Gardasil - a vaccine so good at stopping cervical cancer that they gave it to boys. That’s perfect for our clown world where nobody in power can say what a woman is.

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To prevent genital warts, apparently

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Jun 4
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Given the nature of the virus discovery business and it's history, I consider the idea of HPV is highly suspect. The "vaccine" exists as a vector for infecting people with harmful substances contained in these shots. What do I know though, I am merely an uneducated idiot who actually reads about these things and doesn't take everything as an article of faith. My precious grandson just got this shot as proudly announced by my compliant daughter. Her husband is a health care pro and both blue pill as you can get. The idea of forcing boys to get this to "protect the girls" matches the idea of the covid shots, "you have to get the cleansing vax to protect ME from your awful cooties". Of course it begs the question which is why do I have to get a shot when you got a shot that supposedly protects you? If you object, well you are just not empathetic and a bad person; it is the virtue signalling that is important-not any concrete result or lack thereof. To sum up, to the blue pills it is better to be wrong for the right reasons than to be right but for what others consider the wrong reasons. It is why they came up with this notion of "malinformation" which is that you say something which is true but not helpful to the narrative being pushed.

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Well I hope for you as well as your grandson’s sake he isn’t ‘injured’ by the HPV shot. He’s young still, but it has seriously injured both young girls and boys. Check out Children Health Defense for articles about kids who have been injured from the HPV ‘vaccine’.

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There is no "virus discovery". Virology is simply propaganda for the vaccine industry.

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Explain Bowen's disease. BTW, cooties are genital lice.

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I think you missed the point of Dr Exley's article. Nobody should be given this vaccine.

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Right. You are Alan. No-one should get this dangerous garbage.

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No more children should ever be vaccinated with any vaccine, period. But that is against the religion of government, big pharma and the medical mafia. Vaccinated children are being set up to provide an endless stream of patients to the modern stone age medical mafia as they age. We are seeing in real time how the last 30-40 years of increasing vaccinations are making people sicker as they reach later adulthood and midlife. And to think there is absolutely no liability for the vaccine makers. You cannot get any more horrendous and demonic than that.

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It's not just making them sicker in adulthood. It's making them sicker in childhood, too! :-(

The kids today are just crazy. Most kids in primary school would have parents who were jabbed with a whole lot of crap, including the MMR AND Gardasil. And it's only worse for kids born now. There is literally SO much vaccine damage among children. It's awful. And the parents can't even see it because they're too busy playing on their iPhones!

We of course did not get our kids jabbed at all, and the last one I had was over 15 years ago. Hep B, I'm ashamed to say, but given my 'brainfog' bodily reaction to the jabs, it was the one that made me look into vaccines, whereupon I realised how heinous they were/are and I utterly refuse to have any more EVER again!

Gardasil didn't get 'approved' (ie box ticking) until 2006 and then it was put onto the national jab program in 2007 - and then in 2013 they extended the 'courtesy' to boys!

So any woman/girl who was born from 1995 is likely to have had the HPV poison. Moreover, they also extended Gardasil to women in their 20s (or older, even) early on, so there would be many women who were born in the '80s who would've been ignorant enough to think "I don't want cervical cancer; I'll have the jab"...and then of course they're also the parents of kids getting jabbed today! And then most would've had the covid poison on top of it!!! And then most fathers have also had Gardasil if they were born in 2001 or later.

The kids we're seeing today are already demented enough. I do NOT want to see what it will be like in another 5-10 years or so...

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They start jabbing our kids with toxic heavy metals when they are hours old and continue to do so for years after. Then they say the heavy metals and other toxins in the shot does not cause autism.

Well what did Dr. William Thompson, CDC, whistleblower say regarding African American kids getting autism from these shot?. Or Dr. Andrew Wakefield. Once Thompson notified the CDC of the risk of autism, what did the CDC do? Die they ask for bigger studies? NOPE! They said lets all go to CDC headquarters and shred all the evidence. Then later Congress refused to request for Wakefield to talk in front of Congress. WTH????

These people were sworn to protect the health and welfare of American Children and they did just the opposite. They commit crime against children and adults all the time. We live in a criminal society supported on the backs of our tax dollars.

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Aluminum is not a heavy metal; it's less dense than tin, which crossword puzzles call a "light metal". It's also not a chalcophile. It exerts its toxicity in other manners, which Dr. Exley has well elaborated.

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Hep-B jabs cause allergies (likely from the aluminum adjuvant), and thus choking congestion when the infant gets milk-based formula. I.e., a form of SIDS.

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They have depleted our food of natural nutrients so that kids will get sick more often too. Then because the kids get sick they say they need shots, more drugs, but the shots/drugs make them sick too. It is a huge scam. A huge ball of illness that keeps rolling with sick kids/then later sick adults with Big Pharma laughing all the way to the bank.

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Oh I hear you, Dee. Our kids think they have the BEST lunches in the whole school! They make their own lunches now, after years of seeing me make them so well! Other kids often ask to have something from their lunchbox!

