines. Our oldest son, now 17, is vaccine injured from his baby shots but his little brother (13) is vaccine free and the picture of health.
Thank you Dr Exley for all your hard work, your papers have helped us so much in our journey to heal Bryan. Your book should be in everyone's library.
Coadministration with a live (attenuated) virus vaccine might do it. AMD thinks those may in some circumstances actually reduce mortality.
Okay, just speculation. The problem appears to be general adjuvants. You want to enhance immune response to the specific antigen injected. Perhaps crosslinking it to a cheap, large protein not expected to be encountered elsewhere would do the trick. (NB: I'm still taking no more vaccines.)
It's so obvious nobody is stopping to read the studies and that the public ignores the obvious truths you've put right in front of them. I love the work both of you have done. Biggest fan since 2017. Thanks for saving my baby and my family.
By accounting for the potential confounder of aluminum-filled "vitamin" K- shot in the Control Group study, we found that ZERO entirely unvaccinated who had ALSO avoided the K-shot, had autism. The ONLY entirely unvaccinated kids with autism, were the 2 who had been injected with the K-shot.
70% of entirely unvaccinated kids ALSO avoided the K-shot, and NONE of these kids had autism. Pharma's (moronic) argument has always been that vaccines could not possibly cause autism if there is even ONE entirely unvaccinated kid with autism. The vitamin K-shot injections help to obscure the truth by creating "unvaccinated" kids with many of the same disorders seen in vaccinated children.
Chris, I know you don't see the connection between the aluminum-filled k-shot and these problems, (due to a "low levels of aluminum" in the k-shot) but here in the U.S. the K-shots are EXTREMELY high in aluminum, (100's of times the amount found in a typical vaccine) which explains why the Control Group study showed that the unvaccinated kids who also avoided the K-shot have ZERO autism, and much better health over-all than the unvaccinated kids who DID get the k-shot at birth.
Yes. It would appear so. If I had not added the "K-shot" (as well as the pregnancy vax) question to the health surveys, we would have had a couple of so-called "entirely unvaccinated" with autism in our results, thereby confounding those results.
As it turned out, there were ZERO autism cases in the entirely unvaccinated (post-birth) who'd also avoided the K-shots and the pregnancy vaccines while in their mother's womb. This was well over 1K surveyed who were entirely clean and true "controls" randomly sampled from across 48 states. According to national stats, if vaccines (and related pharma drug injections) are not the cause, we would have found 32 with autism in this group,....or at LEAST one case, if vaccines are merely a "contributing factor"
But nope. We found ZERO. So this means vaccines (and related pharma injections) are the ACTUAL CAUSE. And it looks as if they are in fact the ONLY cause of this particular malady.
Thanks for doing this research. Your findings are only what anyone who follows the true research can expect. Congratulations on doing it, proof is necessary.
I do not know if you are aware but in Europe the K shot at birth is not used.
This is the horrifying list for the UK at present. It has been augmented each year and soon we will catch up with the US.
So this might explain why Chris is not terribly concerned about the K-shot. But it's given to almost 100% of babies born in the U.S. at hospitals. And it's typically done without even mentioning it to the parents. The parents who make a fuss and attempt to reject it are threatened with the loss of their baby to "children's services" - are accused of "medical neglect" by the doctors and nurses. Often, the parents are not permitted to take their baby home, they are interrogated, etc.
I just had my babies at home. Everything went fine. I guess women really were designed for this task;-)
Dr Exley perhaps you are familiar with Dr Marc Girardot?
Reading Steve Kirsch's substack regarding Handley's work (and yours) Girardot chimed in with his Bolus Theory. I suggested to him in comments that he contact you and the two of you duke it out privately with your apparently competing theories.
I now recommend the same to you.
Thank you for all your work over the years to expose aluminum effects on human health.
Thanks for the suggestion. I am not aware of Girardot. Rather than theorising per se I consider that I am presenting to you peer-reviewed science of the highest repute and elaborating on how this may be involved in the aetiology of autism. There are many theories in autism but few are supported by hard science.
