Keep it up. I am cast as the swivel eyed loon by most of my family. I have actually been told by some to "stop frightening the children - they might stop cleaning their teeth with toothpaste" etc.. The parents of these children are of above average IQ, but have clearly been brainwashed as they dozed through maths, science & history at school. Without the encouragement from you & a handful of others in the resistance, I'd roll over & be quiet.

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In the words of Kate Bush, "Don't give up, you have friends."


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Clever. From withering teeth to wuthering heights in one move. Thanks.

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Buy Vicco toothpaste. It doesn't have fluoride or depleted uranium in it. Order it on eBay or visit your local Indian market. Vicco is from India. Tastes good too.

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I just get Euthymol from Sainsbury's etc.. Or use salt or Al free baking powder.

eBay is right up there with Amazon on my list of firms I'd rather not support.

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Just another crime against humanity - between poisonous shots and positioned water and food it is a credit to our maker/designer/Devine source that any of us survive - all credit given..

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Adding this poison to our water for the last 50-60 years and still there is not one shred of viable proof it does any good. We never have had any say in this decision and yet we are the people drinking this water. Still think the government policymakers and wonks are working in your favor?

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It does lots of "good" dumbing down (probably via aluminum transport) recruits for the 2 major US political parties; the Diabolocrats, and the Stupid Party!

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You would think that even in fluoride helped teeth, they would have stopped fluoridation when toothpaste with it came out.

This is the same US dental industry that still thinks mercury amalgams are safe despite Europe banning them.

Upside down bizarro pseudoscience.

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Other way around, doncha mean? I vaguely recall fluoride toothpaste, such as Crest with stannous fluoride, as well as those little pink, sugary fluoride pills, before 2002. The Wasatch Front is not Newburgh, New York! Took an actual debate to institute it here. While I detest Bernie Machen, he is a master debater, and Clinton Ray Miller was apparently no longer available. https://thenhf.com/in-memoriam-clinton-ray-miller-1921-2013/

You can get unfluoridated toothpaste: DoTerra, Tom's of Maine, etc.

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Yes, but the original fluoridation started decades ago and the excuse back then was that toothpaste was not available to everyone.

Another crazy thing I saw was fluoridated spring water for babies. No teeth but they need fluoride? Stupid bullshit!

And yes, I use unfluoridated toothpaste but every other day I brush with just water because toothpaste is like sandpaper polish to the enamel and it washes away the natural bacteria that are there to repair the teeth. Since I've started this a few years ago, I've stopped having cavities and rarely go to the dentist.

Also, I used to have sensitive teeth and nowadays it's rare that it happens.

I really think the idea of polishing the teeth with toothpaste is a bad idea and I'm surprised that they never tested wet brushing vs toothpaste, but then the dental industry is all about getting repeat customers!😆

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Caution - Tom's of Maine started adding fluoride. They claim it is the safe kind.


My note: US Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry lists fluoride in the top 20 of 275 substances posing the most significant threat to human health. Tooth enamel is such a small part of your body, why would fluoride be added to drinking water that goes inside your whole body? Fluoride in public drinking water is NOT a naturally occurring sodium fluoride; it is industrial waste-grade hydro-fluosilicic acid and sodium silicofluoride (SIFs). It will eat holes in cement. (Is your pool filled with city tap water?)

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Baking soda is way better than any chemical toothpaste .

Thank you Dr Exley for your enlightening work.

I would like to ask a question about silica: I found a liquid silica (silicon dioxide) supplement. Would that work as silica water that it is not always easy to find?

Thank you

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In short no, to understand why read one of my many posts on this subject or, of course, my book. I think one of my posts is entitled Silicon Rich Mineral Waters.

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Thank you very much!

I have read your book and I am following you ..it happened that looking hot to get silica water I stumbled into that supplement and I thought to ask you! Thank you again

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FIJI spring water contains 93 mg silica in 1 liter. I avoid water in plastic bottles, but I acquiesce to 1 liter of this per week to get silica.

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I think you have your units wrong. The fluoride content of Fiji Water is certainly less than 1 mg/L or ppm.

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I could be wrong, but that's what it looks like to me.


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There is no mention of fluoride on this link.

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Here in the UK, we have water with naturally-occurring silicic acid delivered on a monthly repeat order from silicawaters.com - well worth the price for our everyday drinking water (can't afford to cook with the stuff though, hence the distiller!)

The brands available there do not have as high a concentration of silicic acid as Fiji, but I am happier with the ethics of the Acilis and Sousas brands.

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Yes do have it as well in the UK where I reside . But I travelled for extensive periods a lot and I was trying to get it in other countries and it is not as easy ! 🤷‍♀️

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The metal ages. Copper. Bronze. Iron.

Metallurgy its called by them that call shots*. And them that answer shots, too, take the shots, whether knowingly, obligingly, or not. **

*“The term "shot caller" has its roots in American street and prison slang, which refers to the leader or decision-maker within a gang. A "shot caller" was the person who made the critical decisions for the group and had significant influence or control over the gang's actions. This term has since permeated the broader culture and is now used in a variety of contexts to denote someone in a position of authority or leadership.

** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rW7WlT6OJxE

Meta ill-urgy. A compulsion. And its clergy. An urge to merge into the dissociative Fight Club.

Tyler Durden Daddy says beat some of those swords into plowshares. Because Tyler Durden Dummies travel on their stomachs, after all.

But plowshares were a mother of invention thing. Hunting the rape-pillage with swords didn’t garner a consistent 3 squares a day. Peasant sharecroppers worked better breakfast, lunch, & dinner lines. And fed-begat ever bigger swordslinger gangs.

When I was a child it was The Magnificent Seven, saving the peasants. When I put away childish things it was Se7en (deadly Spacey sins, again … & damn, Brad Pitt, too).