I've grown my own food where I can. From organic seed. For years. But when the 'organic' food I buy at the supermarket no longer tastes any different to the normal stuff, just with a higher price tag, I question that so I'm more keen to grow my own, now! Currently I have 8 massive planter boxes growing things! But I still have to buy veggies to supplement things. It's a cool winter for our subtropical region, so the growth rate isn't so good presently. But all our herbs are homegrown organic, including herbal teas! And they seem to be fine in the cooler weather! I use tank water and the rain to water them. Yes, I know there's crap in the air, and I know nothing is truly 'pure' or 'clean' anymore, but it's better than nothing. At least this way our unvaccinated children will get to eat healthier, naturally tasty food growing up, and when they're adults, the world will be their oyster! Well, sort of...

But I know what you mean about sick kids. I have NEVER in my life seen SO MANY ILLNESSES one after the other! Just from mid-2023, this is what I've seen:

Covid-type illnesses or the 'flu last Autumn/Winter, with some progressing to pneumonia, even in adults.

Chicken pox outbreak over Spring (loads of people had it, and most were vaccinated).

Kids hospitalised with bloody pneumonia over SUMMER

More covid-type illnesses in Autumn just past.

Snotty noses this Winter...

The list is endless. And it's not just kids getting this. It's adults, too. I'm THIS FAR from home-schooling again, I tell you!!! Everyone's just a walking cesspool of disease. And because our kids are the ONLY kids at their new (catholic) primary school that have NOT had their childhood shots, their peers get everything under the sun (with their depressed immune systems thanks to poison shots). And then share them!! Their peers have been jabbed within an inch of their life (only about 1/3 were given the covid jabs, though, and they're too young to have Gardasil - but they will, don't worry. Jabs are next to Godliness, didn't you know?! To Hell with foetal tissue being in these jabs, right...and I'm not even religious!). It's really hard to keep well when you are SURROUNDED by walking cesspools of disease. I get my kids to eat well, drink good water, have their Vit C, get enough sleep, do exercise, wear jumpers, wash their hands, keep their fingers out of their nose; you know: basic hygiene & decent health. But it's not enough. They STILL bring home these illnesses to us. I've had 2 of my 3 kids and my hubby home with nasty fevers so far this year. Middle kid had high fever, then cough, and 11 days off school! He's never had anything like that before! Youngest kid had 2 weeks off school with fever & cough and lethargy the whole school holidays! She's NEVER been off for so long before! And she normally has GREAT energy! Hubby had hideous fever and no cough and got over it in 5 days! I was impressed, I have to say. But also a little worried. That fever was awful! Oldest got a mild snotty nose. I got almost no symptoms. Now we're all dealing with mild snotty noses again! I just can't deal with all this illness. It's not how it's meant to be, Dee.

Sorry about the rant!

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You did good. I mean real good. I am amazed what you have accomplished and you knew better than me to never jab your kids. I knew enough not to get the covid jab at least. I did question the shots in the beginning, but of course the doctors assured me that was the way to go. Anyways I think you deserve a pat on the back. I don't think we can prevent all their sickness though, but if you eat well, get your vitamin C, D, and A, maybe a little zinc etc.. they recover. Again you did good. :)

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Thanks Dee :-)

I think all my hard work is beginning to show...I'm starting to fray at the edges, so it seems! :-D

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Try to raise the kiddos to help out with the garden, food preparation etc... if they aren't too little and you have patience to do so. Does help in the long run if you can do it.

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Yes, my son is actually quite good at outdoors work! And my oldest makes 1-2 meals per month for us all. We also make bread together (she makes one recipe, I make a slightly different one,; we prefer it that way and it works well), and recently made gingerbread dough - a batch each! So many delicious iced gingerbread shapes...heh heh...gave a box of them to a friend! I plan on helping her to cook bigger meals, like a vat of bolognese, soon. I have all my recipes printed out (I'm in the process of a GF/DF cookbook) and put into a large plastic-sleeved folder, so it's easy enough for her to manage. And she likes cooking, too, so that helps! My son...well, he can be a bit of a danger in the kitchen because of his energy levels - but he's good outdoors! And my youngest is only 6, so she doesn't help make meals yet. But she DOES get her own lunch, cuts up cucumber, fruit etc.

So yes, my kids DO help out. I've got patience - in the long-term. But they do try my patience on a daily level! They all also have to do chores: empty dishwasher, clean rooms, do bins, violin practice, take guinea pigs out for daily run, get cutlery and drinks for meals etc.

I think we'll get there. The journey just feels a bit rocky sometimes, but at least I'm starting to see some of my hard work paying off, which is nice!

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Yes. Preventing sickness is total nonsense.

It is normal to sometimes get sick and childhood diseases such as measles and mumps are very important for the physical, emotional and mental development of children. It is criminal they poison children with vaccines and do not allow them to get these diseases that will sirve them for life. Among other things with a stronger immune system and a protection against cancer.

But all we see from pharmaceutical medicine and the mainstream media is fear mongering about diseases. Nothing wrong with getting sick!

By the way, a child that gets enough vitamin A has nothing to fear from a normally benign disease such as measles. In my youth nobody worried about it. But pharma shills present data from Africa where undernourished children DO die of measles. Of course! They also die of the flu and diahrrea.... Not because these are dangerous but because these children are compromised.

Nothing to do with well-fed children in the West!

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Homeopathic Belladonna 30x is excellent for reducing high fever. 3 times in my 47 years of marriage my almost-never-sick husband got fever approaching 104F. Each time one dose of Belladonna dropped it to a very manageable 101 within 15 minutes.