Thanks for your response Dr Exley. I am, and most rational scientists, should be more inclined to believe direct data / results / analyses over theory, for sure.
Girardot is NOT a scientist; he IS a very intelligent man and has a unique paradigm / theory. Basically, his theory is a mechanical and probability concept. A big plug(bolus) of irritating chemistry is introduced into the vascular system(not intentionally) and it finds near immediate potential for harm as it is conveyed quickly to critical points all over the body. (A blood vessel is jabbed rather than muscle cells.) At about 270,000x concentration it bombs the immune system and causes unique, catastrophic upsets; --autism results.
Amazingly, he claims Dr Jessica Rose sees his theory as possible but I have no idea what her take is on the science you have accomplished.
Anyway, I believe as under-schooled as I am as a mechanical engineer, that it is likely there are many causes of vaccine harm being the number of variables is huge, the resultant variety of VAERS adverse effects are approaching infinity, OK, not quite.
Possibly his theory accounts for some level of harm.
Next time you have a discussion with Dr Rose, I would love to be a little birdie listening in. . .
All I know for sure about autism is that sufferers of this disease have high concentrations of aluminium in their brain tissue. Any theory relating to the cause of autism must account for this.
There have been several very good studies looking at aluminium and gut health including conditions such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, so, in brief the answer is yes.
Yes. Aluminum is an adjuvant that "triggers" the immune system. Injecting human feces (or any toxin really) will also produce a triggered immune system. But I suspect the body would have an easier time dealing with the same dose of feces, and less long-term side-effects;-)
If excessive aluminum absorption were the cause of autism, then older adults would be more prone to autism rather than children. I believe autism is an autoimmune disease.
I am not sure you have understood my point. We are not talking about absorption of aluminium across the gut. Read my many substack posts on this subject or my book to understand why infants are uniquely vulnerable to exposure to aluminium and primarily through vaccines.
The following is what I am presently sending to my American friends who are in my Address Book which consist of people who are interested in top secret history:
My dear friends in America,
Some of you think that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. dropped out of the running,
but that is simply not true. More on that later in this Email.
First, I'd like to make you all aware of Trump's plans for you that I received
from one of my Canadian friends, David, who sent me this:
I hope this message finds you well. My name is Ben, and I am a 24-year-old male from Pittsburgh, PA. I received a tetanus (Tenivac) vaccine this past Saturday, and since then, I’ve experienced a cascade of unusual symptoms.
It began with a feeling of unrest and a heartbeat sensation in my stomach. Now, as the week progresses, my symptoms mainly include:
• Fatigue and weakness
• Slight loss of coordination and sensation in my body
• Slight vision problems (though nothing was detected during an optometrist visit)
• Brain fog
• Restlessness, with sleep being not as great as usual
I have been trying to detox through various methods like sauna sessions, drinking Fiji water, working out, sunlight exposure, and grounding. While these seem to help, I’m still concerned, particularly about the possibility of brain damage. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to speak with you via email or phone to discuss potential causes and any recommendations you may have.
Thank you for your time and expertise. I look forward to hearing from you.
I am sorry to hear this Ben. However, if it is the aluminium in the vaccine that has instigated your symptoms then you are doing all the right things and primarily drinking a silicon-rich mineral water such as Fiji Water every day. Do not expect an immediate resolution of your symptoms but if aluminium is involved then over time the mineral water will lower your body burden of aluminium and protect you against any further damage.
Thank you so much for your thoughtful response. I believe my symptoms are indeed tied to the aluminum in the vaccine. I got an aluminum blood test yesterday, though the results have not come back yet.
I’m following your recommendation and drinking a lot of Fiji water (at least 1 liter per day). Today, my symptoms have mainly been feeling a bit "out of it," slightly dissociated from my body, brain fog, some trouble reading, and weakness.
