Why are we allowing the CDC to look into side effects when they have lied to us for decades? They tried to murder the masses and we are going to trust anything they find?

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Are they really "side" effects? The illnesses caused by injecting a poison soup into the body are part of a syndrome that includes predictable and unpredictable short and long term effects. Remember the "main effect" is supposed to be magical immunity, which is completely unproven. So what is the actual "effect"?... more customers for the disease treatment industrial complex.

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Correct, before checking if the jabs are safe or effective so called, they need to 1st prove what they are claiming to protect against even exists! They have not. So all jabs should be banned until the claimed causative agents of a given manifestation of symptoms, classed as "disease XYZ", is actually proven properly and that such agent is indeed a transmissible risk. They cannot of course prove either. So no jab is merited for anything it would appear, at least until they establish existence and spread of claimed pathogen. They WILL fail. At least immho.

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'Side effect' is a term made up by Pharma marketers... 'Effect' is too blatant. A 'side' effect is random, not the main course/cause, it is a possible extra, a side dish, like a side of mashed potatoes that goes alongside the main course.

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Yes they are side effects to the injecting of heavy metals, nanotechnology that releases a payload containing anything from microbial to cyanide or is it fentanyl instead, after all a Saudi scientist tried to patent their cyanide containing RFID chip that can be released on demand to eliminate the enemy and Dr Charles Lieber worked with Wuhan China on injectable nanotubes that hold water and a payload that gets shot out upon 5G exciting the water and the nanotechnology that attaches to the retina recording everything seen, heard and spoken along with GPS tracking, up to a year.

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"Yes they are side effects to the injecting of heavy metals, nanotechnology that releases a payload containing anything from microbial to cyanide or is it fentanyl"

What you described are THE (intended) effects, not 'side effects of ...'. This point is kind of important. "Medicine", and all those within it, butcher this term "side effects" often and a lot. Intentionally.

If you could have slapped a couple of periods in your paragraph long post = much easier for old eyes & brains to digest. :-) But, not a problem. Just having some fun with you. Honestly (fingers crossed).

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Agreed. Pretty ridiculous. Also, why doesn't anyone acknowledge all the previous studies?

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Thank you for brilliant insights. The structure of the “studies” and the oversight are critical. Have you reviewed Sasha Latypova’s Substack about the work of Dr. Charles (?) Richet and his analysis of autoimmune responses from anything injected into our blood that is “not supposed to be there”? Thousands of autoimmune responses are possible. See the Pfizer list submitted to the FDA about the COVID vaccine. Sanitation and natural immunity have brought the death rate to nearly nil, not the vaccines. See the Substack of Roman Bystriank and others demonstrating the rapid decline of many diseases prior to the introduction of each particular vaccine.

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Perhaps the first null hypothesis should be "vaccines do not prevent disease". Then build from there.

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Or “vaccines cause disease.”

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Or that vaccines do not improve mortality.

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The CDC already found a link and they suppressed it:

Deadly Immunity: Robert F. Kennedy's response to the Simpsonwood Conference and Government cover-up of the vaccine-autism scandal


They don't need some elaborate study to be done while continuing with this appalling crime against children, families, and societies. All they need to do is to review the data available that compares vaccinated children with COMPLETELY unvaccinated children, which must include the vitamin K shot that contains aluminum in it.

But Tony Fauci already told us that this will never be done:

MAHA Alliance press conference video: “We will never do that study” — Tony Fauci


And really: is this not one of the most absurd expectations that we could have? Would we allow criminals to do their own investigations to see if they committed crimes? This is exactly what we're doing. Even if the result wouldn't prove intent to commit crimes, everyone involved in vaccine study, manufacturing, approvals, and injections would be guilty of participating in the greatest crime against humanity in history. I kind of think that maybe they might not want everyone to know that the autism and other health crises are their fault.

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They don't want to be the Bad Boys, showing what's truly what, but they still want all the $$ generated by the vaccine industry - and of course people being sick for life and needing (medical) care after being injected with said vaccines.

It's still a win-win situation for them. So long as the vaccine cash cow is operating full speed ahead, they see no problem.

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"We need to distinguish between infants that have been brain damaged either in utero or shortly after receiving a vaccination and the rest. The latter may have suffered a form of mild brain damage but in the main they are just different, they reflect the myriad phenotypes of cognisant humans."

I agree that distinguishing between severe and less severe cases of autism is important. But I don't know why we wouldn't want to measure the medium-cases of autism too, especially if it's the difference between encephalopathy and slow poisoning. That's like caring only about Alzheimers patients, but not elderly who are starting to get dementia. And if your theory about Aluminum is correct, it's entirely possible it's only causing the slow poisoning, not the encephalopathy.

I had a kid who was in the medium category of autism (no case of regression btw). He was a nightmare to get to sleep, would hit us, didn't seem to hear us, and would run into streets and in parking lots behind cars that were trying to pull out. He would try to leave the house to follow my husband to work. Autistic kids can also be very disruptive in classrooms, though mine was not but he was uncoachable in sports. No joke, we're lucky this kid is still alive.