Once he got chills and fever. After dropping the fever, I gave him hot, strong white wild sage tea (salvia apiana that is used by many for ‘smudging’), wrapped him up in blankets and sweated it out in about one hour. Problem solved.

Neither of us have had shots in over 50 years. Our son got a tetanus-only 40 years ago and showed dyslexia within 2 weeks. NEVERMORE, nor any for his 3 children either.

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Tetanus shots don't even work unless taken 2 weeks before exposure.


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Thankyou for that. I'll remember that info!

I did Chiropractic on them, sometimes more than once daily (as is often needed when fevers are involved) and it helped, but these were nasty illnesses. They just took a while to shake them. Perhaps Belladonna as well might have improved things faster. How long do homeopathics last in the cupboard? A few years?

I've only got common sage growing in my garden. Maybe I'll have to see if I can source some white wild sage and grow that.

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Homeopathics last for years when not exposed to too much heat, light or moisture. I keep mine in a large case in a dark, cool walk-in pantry.

My daughter keeps a plastic container in a storage refrigerator.

The wild sage or a domesticated Salvia Apiana grows well as long as there is plenty of direct sunlight and not too much water. Watering in summer can cause root rot. The strongest is collected in the wild or bought at a shop that Carrie’s Native American supplies.

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Thanks for the info.

I'm in Australia so I will have to source the sage from elsewhere! There are plenty of places I can get the seed from online here, and living near an 'alternative' area, I might even be able to source the plant itself - much easier, as I have read Salvia apiana is a notoriously bad germinator!

And we do have a lot of humidity over Summer where I live, and plenty of rain, but the other sage plants I have (Salvia officinalis) seem to be mostly doing OK, so perhaps the white sage might do OK, too?

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Rain water may well contain aluminum from chemtrails, and who knows what else. I hope you at least filter it. And it likely doesn't contain much silica. See if you can affordably obtain defluoridated (bone ash seems to work) silica water.

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Thanks for this excellent article and as recommended by you, I did attempt to read through the entirety of the paper by Tomljenovic, Lucija and although I didn't manage to read it all, the sections I did read really shocked me. Merck exhibited so much disregard of their duty to provide informed consent, that I am now of the opinion that no-one under the age of 18 should be recruited into clinical trials.

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I found this section in the article the most shocking:

“It therefore appears that Merck’s proprietary adjuvant AAHS was first licensed under the erroneous term “aluminum hydroxide” in 1986, or 20 years prior to the licensure of Gardasil, as a component of a pediatric hepatitis B vaccine that is administered as a first of three dose series at birth [14,108,111].” page 11 of the pdf

My god, the deception & harm. Plus 1986, the year immunity was essentially conferred on pharma vaccines.

The article is a great read, not too technical so that lay people can read & understand it.

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Why did Reagan sign the bill to give liability protection to “vaccine” manufacturers? Was he weakened by the assassination attempt?

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No I don't think so, I think he was a paid whore for big pharma and didn't give a rat's ass who got hurt or maimed for life from this shot

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Apparently Henry Waxman was a major culprit in giving liability protection to vaccine manufacturers.

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Actually, the mother of a vaccine injured child, was integral in the writing of this law. She and Reagan were trying to keep vaccines available in the USA while providing compensation for the injured. Unfortunately, the compensation system for vaccine injured has been TERRIBLE, along with a lot of other negative results from immunity to liability. I am sorry but I do not remember her name; I watched her being interviewed by Del Bigtree of the Highwire (I think?) who is no fan of vaccines. I also am no fan of vaccines.

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When I was a kid I naively thought vaccines were a good thing. In early 1963 (born February 1951) a pediatrician said that a vaccine (for the measles) would be available in about a month. I was hoping to avoid the measles, but I got the measles in the mean time.

Apparently there was a major measles outbreak at the time. The schools sent out a letter describing the symptoms and duration of illness of various childhood diseases including the measles. However the schools didn’t close.

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Simple. ALL presidents work for Big Pharma. Too big an industry and they are too large donors to piss off.

Remember when Trump talked about kids getting autism from vaccines?

He became president and did nothing at all about it. Worse he rolled out Operation Warp Speed.

Go against big pharma. You won´t make it far in US politics. And the same is true in most other countries.

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I’m not an expert, but I believe Reagan was attempting a cure to the right illness, but with the wrong Rx. After the EPA was formed, many US pharmaceutical companies exited the US. The fear that vaccines might be not be available due to being produced in hostile countries was (and, to the extent we consider all pharmaceuticals produced abroad, arguably still is) a serious concern. However, rather than make vaccine makers immune to liability, a better Rx would have been to have foreign pharmaceuticals ineligible for importation unless they met the same environmental requirements as American producers. This would have protected American factories from cheaper foreign factories who didn’t have to adhere to US EPA requirements.

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Reagan was in Bohemian Grove at a table with Nixon and others in a photo. Just saying.

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" Merck exhibited so much disregard of their duty to provide informed consent,".

About informed consent:

I remember that, from the first officially released documents by Pfizer, I extracted a list of 1291 adverse events and this was soon in the COVID scam.

I have never been informed that any vaccination clinic AKA slaughterhouse, anywhere in the world, after the publication of those AE, ever made them

public at the entrance of their killing field as a warning to the hypnotized-by-fear sleepy walkers coming in.