Are there any other recommendations you can give me for addressing these symptoms? Should I consider seeing a neurologist or getting a brain scan to assess any damage? Based on my symptoms, which are relatively minor, I’m hoping that I haven’t sustained too much damage, but I’d love to hear your thoughts. What might be the most likely outcome here—a slow recovery over weeks or months? Could there be a chance of permanent damage?
Additionally, I’m very interested in regenerative strategies to restore brain health. I’ve heard of fasting, certain diets like keto, and sunlight exposure, as suggested by Dr. Jack Kruse and Sara Pugh. Do you have any insights on those methods, or anything else that could help?
Lastly, I’d love to have a more direct conversation with you if possible, whether by email, phone, or text. My parents suggested I reach out to you, as they know you've studied brain injuries from vaccines in depth.
I deeply appreciate your time and expertise in helping me understand what might be going on.
You are probably correct. However, keep going with the silicon-rich mineral water, make it a philosophy for healthy living and you will not be a victim of aluminium, past, present or future. Good luck.
“I don’t know whether Donald Trump will be allowed to become president.
I think that there is a remarkable story, & that we are in a funny game, which is are we allowed to say what that story is, because to say, it to analyze it, to name it ,is to bring it into view.
I think we don’t understand why the censorship is behaving the way it is, we don’t understand why it’s in shadows, we don’t understand why our news is acting in a bizarre fashion - so let’s just set the stage (given that was in February {when these two last conversed}):
There is something that I think Mike Benz has referred to as the rules-based international order. It’s an interlocking series of agreements, tacit understandings, explicit understandings, clandestine understandings, about how the most important structures keep the world free of war. And keep markets open.
And there has been a system in place whether understood explicitly, or behind the scenes, or implicitly, that says that the purpose of the two American parties is to prune the field of populist candidates so that whatever two candidates exist in a face-off are both acceptable to that world order.
So, what you’re trying to do from the point of view of let’s say the State Department, the intelligence community, the Defense Department, & major corporations that have to do with international issues from arms trade to food … They have a series of agreements that are fragile, & could be overturned if a president entered the Oval Office that didn’t agree with them & the mood of the country was why do we pay taxes into these structures, why are we hamstrung, why aren’t we a free people?
So, what the two parties would do is they would run primaries … you’d have populist candidates & you’d pre-commit the populist candidates to support the candidates that won the primaries….
As long as that took place & you had two candidates that were both acceptable to the international order, that is they aren’t going to rethink NAFTA or NATO or what have you … we call that democracy.
And so democracy was the illusion of choice, what’s called magician’s choice, where the choice is not actually - you know, ‘pick a card, any card’ - but somehow the magician makes sure that the card that you pick is the one that he knows.
In that situation you have magician’s choice in the primaries & then you’d have the duopoly field two candidates, either of which was acceptable & you could actually afford to hold an election.
And the populists would vote & that way the international order wasn’t put at risk every four years. Because you can’t have alliances that are subject to the whim of the people in plebiscites.
So, under that structure, everything was going fine until 2016.
And then the first candidate ever to not hold any position in the military nor position in government in the history of the republic entered the Oval Office, Donald Trump, broke through the primary structure.
So then there was a full court press of ok, we only have one candidate that’s acceptable to the international order - Donald Trump will be under constant pressure that he’s a loser, that he’s a wild man, that he’s an idiot, & he’s under the control of the Russians … & he was going to be a 20:1 underdog.
And then he wins.
And there was no precedent for this.
They learned their lesson. You cannot afford to have candidates who are not acceptable to the international order & continue to have these alliances.
*In another 3-hour tour/interview (remember the SS Minnow? Gilligan’s Island, ya’ll.) Weinstein, talking about his alma mater Harvard, cuts the magician’s deck of marked cards & it comes up “sharp minds & sharp elbows.”
Well, the former minds mostly cash paychecks from the latter elbows.