Then Came Aluminum.

The Age of Deluminating Aluminum.

Another step in the regression away from incandescent light & synapse fire. Back to darkness & systematic shadows caste on the cave wall. Autistic vics are become special, & The Untouchables are Kevin Costner & Sean Connery. "Top of the world, ma!" ~ White Heat, Jimmy Cagney well before Dr. Strangelove Slim Pickens ....

Well, “back to.” More overtly, again, is all.

“The end of the Metal Ages is marked by the invention and adoption of writing. With the first written records, Prehistory ends and History begins (with the period called Ancient history). However, the advent of writing occurred at different times for different populations, being often linked to the emergence of centralized states.”


Vanna, can I buy a slash?

From swords to words.


The pen is mightier than the sword because the pen is full of ser/pen/ts.

Jack London. 1st pub 1891. But assign any date you like; it applies across “time.”

“No man could work hard on such food.” Not to mention the rest of the rhyme.

(“If you could go back, change things, what would you do differently, Ancient Mariner?” “Not a thing,” he replied. "Albatross carcass necklace is my thing, man.")


I think people do what they do because, like Popeye, each yam is what its yam. And all that gooey marshmallow topping on the sweet potato pie is the biggest feature that en-bugs the buttermilk.

See the marshy Stanford marshmallow experiment. See Dick, Jane & Spot. See why/how the swamp only deepens & its creatures proliferate.

Marsh-goo covering food … I appreciate those who scrape it off into the waste bin.

Thanks, Doc.

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Keep it up. We need your expertise leading the way

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You are part of my family’s legacy already

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The NTP report shows that fluoride, from all sources, (not just water supplies) is linked to children's lower IQ. Will your government stop adding unnecessary, ineffective & harmful fluoride chemicals into your body via the water supply. Doubtful, unless people demand it. Real change happens from the bottom up. Gov't won't stop fluoridation and risk losing political donations from special interests They can defer the decision if their constituents don't rise up and demand they stop artificial fluoridation

The often used "more study needed" is a cop out because there is more than enough research showing fluoride gets into the brain where it never was meant to be and where it never was really studied until recently. The NTP report can either cause governments to throw millions of dollars to mostly dental schools and toxicologists to use the American public as unpaid lab rats in this ongoing experiment or we can al rise up and demand artificial fluoridation end.

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I've recently acquired a water distiller as my latest kitchen appliance. I am in Scotland, no official fluoridation yet, but as regulation standards continue to decline in so many areas of public service, I am getting in early and playing safe with this basic provision. I am intrigued by the unappealing beige residue which is left behind at the bottom of the distiller after each use, and am happy to not be drinking it.

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Thanks for the comment.

Concerning the toxicity of aluminium and fluoride, what do you think of this paper? ->

Fluoride, aluminum, and aluminofluoride complexes in pathogenesis of the autism spectrum disorders: A possible role of immunoexcitotoxicity; https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1214021X15300363

"Aluminofluoride complexes could contribute to an alarming increase in the prevalence of ASD."

And also this paper discusses a link between aluminium/fluoride exposure and ASD:

Chronic Fluoride Exposure and the Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorder


"... F in synergistic interactions with aluminum’s free metal cation (Al3+) can reinforce the pathological symptoms of ASD. his reinforcement takes place at concentrations several times lower than when acting alone. A high ASD prevalence has been reported from countries with water fluoridation as well as from endemic fluorosis areas."

Interestingly, acetaminophen (paracetamol) enhances the toxicity of fluoride (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S173411401270885X).

There is also a strong link between acetaminophen exposure (especially in early life) and ASD:

"All studies showed an association between acetaminophen use and listed neurodevelopmental outcomes. Long-term use, increased dose, and frequency were associated with a stronger association. We extracted collective evidence from 16 studies suggesting acetaminophen's role in developing adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes."

Exposure to aluminium, fluoride and acetaminophen seems to be a toxic cocktail linked to ASD.

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I have known the authors of these studies for many years. Aluminium is a potent excitotoxic agent and fluoride in the gut increases the absorption of aluminium across the GI tract so their reviews have some significance and particularly in the light of our later work on aluminium in brain tissue in autism, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0946672X17308763?via%3Dihub

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Acetaminophen is recommended for newborn males for pain of circumcision. Not f'n kidding! BTW - in ancient days the procedure was called the Covenant of the Cut.

A bit of a distraction from the topic, my apology, but I gotta share the link:


Just say NO to fluoride! Just say NO to genital mutilation!

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And acetaminophen is given often after vaccination.

Circumcision. Perverse and inhumane. No wonder that this religion/ideology that demands this is also responsible for much more suffering.

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So this National Toxicology Program (NTP) showed a negative effect of fluoride on children's IQ. BUT, what about the effects on adults? Did the NTP look at that? Or was it only checking on kids? Do you know anything more there, Dr Exley? I'm just wondering if the report delved into fluoride effects on all ages - or whether it was just on children.

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You can access the report through the link on the CHD piece but the report did not focus upon children, it just so happened that the science covered in the report was primarily about infant and adolescent exposure.

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Our kids (and we the parents!) don't use toothpaste with fluoride in it. They have no holes and their teeth are good. They are also VERY bright children. Before we even had kids, we were on reverse osmosis water, then (filtered) tank water when we moved to the country for 6 years. Back to town water now whilst renting and building our house, but we filter it for drinking, although the chemical filtration doesn't take out ALL the fluoride. But given the kids are getting low sources of fluoride elsewhere, hopefully their neurology will continue to be OK! We'll be on (filtered) tankwater again at our new property. One more year of town water....uurgh.

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I've now heard rumblings that Fiji water has trace amounts of flouride in it. But if its really the aluminum does that mean its not a concern in water so high in silicate?

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