Now that TPTB has made it accepted that informed consent is no more

necessary what do we have to expect but no required divulgation of any kind of research data?

For the vaccines in themselves, can someone explain me how humanity has been able to evolve and prosper for hundreds of thousands of years without them and then they suddenly became indispensable to such a level that humanity can not embrace any possibility of any valuable and desirable future without them and this at such a point that we are being shot from hour #1 of day #1 in our life that would be so miserable

without them.

Old saying:" If one wants to find the right answer, one has to ask the right question first".

Why not go back in time and ask the right basic fundamental questions?

Are we so afraid at looking in the mirror that we go blindly forward trying to run away from our own shadows?

Could it be useful and timely to draw this good old Occam's razor from the drawer where our cowardice has made us to lock it in ?

I really appreciate technology but it does not mean that I have thrown away the basic human life saving tools and relying on them as they allowed my ancestors, and yours also by the way, to roam the

planet for millenniums .

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They used fecking aluminum in the PLACEBO group???!!!!!

Hang every one of them.

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Yeah, because more died in the 'placebo' group, so obviously the Gardasil group was safe, right?!

(I don't think 'science' was anyone's strong point in the Gardasil Team. 'Propaganda', maybe, but certainly not 'science'...or 'logic'...or 'maths'!)

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They do it allll the time. There’s a great saying I forget. Something like, “It’s like giving 10 kids rum and 10 kids gin as a control, so they can say giving kids rum is fine”, but it’s a whole lot more sophisticated a saying.

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Bobby Kennedy and Del Bigtree got Fauci eat Al to admit they’d never done any safety trial pitting one childhood vaccine against a saline placebo. The only trials ever done were between two competing vaccines against each other. So yes both had aluminum adjuvants in them!

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One of the big vaccine lies taught in medical school.

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Typically, for ALL vaccines the placebo group gets another vaccine or an aluminium injection.

You really believe the purpose of the shots is anything else than to make money and to make people pharma clients for life?

So covering up side effects is standard practice for the pharmaffia.

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This is the link to my interview with Courtenay Heading https://www.bitchute.com/video/uXMjZF5axMem/

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Jun 4Edited

In Siri's 2018 deposition of Plotkin there was a section on HPV/AAHS.


Siri was able to force Plotkin to come up with the most absurd rationale at the end of that clip, & at times Siri is just lost for words as to what Plotkin says.

Also, in that clip Plotkin dismissed Tomljenovic as a "well known anti-vaccination person", the usual insult when guys like Plotkin are threatened.

edit-I hope you are going to get a whole lot of well deserved new subscribers now that Steve Kirsch has reposted this article.

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The immeasurable Aaron Siri, a great friend and colleague. Tomljenovic is the brightest button in the pack.

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I feel the same way about you Dr Exley. Been following your work since watching your NVIC 2020 conference presentation and also bought your book after listening to you. Saw you on the Highwire and second what Del says about finding a research Center for your great work. Also agree about Siri. And ecstatic to find you here too!

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Since HPV vax was brought out I've been trying to tell friends NOT to give it to their children. I've known how dangerous vax are for around 40 years now, but this one I considered the most dangerous until cv (which is NOT a vax). The rest of them still are dangerous in that they trade acute treatable disease for untreatable chronic illnesses, many of which can be absolutely debilitating. Anyway, another VERY dangerous vax is rabies. We have to stop that BS also. Pets are made chronically ill and die by a "marketing ploy". I think CV used that same marketing ploy/repetitive mind control. People are so used to jabbing their pets at yearly check ups and not asking the hard questions. So they just blindly (ignorantly) figured that jabbing themselves multiple times a year was A-Ok. I just shake my head at the lazy unquestioning non-critical thinking of the majority of mankind. If the cabal that wants to kill 94% of us off and enslave what remains, had really been thinking, they'd have realized the remainder would have been the critical thinkers...not so easy to enslave! Other species are not this dumb. Most have a healthy avoidance/distrust mechanism. Most humans apparently do not. 🤦

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I caved to rabies for our dog last year. I deeply regret it. I KNEW better. It’s the only vax she’s had since we had her, 4 years, but I’m sure she had her puppy vaxxes too. I’ll never vax another living thing as long as I live.

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Don't beat yourself up. I know how vets can really make you feel like an incompetent neglectful pet owner. Now you know, and have steeled your spine to reject their BS.

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I don't see vets - unless absolutely necessary (and vaccines are never necessary IMO). Kind of like seeing medicos. ONLY when a limb is falling off or something!

Got our 2 kittens desexed because they're brother-sister (no incest, please!) - and had to take the girl in on her 1st birthday for antibiotics due to a nasty cat fight with a feral where she got bitten on the paw and it got infected and started swelling up the whole leg! She also go electrocuted by the cattle fence next door during the cat fight, eesh! Turns out the bite was nastier than we first though but we couldn't see it due to her furry little paw! After a quick shave there, it was apparent. The vet wanted to give her an injection of anti-inflammatories as well (her temp was spiking) but I said no, just the antibiotics, and even then, I only gave her 2/3 of the oral dose later because they were such a high level of antibiotics. When I finally did the maths, I figured the germs had to be dead by then and that an excessive level of antibiotics per body weight was probably why she was totally off her food and feeling like rubbish! She went back to her food a couple of days later and has been right as rain since. Now I've got a store of anti-biotics on hand should anything like this happen again. No vet required.