Weinstein hisownself worked for/in Peter Thiel’s (das) Capital, as Managing Director … & PT (Barnum … & Bailey’s Irish - well, German - Cream, over ice) will forever be known by his shameless credo that "Competition is for losers” - which you can - nay should & must - take to your local, friendly, federal reserve branch bank for (is it)”safe”(?)keeping … remember the dental torture scene in Marathon Man?) … & that mousey Dustin “wins” & manly Roy Scheider doesn’t (hint-hint)?
I trust you know who is the unsolved problem. And that it is not a trick trust.
But so as not to misplace trust:
It is monopolists. AND it is all who make those monomaniacs possible.
So add to the two Sharps alllll the dullards (&/or Crazy Cora’s) who “look up” without a ballistic brain in their bodies:
Look out 47:50’ish below. Bottom of the world Down Under, Ben Mendelsohn is a red-headed wanker. But by the time he gets to Everest basecamp, he’s the opposite. That’s Maslow’s Hierarchy of Karma. Maybe.
Meantime, until a lot more wigglies make the Quigley-ascent, all Highlanders oughta bring plenty of bottled oxygen, & maybe lots of syringes of dexamethasone.
The mono-bundle/rs ain’t “left” or “right.” Those solipsist lollypops are cylindrical. Look closely & you can also see Tom Sawyer’s fence - also circular, aka “corral” - that he jawed (axe draped in velvet) on-gawkers into paying him to whitewash…..
When you’re digging yourself deeper, painting yourself corner-tighter, you’d stop … if you could.
I used your question as a search and got "EDTA speeds the elimination of metals - not just lead - from the body by attaching, or "chelating", to them. (The bound metal can then be rapidly excreted in the urine.) Mercury, arsenic, and aluminum, for example, all bind to EDTA," from publichealth.lacounty.gov/Eh/safety/chelation-therapy.htm
I was slightly surprised and pleased at Chat-GPT’s response to JB’s questions. They were similar to my own. The logical and ethical response to reading your research would be to phase out aluminium adjuvants and find something safer.
Then after more reading and research you realise that the alternatives eg LPS endotoxin are just as risky and potentially harmful. You need a large enough dose of poison to create an immune response but not enough to harm you. Working out the right dose for people of all shapes, sizes and susceptibilities is virtually impossible even before considering whether it’s possible to manufacture the product at scale within the correct tolerances.
Then you do more reading on vaccines and come to the conclusion we can do without them because they are pretty much based on a medical fallacy.
Read my book and my many substack posts on this subject to realise that it is not too difficult to find alternative approaches. Only money matters here.
turn that thing 90 degrees from the vertical. (to drive it like you stole it.) then 180 from the horizontal. see the aboriginal, & still the worst, boomerang.
it really did/does preceded "the boomers."
But ... boomerangs don't kill people. People do.
I got Down Under my skin, on my mind, this morning....
I agree. You don't need vaccines. Our oldest son, now 17, is vaccine injured from his baby shots but his little brother (13) is vaccine free and the picture of health.
Thank you Dr Exley for all your hard work, your papers have helped us so much in our journey to heal Bryan. Your book should be in everyone's library.
And the fact that an adult can get the same dose as a baby is beyond me.
Coadministration with a live (attenuated) virus vaccine might do it. AMD thinks those may in some circumstances actually reduce mortality.
Okay, just speculation. The problem appears to be general adjuvants. You want to enhance immune response to the specific antigen injected. Perhaps crosslinking it to a cheap, large protein not expected to be encountered elsewhere would do the trick. (NB: I'm still taking no more vaccines.)
Thank you as always for your work and courage Dr Exley.
It's so obvious nobody is stopping to read the studies and that the public ignores the obvious truths you've put right in front of them. I love the work both of you have done. Biggest fan since 2017. Thanks for saving my baby and my family.
Many more people cite studies than actually read and understand them.
By accounting for the potential confounder of aluminum-filled "vitamin" K- shot in the Control Group study, we found that ZERO entirely unvaccinated who had ALSO avoided the K-shot, had autism. The ONLY entirely unvaccinated kids with autism, were the 2 who had been injected with the K-shot.