Somewhere around 11-12yo, I read your article about Aluminum and autism, and gave him some Fiji water for about a month (some, not even solely Fiji water). We also were on a gluten-free diet to see if my older son's skin rash would clear up (it didn't). Within a couple months after doing those, my autistic kid started to crack jokes and become more personable. I would say 2-3 years later, he was no longer obviously autistic (to me - there was a woman who ran a support group who noticed lack of eye contact), and the last vestiges - the lack of eye contact and shyness with adults - is gone now.

The biggest difference for us is his ability to recognize what adults want from him. I knew he'd turned a corner when he wrote an essay advocating for something that he'd never advocate for and I asked "Do you really believe this?" and he said "No, but that's what I have to write to get an A." I was floored that he both was able to read the teacher that well and that he even cared because he never did before. This is a game changer because it means he'll do well working with others, and he'll be able to understand that what the customer wants is more important than what he thinks is right. That's huge when it comes to employability.

I think the biggest tragedy is an adult realizing they have autism and embracing it as special instead of seeking to heal from it. It creates friction in the workplace when you can't read another person and figure out how to negotiate social situations.

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There is no way, no matter what any study the CDC does, that they will find that vaccines cause autism. Big pharma will not allow their vaccine empire to crumble to dust.

We need independent studies (no CDC or FDA) and for at least a decade or much longer that study how massive amounts of vaccines react with the body over 20-30 years starting at birth (day one). And this is verses using no vaccines at all.

Sure, they will do a fake or manipulated study and in the end it's still vaccines forever until humans no longer exist. They will do a study over a few months and find nothing and it will be CASE CLOSED forever.

You want the studies, you get the studies but the results will show no links. Just wait.

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There was a CDC whistle blower, William Thompson, a vaccine safety officer who said they told him to destroy the evidence of a link between the MMR and autism. RFK Jr wanted him to testify but the CDC prevented it. Memory is vague...10 years ago? I don't believe this will happen again unless the safety and anonymity of future witnesses is guaranteed...or perhaps a small reward is dangled!

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I think there is also an over diagnosis of autism in the US in minority groups when the baby is exposed to several languages.

My kid was diagnosed with autism because od speech delay, tantrums despite being very social, no repetitive behaviors, had some form of love for similar things like the same shoes. My second child was started at 2 on vaccines, with spaced out schedule. The difference was better speech in both languages at a younger age, and rare , very rare tantrums. I think it is because I was aware of the effect of learning multiple languages on a child and I used the lessons I learned in special education and behavior analysis. Better mom I would say. Anyways, my second child was 2, second visit to her doctor, and she was scared as the doctor entered the room and started flapping her hand and crying in a gesture " go away please". Her doctor said, maybe she needs referral to test for autism. I'm 100% sure she would have been diagnosed if I accepted. But I knew my daughter and I am no longer that silly naive mom. Sadly I am a pediatrician. Anyways, her third visit was at 5 and her doctor was faking excitement of how social, talkative, smart, and sassy she was. Stupid. Just.

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Thank you for your insight.

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These days autism is a labelled applied to any kid who is the slightest different from some perceived "norm" - slightly quirky, eccentric, odd, or doesn't do things on the specified developmental schedule (in particular, as you mention "late talkers" and also gifted kids, see Stephen M Camarata's book).

It's also a wastebasket diagnosis for lots of kids with genuine problems - but they all get lumped together.

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I'm not holding my breath waiting for any of these feral cats to change their spots! Just read the last few of Brian Berletic's Substack posts on the 'new' administration's foreign policy agenda and you'll soon understand that French saying about how the more things chsnge, the more they stay the same.

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Agree wholeheartedly with what you are saying, Dr. Exley. I think from memory, that aluminium has been in the vaccines for ever and having added mercury in some of these in the early days probably made things worse. However we didn't see much evidence of autism back when I was a child (1950'sand 1960's) and even when I had my children it was something that was thought unusual. The thing that stood out most when my children were young were the SIDS cases. I myself think it is the dose that makes the poison. So the gradual accumulation of aluminium in the body/brain which eventually causes the damage. It seems that the vaccine schedule has grown in the number given by a very early age. Where we, as children only had triple antigen and polio, now they're having multiples of vaccines by the ages of 18 months to 2 years old. I don't have the actual figures of how many vaccines given now, but do know that it is in orders of magnitude greater than any that were given in the 1980's when I had my children.


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Catatonia was required then to diagnose "autism".

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I would be sceptical of any study the CDC conducts, it will either come back with a finding of no link. Or it will find a link, they'll apologise, get rid of the old vaccines, and bring in a whole bunch of new 'safe ones'. And trust in the CDC and RFK Jr will be restored! I trust neither, and never will.

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Edit - Trust in the CDC will be restored, using the publics trust in RFK Jr

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Give RFK Jr the time he deserves before coming to any judgement.