The thing with vets, just like any other medicos, is that you have to be ON YOUR GUARD all the time. Question EVERYTHING. Know how the body works (or your pet's body), know what you need BEFOREHAND and ONLY take that - and no more! Don't get conned into taking more things. I knew my cat needed a shot of antibiotics, then an oral dose to take at home. But that's ALL she needed. And I refused everything else. Nicely, of course, but firmly.

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Look at getting a colloidal silver generator. Silver colloid often negates need foe antibiotics which literally destroy the immune system because it wipes out the beneficial bacteria. The gut is the seat of the immune system. There ate MANY antibiotic herbs but you need to research which ones not to use on cats.

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I DID try colloidal silver! We've got makers at home. Have done for years. Always have some in the cupboard. Love the stuff. I HATE antibiotics.

I put the colloidal silver in both the cats' drinking water. But the buggers wouldn't drink it! My old cat drank the water with colloidal silver in it. Worked for a range of things for her. But these cats are different...

Perhaps we should've used a syringe and dropped in into her throat! We did that with plain water, because she was sleeping and not drinking...but for some reason I forgot to put colloidal silver in it. I'll remember for next time, don't worry!

Colloidal silver is also only good against gram negative bacteria. Doesn't have much of an effect on gram positives (like golden staph). But still, it's way better than a broad spectrum antibiotic. I just knew she was past that being able to help when her whole leg started swelling up and her temperature was spiking!

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For wounds i also use it externally, directly on the wound. It works really well that way. ;-)

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We use a syringe and spray (not drop :-)) it into their throats.

Two do fine. One makes a big scandal. But it works!

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Why do we want to kill microbes anyway? It was previously understood that disease causes germs (fires attract firemen). Then for nefarious reasons this was reversed and corrupted to become "germs cause disease" (firemen caused the fire). This entire sordid episode of history included people like Pasteur & Koch committing scientific fraud. Poisons like aluminium and fluorine (mostly in fluoride form) cause disease not bugs we have evolved with for millions of year. BTW "virus" translates to "poison".

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I have a colloidal silver generator and I love it! I got it from a guy named Terry C. from a FB group. Another benefit is it really cuts down on the algae in our pet water bowls and horse troughs.

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Ditto RJ Jamieson comment. I was just going to reply to you with the same info. I never, ever, use any antibiotics. Many years ago after a lot of $$$ buying silver for 6 rescue dogs that were having serious symptoms, (which the silver cured, by the way) I decided to invest in a high quality generator and have never looked back. I use it for everything and everyone including tiny wildlife, insects, all mammals and birds, my chickens, cats, dog, you name it. I have made hundreds and hundreds of gallons since Jan 2011 and the same generator is still going strong. Use the silver for all wounds, eyes, burns, teeth problems, just most everything. There is no lack of information and science for it either. Dr Becker stumbled upon it helping to mend bones. Amazing and cheap if you make your own, properly.

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Same here

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We did not vaccinate any of our cats. We use CDS and colloidal silver whenever one is sick. Works wonders!

Vets? Only to neuter them and once our cat was wounded. But we did not give him any of the antibiotics he prescribed. Just the colloidal silver.

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So correct about the animals! I had a big colony of feral cats here and finally found a rescue to help spay and neuter them. I was told they would also find good loving homes for the friendly ones. I then find out that here's what they do to each cat, mind you, who is already stressed by the whole ordeal and has to deal with anesthesia on top of that: rabies shot, FelV shot, FIP shot, microchipping, flea and tick treatment, worming, and any additional meds they might think they need such as antibiotics (in addition to what they give at time of surgery) and/or steroids. I am sick, literally sick, about the ones I've already let them take. And of course this happens to so many pets because, as you state, people are cluelss and the vets KNOW but continue to do this harm willingly and joyfully. It's a crime. It's called animal abuse.

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Yes. Vets should KNOW that the technical data sheet inserts that come with all vax say not to be given to unhealthy or immune compromised animals (or people)! Surgery is a huge stress on the immune system and healing processes. Then to give ALL those shots etc is absolute malpractice and yes, abuse. :-(((

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And this is why I’ve never gotten a “rescue “. They’re all over jabbed and desexed too young and I can’t afford the vet bills! Very sad state.

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And the heartache watching them suffer while trying to correct a situation that takes a long time but was created in minutes. Hundreds of thousands of animals that could have had a good life otherwise. Criminal. Hard to find an animal that hasn't already been subjected to at minimum puppy or kitten shots. How can humans be so clueless and so cruel!