70% of entirely unvaccinated kids ALSO avoided the K-shot, and NONE of these kids had autism. Pharma's (moronic) argument has always been that vaccines could not possibly cause autism if there is even ONE entirely unvaccinated kid with autism. The vitamin K-shot injections help to obscure the truth by creating "unvaccinated" kids with many of the same disorders seen in vaccinated children.
Chris, I know you don't see the connection between the aluminum-filled k-shot and these problems, (due to a "low levels of aluminum" in the k-shot) but here in the U.S. the K-shots are EXTREMELY high in aluminum, (100's of times the amount found in a typical vaccine) which explains why the Control Group study showed that the unvaccinated kids who also avoided the K-shot have ZERO autism, and much better health over-all than the unvaccinated kids who DID get the k-shot at birth.
You might want to revisit your stance on the K-shots given at birth. Here's a link to the peer-reviewed and published paper on the Control Group study. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/365417868_Health_versus_Disorder_Disease_and_Death_Unvaccinated_Persons_Are_Incommensurably_Healthier_than_Vaccinated Please at least go look at the graphs and the numbers inside of this paper.
Why on earth put aluminium in a vitamin shot?
This sounds as if they deliberately want to conceal the damage caused by aluminium in childhood vaccines.
Yes. It would appear so. If I had not added the "K-shot" (as well as the pregnancy vax) question to the health surveys, we would have had a couple of so-called "entirely unvaccinated" with autism in our results, thereby confounding those results.
As it turned out, there were ZERO autism cases in the entirely unvaccinated (post-birth) who'd also avoided the K-shots and the pregnancy vaccines while in their mother's womb. This was well over 1K surveyed who were entirely clean and true "controls" randomly sampled from across 48 states. According to national stats, if vaccines (and related pharma drug injections) are not the cause, we would have found 32 with autism in this group,....or at LEAST one case, if vaccines are merely a "contributing factor"
But nope. We found ZERO. So this means vaccines (and related pharma injections) are the ACTUAL CAUSE. And it looks as if they are in fact the ONLY cause of this particular malady.
Thanks for doing this research. Your findings are only what anyone who follows the true research can expect. Congratulations on doing it, proof is necessary.
I do not know if you are aware but in Europe the K shot at birth is not used.
This is the horrifying list for the UK at present. It has been augmented each year and soon we will catch up with the US.
So this might explain why Chris is not terribly concerned about the K-shot. But it's given to almost 100% of babies born in the U.S. at hospitals. And it's typically done without even mentioning it to the parents. The parents who make a fuss and attempt to reject it are threatened with the loss of their baby to "children's services" - are accused of "medical neglect" by the doctors and nurses. Often, the parents are not permitted to take their baby home, they are interrogated, etc.
I just had my babies at home. Everything went fine. I guess women really were designed for this task;-)
Horrifying to inject a little newborn.
Hmmm. I hope he takes your lead.
Dr Exley perhaps you are familiar with Dr Marc Girardot?
Reading Steve Kirsch's substack regarding Handley's work (and yours) Girardot chimed in with his Bolus Theory. I suggested to him in comments that he contact you and the two of you duke it out privately with your apparently competing theories.
I now recommend the same to you.
Thank you for all your work over the years to expose aluminum effects on human health.
Thanks for the suggestion. I am not aware of Girardot. Rather than theorising per se I consider that I am presenting to you peer-reviewed science of the highest repute and elaborating on how this may be involved in the aetiology of autism. There are many theories in autism but few are supported by hard science.
Thanks for your response Dr Exley. I am, and most rational scientists, should be more inclined to believe direct data / results / analyses over theory, for sure.
Girardot is NOT a scientist; he IS a very intelligent man and has a unique paradigm / theory. Basically, his theory is a mechanical and probability concept. A big plug(bolus) of irritating chemistry is introduced into the vascular system(not intentionally) and it finds near immediate potential for harm as it is conveyed quickly to critical points all over the body. (A blood vessel is jabbed rather than muscle cells.) At about 270,000x concentration it bombs the immune system and causes unique, catastrophic upsets; --autism results.
