Just finished the interview video. Thank so much for the video and messages you give us and the truth you insisted for the whole humanity. Your message on autism at the end is truly important to me. Thank you.

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Love your wisdom and insights into so many things that we take for granted!!

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I’ve been thinking about your comments on the contrails vs chemtrails issue. It’s something I hadn’t given much consideration to for a long time. That was until I began following an interesting YouTube channel—MonkeyWerx. He’s an ex-military flight tracking guy, definitely one of the more interesting YouTube channels out there. I joined his channel about the time he had given into a bunch of his followers and began looking into the chemtrail phenomenon. In a nutshell, his findings have made me a believer in these being deliberate. But what I think you and others might find interesting is the majority of this “seeding” doesn’t have anything to do with trying to mitigate global warming or the likes, instead the chemtrails are related to weather modification/geoengineering. In fact, it’s a multi-million dollar business and there are actual businesses, with government contracts of course, who are actually named things like “weather modification, inc” and they are part of a system using seeding, along with radar type activation via Doppler, or possibly HAARP. I now realize, it’s not crazy to learn about these things and believe they’re true. What IS crazy? The people involved in doing it aren’t even hiding it anymore.

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Yes, local weather modification has been going on for decades. My doubts centre around the use of aluminium salts to reflect solar radiation on a global scale.

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Enjoyed the discussion of a wide range of topics stemming from aluminium. Thank you.

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Excellent interview, and thanks for continuing to educate us about Aluminium. You are greatly appreciated. I cross-posted this one to my Substack list.

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thanks for all your work and honesty, i will share it with family members and wish i could share it with friends. one friend worked for the dept of agriculture his entire career as a researcher. to my amazement, he is still getting and recommending every covid booster. he still thinks the virus came from the wet market and views any alternative as an assault on science. i, too, have noticed for some time the campaign to blame a multitude of health problems on genetics and bad habits when they are environmental and therefore institutional. part of the problem in affecting change, besides the huge amount of liability and loss of credibility for individuals and institutions, must be that almost every parent and doctor and nurse has participated in perpetuating the ongoing damage. no one wants to think they have maimed and possibly killed children

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Thank you for your interesting musings. Just got my first shipment of silicon-rich mineral water today.

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“Silicon Rich” is not the key. Fiji water CONTAINS Orthosilic ACID.

The “shorthand” for this is OSA.

OSA has the (apparently) unique ability to *safely dissolve* bodily Aluminum.

Once dissolved, the body removes it via the urine and perspiration.

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Which water did you get?

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Fiji, labeled, natural artesian water, and claimed to be sourced from a mineral spring in the Fiji Islands. It was the only relatively inexpensive silicon-rich mineral water I found in the US (5 cents per ounce.)

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It's me 👋 I have too much time on my hands. About 2/3 of the way through and as one of those people who share your work on Facebook and is heavily censored to the point of almost no income... I'm wondering what if anything you'll do in this season of your life to combat censorship or to re-post things you think the world should have access to in a less censored area like 'X', or rumble. Your work and a handful of others were who saved my child's life (right after grandfather died of Alzheimer's) with your work. We really need to be able to find these things. It's so important to humanity to be able to access the work. As one of your biggest fans and followers I would be so disappointed if there wasn't a way to go around the Google sensors to find these things. It's available in the NIH searches still right?

Also are you married? The internet will not tell me anything about you personally and I think some of us would like to see behind the curtain. Much love from your biggest fan and forever grateful follower. 🙏❤️

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Don't worry, I'll find a way.

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Willing to help any way we can. Hugs and prayers.

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Outstanding interview—thanks for sharing your time and experience with us! I’m grateful to have found your substack. There are many of my family and friends I’ll be forwarding this to.

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Great video--nice having breakfast with you-

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Thank you for this interview that you have chosen to share with us. How very insightful this interview was and how brave of you to voice your personal views too. Such an inspiration which I’m sure will encourage many more to become passionate in truth seeking. Bless you. 🙏. Loved your kitchen too!

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I re-watch the interview again. You are really a brave and honest scientist. I hope someone like Elon Musk would fund your researches. Suddenly, I feel so upset. For how long would the whole world recognise Dr. Chris Exley's important works? You are the modern Galileo Galilei.

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“… Because all other elements have some role in biology, & aluminum does not.”

The comfortably numb 🎶 biology of monopoly, of authoritarianism, of masters slavishly compelled-committed to indenturing the servitude-multitudes (who mostly want to be so denture-adhesive’d, too) … has found a projection-role for aluminumb.

Little box(it)es on the hillside

Little box(it)es made of ticky tacky

Little box(it)es on the hillside

Little box(it)es all the same ~ Malvina Reynolds

Seems clear that all those emperors would be best served tightly cooking foil robes-wrapped on Phoenix concrete & asphalt in July.

Or maybe Dubai in July.

Rhymes are good. Like poetical-rhetorical bookends to actual-literal karma … if actual-literal karma existed, rather than merely allll the karmalateral damage.

Some would balk surely. But a bauxite-free life would be so much less ticky-tacky.

PS Short cuts to fat-fatter-fattest slices is Darwin’s survival of the fittest-laziest pragmatist. And those creatures go the gamut from political opportunist-machinators at localest levels to national government levels to deep & shadowy state levels … but also to the bears, etc, that find hunting & harvesting garbage cans to be the Tao of fatter, easier, slices.

Most organisms don’t care how they get what they want so long as they get it & … the easier the acquisition, the better, all in-the-moment lowest common denizens agree.

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Many thanks for the weekend treat. I’m glad you don’t stick to your rule of not giving interviews. I was intrigued by your comment on aluminium as an accelerant and possible factor in the WTC tower collapses.

I found this from 2011


Are you aware of any more recent developments on this theory?

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No but I haven't been looking.

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Surprised to hear you say, [Until they can come up with a safe, (aluminum-free) vaccine they should just stop making them. . . ] There is no such thing as an effective, safe, vaccine. Not one study proves effectiveness. Not one study proves safety.

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If an adjuvant must create an inflammatory response for a vax to be effective, then doesn't it stand to reason that whatever might replace aluminum will probably cause the same/similar encephalitic response as aluminum? It may be a little more nuanced than that, but I suspect it might be very difficult to find a "safe" adjuvant that does what they must currently do.

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I am not sure if any adjuvant would be safe. They represent cheap alternatives to developing safe antigens.

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There are other adjuvants though I don't know alot about them.

Prof Dolores Cahill mentioned "oils" in one of her interviews, I believe this the May 2020 one, though it was several years back when I listeded to that


Professor Petrovsky, who developed a protein-based vaccine called COVAX-19 here in South Australia under his company Vaxine, hit funding and regulatory road blocks all the way. It was approved for use in Iran from memory. It used a proprietary plant-based adjuvant called Advax-CpG . Recently he was kicked out of Fliinders University! He called out the unscientific pandemic response from early on, he was against mandated jabs and questioned the origins of the virus. If interested there is more here:


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If you like to dig into the biochemistry, see "Emerging concepts in the science of vaccine adjuvants":


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