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I'm a firm believer that a LOT of the behavioral issues we're seeing in pets is due to the shots, not only from what they received, but there is also an accumulative factor from previous generations as mothers pass on heavy metals from their systems to their babies in the womb. I am so heartbroken to say that I watched my own dog change behavior completely after asking for her puppy shots (she was given 7 at once at same appointment for spay surgery). This was before I really knew any better, and once I learned about the heavy metals in shots I did a few rounds of chelation with her, which really helped significantly, but she never went back to where she was before. Now, I'm seeing it in my new puppy who was vaxxed once at 6wks (before I got him) with a 6-in-one, which is just insane to me. Chelation is helping him significantly as well, along with finding/eliminating food sensitivities, and TONS of prayer. I'm old enough to know that the way dogs act today is NOT how they acted decades ago, and these shots are tops for reasons why in my book. Not sure if anyone is aware there was a fascinating study done where the CDC schedule for children was given to infant macaques, and it was found to greatly affect the amygdala resulting in phobic and antisocial behavior. (Influence of pediatric vaccines on amygdala growth and opioid ligand binding

in rhesus macaque infants: A pilot study Article  in  Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis · June 2010 DOI: 10.55782/ane-2010-1787 · Source: PubMed). Tell me with a straight face it isn't happening to kids and pets.

And yes, to respond to those discussing the health of the animal receiving the shot, most vets either don't know or care about the inserts explicitly stating they are for HEALTHY animals ONLY. I get so angry whenever I see these supposedly feel-good stories of people rescuing litters of puppies or kittens off the street, sickly and flea infested, and rushing them to the emergency vet to get their shots. It's malpractice, no vet should ever do such an ignorant and terrible thing, knowing full well their immune systems are already in the toilet and can't handle such an insult! Same with sick and elderly pets going in for exams/treatments. Its just shameful 💔.

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Yep. You are right on! Get your next dog from a Natural Rearing breeder. There are quite a few in USA & some in Canada. Multi gen NR are like the dogs from 75 years ago. You don't get weird behavioral issues and they are long lived. My oldest whippet is over 17. Whippets have an average lifespan of 10 according to the World Whippet Health survey. Mine generally live between 15 & 17. I Hope this guy makes 18. We will see....

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My girlfriend worked in a cat rescue.

One day she came over and the cats had just been vaccinated. Many of them, before social and connecting with humans, were now staring at the wall.

If humans get autism from vaccines. Why would animals be any different?

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What chelation? DMSA (Succimer)? Doesn't work for aluminum, however. Just desferrioxamine and silica water.

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I follow the Andy Cutler Protocol but use ALA only. So extremely low doses of Alpha Lipoic Acid every 3 hrs for 3 days, then 4 days off. (You especially have to be careful with dosing ALA for dogs, as too much can cause dangerous hypoglycemia. I do a total of 50mg daily divided into 8 doses for my 90lb puppy (he's a big boy)). Granted, yes, this would be for mercury and not aluminum. I did get some fiji water recently for aluminum though, but havent tried it yet. Depending on which vaccines were given, they can have both mercury and aluminum, especially in the combination shots. I know his had mercury, which is why I'm targeting that. Not so sure about aluminum, but figure it's worth a shot with the silica water so why not.

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Good idea! While expensive, ALA is more readily available than DMSA.

Dogs seem to be susceptible to hypoglycemia. I knew if not acclimatized to it, xylitol could do that. (They can tolerate up to 10% of total caloric intake from xylitol if first carefully acclimatized to it.) Interesting ALA can also.

I defluoridate (with bone ash - don't use the common aluminum based fluoride filters) ground water. You must also be sure it not contain arsenic, atrazine (Why is that hydrolytically stable?), perchlorate, or tri- or tetrachloroethylene, among other common toxicants. You could use reverse osmosis, but those require either softening, or frequent scale removal.

So sad about the veterinarians. 3 days ago I attended the funeral (with kaddish!) of the wife of my dog's former veterinarian. She died of acute pancreatitis (likely an effect of undiagnosed pancreatic cancer), and he suffers dementia and paralysis. Both got the covid shots (hot lot, or worse for the extreme elderly?) His maladies began shortly thereafter. That entire family strongly believes in both human and veterinary shots. Veterinary and nursing school seem to have that effect.

The dog has had only a single rabies vaccine since, required to bail him out of doggy jail after he was abducted. (Doggy jail gave him "kennel cough" - Bordetella bronchiseptica - which spread around the household (another dog, and that dog's owner) except to me, as I was taking vitamin C for persistent covid. So much for the "no disease spreads by contagion" theorem!)

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How interesting, thank you for sharing! I do use an RO but didnt realize some filters are aluminum based! Yes, its very sad how blinded the medical/veterinary community is to the effects of vaccination. I pray for their eyes to be opened before its too late. I too had a dog catch kennel cough while actually boarded at the vets post-operation. He was a senior and had a very serious operation (lots of blood loss) and still pulled through with flying colors (but also passed it on to our other dog too). They both recovered within a week. Its no fun, but definitely not as bad as vets try to make ppl believe when they try to scare you into getting the bordatella vaccine. Basically like a nasty cold/flu IMO.

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Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole brings it under control, but is rather toxic. The idiot tenant gave my dog a 5X overdose (on weight basis). He couldn't eat for 2 days. The dose is 2 tablets for a 150 lb. human, twice a day.

Dogs clear Bordetella bronchiseptica fairly rapidly, probably because they biosynthesize vitamin C. It can last a year in humans, as it did in the tenant. Yes, humans get it, lamestream "medicine"'s and the "infections don't spread by contagion" crowd's protests to the contrary notwithstanding. It is a close relative of pertussis.

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"Most have a healthy avoidance/distrust mechanism." Such a simple thought quietly written that absolutely went BOOM!! in my head. Of course, of course!