Amazingly, he claims Dr Jessica Rose sees his theory as possible but I have no idea what her take is on the science you have accomplished.
Anyway, I believe as under-schooled as I am as a mechanical engineer, that it is likely there are many causes of vaccine harm being the number of variables is huge, the resultant variety of VAERS adverse effects are approaching infinity, OK, not quite.
Possibly his theory accounts for some level of harm.
Next time you have a discussion with Dr Rose, I would love to be a little birdie listening in. . .
All I know for sure about autism is that sufferers of this disease have high concentrations of aluminium in their brain tissue. Any theory relating to the cause of autism must account for this.
Could Colic in infants be related to aluminum adjuvants in vaccines?
There have been several very good studies looking at aluminium and gut health including conditions such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, so, in brief the answer is yes.
YES. And the vitamin K-shot ALONE can cause many of the same problems in babies/children, including autism. Go see this study to understand better: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/365417868_Health_versus_Disorder_Disease_and_Death_Unvaccinated_Persons_Are_Incommensurably_Healthier_than_Vaccinated
It isn't the vitamin K but the adjuvants causing the problems, according to the cited text.
It's clearly the aluminum.
To those who don't understand adjuvant science.
Yes. Aluminum is an adjuvant that "triggers" the immune system. Injecting human feces (or any toxin really) will also produce a triggered immune system. But I suspect the body would have an easier time dealing with the same dose of feces, and less long-term side-effects;-)
Aluminum is a poisonous metal. Feces are the body's way of eliminating such.
Gates had Prof Exley removed from Keele by fu ding a pro vax research course
If excessive aluminum absorption were the cause of autism, then older adults would be more prone to autism rather than children. I believe autism is an autoimmune disease.
I am not sure you have understood my point. We are not talking about absorption of aluminium across the gut. Read my many substack posts on this subject or my book to understand why infants are uniquely vulnerable to exposure to aluminium and primarily through vaccines.
The following is what I am presently sending to my American friends who are in my Address Book which consist of people who are interested in top secret history:
My dear friends in America,
Some of you think that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. dropped out of the running,
but that is simply not true. More on that later in this Email.
First, I'd like to make you all aware of Trump's plans for you that I received
from one of my Canadian friends, David, who sent me this:
Duration: 2:22
Duration: 1:46
I already knew that Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said that Trump is a
pathological liar. See from Jan
Duration: 26:32
Kamala Harris wants the Green New Deal. See
From Bob in Texas
which I labelled Kamala Harris #2 Would dismantle the U.S. Supreme Court.
I don't make this stuff up. You can read this in the article.
So, getting back to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. he's on the ballot in 40 states.
Here are the ten states on which he's NOT on the ballot:
North Dakota
South Carolina
You can see what happened by clicking on your state at
If you live in one of these states, please contact the Registrar of Voters and demand that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
be placed on the ballot. Tell the Registrar of Voters that we will lose our Republic (we have lost our Republic,
but the Registrar of Voters may not know that fact) if Mr. Kennedy is not placed on the ballot. Tell him/her that
Mr. Kennedy is on 40 state's ballots, even NY where that state government gave Mr. Kennedy all kinds of trouble.
Then, pass this Email to everyone you know, and if you can , post it on social media so it may go viral. Enough is enough.
Arlene Johnson
To access my work, which includes likely all the reasons why JFK was assassinated,
click on the icon that says Magazine.
Dear Dr. Exley,
I hope this message finds you well. My name is Ben, and I am a 24-year-old male from Pittsburgh, PA. I received a tetanus (Tenivac) vaccine this past Saturday, and since then, I’ve experienced a cascade of unusual symptoms.