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I hope I'm wrong, but I doubt it. Watched him for the past few years. I love CHD, its very informative. But there are things that make me suspicious. We shall see.

I hope you are doing well by the way, I was a student of yours in 2008 or 2009. It is terrible the way the university treated you

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Thank you. I very much enjoyed most of my time at Keele.

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I do wish Dr. Christopher Exley were the lead in this investigation!!!!

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Thank you.

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It will be difficult to study, even without vested interests interfering

Given that Autism is still, primarily, a behavioural diagnosis with an increasing spectrum, finding a cause, or causes, will take great precision. As it should be.

I agree that the subjects should be chosen among the severely affected, perhaps even among those who are known to have regressed after birth.

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All sources of known toxic aluminum should be studied, including full loading from various sources.

It's a no brainer!

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This reminds me of the vaccines and SIDS studies: the definition of SIDS at those times may have included other sleep related deaths, like suffocation as the studies took place before, during and after “back to sleep” but before most infants slept supine. And there are categories of SIDS: 1 no symptoms, II mild symptoms unable to cause death, III severe symptoms may have caused death and IV, definitive cause of death.

So they’re combining infants who were seriously unwell before death (and unvaccinated) with infants who died shortly after vaccination, to make it seem like, once compared to the healthy controls, who are vaccinated slightly more often that vaccines can’t possible be linked to SIDS. But their group of SIDS infants is highly

Suspect to begin with. Half are unvaccinated, of those 60% are too young to be vaccinated when they died. Obviously there are uncontrolled confounding, mainly anemia, which would help clarify the relationship to vaccines.

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I read an article by a guy who had developed a monitor to detect the breathing anomalies during sleep and set off an alarm for the parents. He deployed the monitor with a practice and they discontinued using it because it kept setting off alarms after the kids were vaccinated.

The study we need is vaccination date to SIDS date. I would bet Kaiser has that data.

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You are being too rational and scientific. It is DC politics and President Trump launched OWS with no isolated virus. No we have chicken flu and measles ramping up, again with no viruses isolated, well except for John Enders 1954 pretend isolation.

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and NO proof that these diseases can be transmitted from animal to human, human to human or animal to animal. A good start with all this nonsense is "Can You Catch A Cold?" by D. Roytas. Recently published, looks at 203 studies over 100 years that tried to prove transmission (but failed, except for nocebo effects and non-viral chemicals in a sneeze). If these diseases can't be transmitted, what's the point of a vaccine?

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Dr Exley - I have been following your work on aluminum in relationship to Autism and Alzheimers for many years. Thank you for your efforts to educate the public on this topic.

"I think my friends at Age of Autism will confirm that 1 in every 36 children upon achieving adolescence and early adulthood is not still wearing nappies (diapers)." An adult does not need to be wearing nappies to be impaired. I am a friend at Age of Autism and the number of children and adults with ASD is more like 1 in 20.

I am the mother of a 51 year old "high functioning" man with Aspergers. Let me assure you that he does not need to be walking around in nappies to be considered on the autistic spectrum. It is indeed a spectrum; Aspergers has it's unique neurological and physical disabilities. First, there is the social/emotional "retardation" (the term given to me by a psychiatrist in 1994). He was 21 before he received the diagnosis of pervasive development disorder, later changed to ASD.

We tried independent living for our son three times, each one being more disastrous than the first. In addition to the social and emotional impairments, he suffers with the gastro-intestinal complications that Dr. Wakefield was cancelled for addressing. OCD is also a prominent ongoing disability, often a hallmark of Aspergers and ASD in general. Recently he was diagnosed with LADA, latent autoimmune diabetes in adults. I have found through my research that this is more common in adults on the autistic spectrum! LADA and Autism are both tied into the body's ability to utilize GABA.



Aspergers is real and often painful for both the afflicted individual and his/her caregivers. Please do not dismiss it; it is a very real form of Autism caused by vaccines. I have four vaccine-injured adult children, one who died 14 years after his original injury from the DPT booster in 1986. As a former practicing nutritionist and health consultant I have done more research on the topic of toxic vaccines and vaccine adjuvants than most doctors could even imagine.

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By my definition there is no such thing as high functioning autism. Autism is brain damage not brain wiring. Asperger's is not autism in my book. I know that my opinion may not be popular. I am looking to understand the role of vaccines in brain damage in autism and in my opinion aluminium is the most likely culprit. What I consider as autism is a disease caused by environmental exposure to aluminium and it is wholly avoidable. The latter is what I hope to achieve by speaking openly about this.

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Thank you. Such clarity is sorely needed. I don't dismiss the problems of people who don't fit into this category, but lumping everyone together does not help and obscures the issues and ways to make progress. (If one were suspicious, one might think that was the intent in lumping everything together under the ridiculously broad current DSM ASD definition).

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Respectfully, Aspergers IS Autism. Brain damage by neurotoxins in vaccines. If not aluminum, then mercury, which is what I suspect caused my son's encephalopathy.


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