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I gave my former Vet Doc a hard time for vaxxing my huskies without informed consent to get paid by pharma at the check in. The look on her face was pricesless. My husky passed last summer from a tumor in his spleen. He was my Kodiak❤️🙏😫 and so attached to me. I miss him so. We are exempting forever for our family. I am vaccine injured, my hubbyand children too.

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I am SO very sorry for what happened to your family, dog family and yourself. Unconscionable. My deepest condolences. ❤️🙏😢

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I had to give my dog the rabies shot bc it’s the only way for her to renew her license in my city .

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Don’t license them. Problem solved. My 7yr old dog has had not shot since a puppy DHP. Healthiest dog I’ve ever owned.

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You have 2 options:

1) don't license the dog

2) find a holistic vet who will give you exemption certificate.

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It is your work that opened my eyes to this and more! Eternally grateful for all you do. Thank you 🙏

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Thank you for your work. Pediatricians starting pushing this vax on my daughter starting in middle school. Her gynecologist, even now, pushes it at every appointment. My daughter is now 22. You need to hold strong on this.

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Well done, yes we all need to have the courage of our convictions.

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This documentary shows some of the harms caused, very hard to find now.


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Yes, by the excellent Joan Shenton ( I think I am in it).

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If you like it, SHARE it, as you have done. THEN, send it to yourself bc they are wiping things we used to be able to access, almost daily.

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It's really difficult to watch but every parent should.

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Best closing sentence ever. This must stop. Thank you.

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I so wish I knew this ten years ago. I am ashamed that I trusted my girl’s pediatrician.

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You are not to blame.

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Yes, she is to blame. For not doing her due diligence.

I had all the data. Suppressed or not. Prior to "the internet".

I warned my best friend at the time. We had children the same year. Hers: female.

To no avail. (Canadian transplant to CA. Woke af.)

My former bestie ignored me (actually castigated me in late 2021...) re: my stance on Covid jabs as well.

We no longer converse about anything at all. Including recently passed mutual friends and relatives.

I'm perfectly OK with the status quo.

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We are not all as strong or well informed as you. We have been brought up to believe that others have had our best interests at heart. We have learned the hard way.

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This was the hardest lesson I was forced to learn in the last 4 years. I always believed everything I was taught in school and college and trusted my government. 70 years of lies over my lifetime so far. Tragic. Thank you for bringing the Light.

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The War On Adolescents. Yes. That has been the norm, forever. It is what people do.

(I “paid in” to social security sonny! Now it’s your turn to pay me back!” ~ every one of Bernie Madoff’s “investors”)

Of course, that process is always “dressed up.”

It is not referred to as making war on adolescents.

It is not referred to as the process whereby chattels are domesticated into cattle … by parents, unionized subcontractors (“The holy union preceded the states” said ol’ Father Abraham), & “representatives” that are all too uniformly “all hat & no cattle.”

As “technology” improves … never-improving-enough-to-keep-up (let alone surpass & prevail & move to Vail … before “elites” & blue(gill … sunfish)statists infested & ruined it) people make ever more total war on themselves via & through “their posterity.”

Schooling? Many, most, fishes can’t see the water for the trees.

Infinite Jest - great title (I like “Infinite Joust,” too) - was written by David Foster Wallace (look into the details of his suicide & see the rhyme…) & he is also known for a Kenyon College Commencement speech. “What the hell is water?”


Cool Hand Luke & Fast Eddie Felsen (Paul Newman) mattressed, er matriculated, Kenyon, too. But I digress. Sort of.

When TPTB decided to import Prussian “schooling” into America, parents that did not go along to get along had their children fixed bayonets-escorted to “school” …

… The iconic photo of National Guard troops, bayonets fixed, “desegregating” down (down, down …) Little Rock way, was not the first time “they” came for the children:


How quickly did 12 Years A Slave (confinement in pub edu prison) become ho hum status quo amongst the cognitive dissonance-shortened memory parents?

That towel was thrown immediately (mostly), & the downhill slide to the sea’s Marianas Trench has done nothing but gain momentum since then.

Even if seeing the water was impossible, it was, & is, still each fish’s responsibility to do so, to see the water.

If a fish can’t do it on its own then John Taylor Gatto has done the favor of compiling the synthesis info in his books.

If a fish won’t read Gatto (among others … Albert Jay Nock is good), or reads & dismisses, then that is a blame-worthy fish.

Worse, that is a fish that has been taxidermy’d & decoration-mounted on a wall … like “academic credentials” so often are.

Prisoners For Sacrifice Were Decorated is the caption - & that was the state of Aztechnology at the time:


“They” - beginning with the already previously gotten, when they were children, parents-grandparents-greatgrands, greatgreatgrands ♾️ - always come for the youngsters. Always.

Parents that let that happen are complicit. Even if they are three-name dupes. Like “Lee Harvey Oswald,” for example.

“They” of the rigged scales & tapes say “You have been weighed. You have been measured. And you have been found wanting.”

Complicity-submission is what fulfills that prophecy … as Heath Ledger proved in art imitating life & in life imitating art.


!!!Willlliaaaammmm!!! Wallace !!!Freeeeedommmmm!!!


If Mel Gibson couldn’t motivate the Scots (who owns Scotland lo these many days & years & centuries?), then nobody could & maybe just maybe proving water to fish-in-general isn’t the best use of a life.