It began with a feeling of unrest and a heartbeat sensation in my stomach. Now, as the week progresses, my symptoms mainly include:
• Fatigue and weakness
• Slight loss of coordination and sensation in my body
• Slight vision problems (though nothing was detected during an optometrist visit)
• Brain fog
• Restlessness, with sleep being not as great as usual
I have been trying to detox through various methods like sauna sessions, drinking Fiji water, working out, sunlight exposure, and grounding. While these seem to help, I’m still concerned, particularly about the possibility of brain damage. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to speak with you via email or phone to discuss potential causes and any recommendations you may have.
Thank you for your time and expertise. I look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Ben Hoffman
I am sorry to hear this Ben. However, if it is the aluminium in the vaccine that has instigated your symptoms then you are doing all the right things and primarily drinking a silicon-rich mineral water such as Fiji Water every day. Do not expect an immediate resolution of your symptoms but if aluminium is involved then over time the mineral water will lower your body burden of aluminium and protect you against any further damage.
Dear Dr. Exley,
Thank you so much for your thoughtful response. I believe my symptoms are indeed tied to the aluminum in the vaccine. I got an aluminum blood test yesterday, though the results have not come back yet.
I’m following your recommendation and drinking a lot of Fiji water (at least 1 liter per day). Today, my symptoms have mainly been feeling a bit "out of it," slightly dissociated from my body, brain fog, some trouble reading, and weakness.
Are there any other recommendations you can give me for addressing these symptoms? Should I consider seeing a neurologist or getting a brain scan to assess any damage? Based on my symptoms, which are relatively minor, I’m hoping that I haven’t sustained too much damage, but I’d love to hear your thoughts. What might be the most likely outcome here—a slow recovery over weeks or months? Could there be a chance of permanent damage?
Additionally, I’m very interested in regenerative strategies to restore brain health. I’ve heard of fasting, certain diets like keto, and sunlight exposure, as suggested by Dr. Jack Kruse and Sara Pugh. Do you have any insights on those methods, or anything else that could help?
Lastly, I’d love to have a more direct conversation with you if possible, whether by email, phone, or text. My parents suggested I reach out to you, as they know you've studied brain injuries from vaccines in depth.
I deeply appreciate your time and expertise in helping me understand what might be going on.
I also want to mention I have not been sleeping properly the past few days so its possible that most of my symptoms stem from that.
You are probably correct. However, keep going with the silicon-rich mineral water, make it a philosophy for healthy living and you will not be a victim of aluminium, past, present or future. Good luck.
If they need a deadly adjuvant is any vaccine, you know it is useless.
Here is how Eric Weinstein puts it:
“I don’t know whether Donald Trump will be allowed to become president.
I think that there is a remarkable story, & that we are in a funny game, which is are we allowed to say what that story is, because to say, it to analyze it, to name it ,is to bring it into view.
I think we don’t understand why the censorship is behaving the way it is, we don’t understand why it’s in shadows, we don’t understand why our news is acting in a bizarre fashion - so let’s just set the stage (given that was in February {when these two last conversed}):
There is something that I think Mike Benz has referred to as the rules-based international order. It’s an interlocking series of agreements, tacit understandings, explicit understandings, clandestine understandings, about how the most important structures keep the world free of war. And keep markets open.
And there has been a system in place whether understood explicitly, or behind the scenes, or implicitly, that says that the purpose of the two American parties is to prune the field of populist candidates so that whatever two candidates exist in a face-off are both acceptable to that world order.
So, what you’re trying to do from the point of view of let’s say the State Department, the intelligence community, the Defense Department, & major corporations that have to do with international issues from arms trade to food … They have a series of agreements that are fragile, & could be overturned if a president entered the Oval Office that didn’t agree with them & the mood of the country was why do we pay taxes into these structures, why are we hamstrung, why aren’t we a free people?
So, what the two parties would do is they would run primaries … you’d have populist candidates & you’d pre-commit the populist candidates to support the candidates that won the primaries….
As long as that took place & you had two candidates that were both acceptable to the international order, that is they aren’t going to rethink NAFTA or NATO or what have you … we call that democracy.
And so democracy was the illusion of choice, what’s called magician’s choice, where the choice is not actually - you know, ‘pick a card, any card’ - but somehow the magician makes sure that the card that you pick is the one that he knows.
In that situation you have magician’s choice in the primaries & then you’d have the duopoly field two candidates, either of which was acceptable & you could actually afford to hold an election.
And the populists would vote & that way the international order wasn’t put at risk every four years. Because you can’t have alliances that are subject to the whim of the people in plebiscites.
So, under that structure, everything was going fine until 2016.
And then the first candidate ever to not hold any position in the military nor position in government in the history of the republic entered the Oval Office, Donald Trump, broke through the primary structure.
So then there was a full court press of ok, we only have one candidate that’s acceptable to the international order - Donald Trump will be under constant pressure that he’s a loser, that he’s a wild man, that he’s an idiot, & he’s under the control of the Russians … & he was going to be a 20:1 underdog.
And then he wins.
And there was no precedent for this.
They learned their lesson. You cannot afford to have candidates who are not acceptable to the international order & continue to have these alliances.
This is an unsolved problem.”
Control, populist or elitist, is an illusion. Always has been. Always will be. Nothing is more outta CONTROL than KAOS'iffied Agent Smart.
And all the words in the OED, cross referenced & chain(-chain-chain of fools) linked in alpha thesauri firmament are only ever net/net about this:
*In another 3-hour tour/interview (remember the SS Minnow? Gilligan’s Island, ya’ll.) Weinstein, talking about his alma mater Harvard, cuts the magician’s deck of marked cards & it comes up “sharp minds & sharp elbows.”
Well, the former minds mostly cash paychecks from the latter elbows.
Weinstein hisownself worked for/in Peter Thiel’s (das) Capital, as Managing Director … & PT (Barnum … & Bailey’s Irish - well, German - Cream, over ice) will forever be known by his shameless credo that "Competition is for losers” - which you can - nay should & must - take to your local, friendly, federal reserve branch bank for (is it)”safe”(?)keeping … remember the dental torture scene in Marathon Man?) … & that mousey Dustin “wins” & manly Roy Scheider doesn’t (hint-hint)?
I trust you know who is the unsolved problem. And that it is not a trick trust.
But so as not to misplace trust:
It is monopolists. AND it is all who make those monomaniacs possible.
So add to the two Sharps alllll the dullards (&/or Crazy Cora’s) who “look up” without a ballistic brain in their bodies:
Look out 47:50’ish below. Bottom of the world Down Under, Ben Mendelsohn is a red-headed wanker. But by the time he gets to Everest basecamp, he’s the opposite. That’s Maslow’s Hierarchy of Karma. Maybe.
Meantime, until a lot more wigglies make the Quigley-ascent, all Highlanders oughta bring plenty of bottled oxygen, & maybe lots of syringes of dexamethasone.
Kim Carnes sang about those eyes … but its the whole visage, isn’t it? If you’re at, in, that party, your face is fascia, too.
The mono-bundle/rs ain’t “left” or “right.” Those solipsist lollypops are cylindrical. Look closely & you can also see Tom Sawyer’s fence - also circular, aka “corral” - that he jawed (axe draped in velvet) on-gawkers into paying him to whitewash…..
When you’re digging yourself deeper, painting yourself corner-tighter, you’d stop … if you could.
Prolific, as usual.
Where was the mentioned but not cited paper published?
Does EDTA chelation remove aluminum?
Thank you.
Please see my substack on this subject, Detox Or Not Detox
Be sure to see Exley’s Stacks on drinking water with a minimum amount of orthosilicic acid. It removes aluminum without more drastic “detox” methods.
I used your question as a search and got "EDTA speeds the elimination of metals - not just lead - from the body by attaching, or "chelating", to them. (The bound metal can then be rapidly excreted in the urine.) Mercury, arsenic, and aluminum, for example, all bind to EDTA," from publichealth.lacounty.gov/Eh/safety/chelation-therapy.htm
Agreed...Substack has removed my ability to simply like....best
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