What did Jaguar Paw John Galt do at the end of Mel’s Apocalypto?


Permanent Crutches (“PC”) & training wheels that are never unbolted are not about building strength, not about building strong people.

Strong people minimization is the whole raison detre.

The buck has to stop everywhere - but the direction of it must be from the bottom up.

So far history says that’s quite impossible. Ma Nature has selected, weighed, measured.

So its soloists riffing with soloists … not soloists converting choral reefs into soloists.

Oil & … what the hell water?

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I get it but...

That's all been said and done.

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You are not to blame. Who knew we had to question the white coats? Who knew WE had to know dangers they don’t?! We were trained early on to trust MDs like they were all Dr. Marcus Welby from TV. We were trained they knew everything. All vets knew everything abt animals. All police were fantastic and no judge ever made the wrong call.

We had 4 miscarriages and only then did I begin to realize how often my

body did NOT do what my OB said it would. He was wrong and my

gut was right. We wound up with 3 kids, no thanks to him. That was the beginning of me opening my eyes. I now look at other mammals God created to see what they do. If the CDC says “Back to Sleep” is best, I ask nature. They sleep in a “pig pile” or “puppy pile”, perfectly able

to turn their heads and use nostrils or their mouths to breathe. Back to Sleep babies need helmets to unflatten their skulls. It’s ridiculous. NATURE has no pediatrician and they don’t have SIDS. NO animals in nature have vaccine injection site tumors, either. Our pets do.

Do what is in your gut! God gave us all excellent instincts.

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You are so right on.

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If it wasn´t for our holistic midwife we would have vaccinated our daugter 12 years ago.

Fortunately she asked us one question: ´do you want to vaccinate your baby, and if so, with which vaccine?´ That started years of research and we decided to not give her any shots.

We were lucky someone asked us this question. We never considered this a question....

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In the paper it is written:" In such studies, the control is a placebo, an “inert” substitute for a treatment or intervention which by definition means “the compound has no known activity that would be expected to affect the outcome”.

Why not simply make it crystal clear that the placebo CAN NOT BE ANYTHING ELSE THAN SALINE SOLUTION.

This would make placebo's definition forged once and for all and not allow anyone to " interpret" the definition of placebo in a way that fits particular interests especially when you have millions of dollars to pay lawyers and are not afraid to pay penalties which, by the way , are nothing to be afraid of given their amount compared to the profits that are cashed in by BP.

About Merck and all other BP personnel, all those in the chain of command related to the use of aluminum adjuvants should be jabbed

to death with their aluminum adjuvant and, this way doing, being allowed the honour to " participate actively to new scientific knowledges destined to let us know what is precisely a

deadly aluminum adjuvant dose.

They are knowingly and willfully criminals and deserve to be treated mercilessly.

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This substack was reprinted from Steve Kirsch. I have always been critical of the Covid vaccines but your HPV comments have now got me thinking that my oldest son, now almost 21, might be another victim of Gardasil. He was vaccinated in June of 2018 and then diagnosed a year later with all sorts of mental health disorders - ADHD, depression, anxiety etc. He was put on some medication but he swore to me that it was the wrong diagnosis. Flash forward and it turns out his body was undergoing physiological change and two years later we discovered he was epileptic. He has a serious case and is on a cocktail to mitigate the seizures but he lost most of his high school years and is just now feeling a lot better. We contacted the law firm this am. I bet it was due to the vaccines. Needless to say my other boys will not be receiving any additional vaccines!

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Yes and have you seen my research on aluminium and epilepsy, e.g. https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/16/12/2129

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Thank you! Reading now. We have an appt with our epilepsy doc on Friday and I’m going to mention this. Next question - any remedies to “get rid of” the aluminum? I say that half jokingly and half seriously….

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Just one, drink a silicon-rich mineral water each and every day. It will remove aluminium from the body and for some it has significant health benefits. See my book and my many substack posts on this subject not to mention my forty years of published research.

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Just purchased your book. Thank you. Ironically, I am in the metals industry, a former aluminum trader!

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You may enjoy reading my substack on The Aluminium Age.

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It's fine as a structural material. Just don't ingest it.

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Yes Dr. Exley. I read about silica rich mineral water in your book. I also re watched your NVIC talk and saw you mentioned that you were drinking silica rich mineral water as you spoke. You noted that we would understand that reference if we’d read your book and by then I had! I started putting horsetail herb in my sun tea as it is the strongest herbal source of silica but I also bought a silica water vitamin drink

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Lisa, also look into homeopathy to use alongside your other carefully chosen modalities. That and bioresonance. Homeopathy has and continues to work wonders with all sorts of conditions and even when conventional medicine says there's nothing to do. Not true! For acute situations one can easily and effectively use homeopathy on their own but for something as serious and now chronic with your son I would suggest finding a good experienced homeopath. They can work long distance.

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Having known of a family nearby whose SON was paralyzed from Gardasil and later died, I was already alerted to how bad this one is. When our doctor asked why I wouldn’t let my daughter get it, all I said was, “you can’t unsee a paralyzed then deceased boy.” This is one of the most nefarious vaccines out there. And that’s saying something.

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Sadly, I am forming the opinion that all vax programs come under the guise of "It's good for everyone" but in reality the vaxcs are designed to kill and maim. To create long term customers. JMHO.

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