I had to read that multuple times, (my chemistry is very rusty, if it ever was good enough), so the take away...Al3+ is always the (bioavailabe form?) doing the binding with human proteins, irrespective of pH, and thus the "name" of the chemical complex (?). Now I need to know why Al3+ is significant....waiting for part 2.

Thank you for taking the time to explain Al.

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May I just say that I am pleased that you took the time to read my short post many times. I purposely kept my post short so that this is not too much of an inconvenience. My role in Dr's Newsletter is not to educate but to provide information so that those willing to do so can educate themselves.

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What about those who've read your post many times and still don't understand? We're not all bioinorganic chemists specializing in effects of Al exposure and we don't all have the time to research your area of expertise. It's not a question of willingness. You also just fobbed me off on question of Al in zeolite. None of your SS posts contain "zeolite" in title and search function turns up nothing. You couldn't even be bothered digging one out for me. Disappointing, to say the least.

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You prefer that I spend the time looking through my many comments to find this for you? If you read my posts on the subject of protecting against the toxicity of aluminium then I am sure you will find my extensive comments on zeolite and similar products.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27

Well yes I would actually. Why should I/your readers spend time searching through your comments to know what you think about the subject when you could just tell us what you think, like in a couple of sentences?

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Your comment made me wonder why Aluminium doesn't rust and of course i found the answer quickly on the internet: https://cordis.europa.eu/article/id/442618-why-doesn-t-aluminium-rust

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Ha ha...I see the pun.

Thanks for the article link

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This was also my understanding. Also not a chemist

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Jul 1Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

Thank you for your excellent work on aluminum and aluminum adjuvants in vaccines Dr. Exley.

I've noticed your commentary about zeolite and that you do not recommend it.

I would like to share with you that I have been recommending it (specifically, Pure Body Extra by Touchstone Essentials - nano zeolite suspended in water molecules) to my audience for over four years.

Some testimonials from parents who have vaccine injured children - including autism - include:

- Non-verbal toddlers who begin to talk within days or weeks after use

- Toddlers with limited speech or trouble speaking able to speak more clearly and with greater sentence length after days or weeks of use

- Eczema clearing in toddlers and children within weeks of use

- Headaches and brain fog that went away in adults after use

- Agitation and violent tendencies reduced in teens with autism

- Less stuttering or stuttering gone after use

– Emotions returning after use

- Apraxia gone after use

- Language exploding after use

- Better focus and concentration after use

- OCD symptoms diminished after use

- Night terrors gone after use

- Better eye contact after use

- Better digestion after use

- Skin issues cleared after use

- Seizures reduced after use

This is a short list just from my audience.

I am wondering if I could put you into contact with the CEO of the company, Touchstone Essentials, where the two of you could have a cordial conversation about zeolite? I would be happy to connect you two together. If yes, please email me at larry@larrydcook.com and I will make the introductions.

This is a very important topic and because so many in my audiences - tens of thousands now - have been significantly helped by zeolite detox - ESPECIALLY the vaccine injured - I hope you will consider such a conversation.

Additionally, I have an overview and dozens of testimonials from my own audience listed right here:


Thank you so much for the consideration.


Larry Cook



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Thank you Larry, I am asked primarily if zeolite products can facilitate the removal of systemic aluminium by increased excretion in the urine and sweat. My answer is that they cannot. I am also asked about the safety of such products for human consumption. I have not seen a single peer-reviewed published clinical study that has tested the safety of zeolite, for example after prolonged ingestion of these products. This concerns me enough for me to say that I personally would not ingest any zeolite product. Your experience and testimonials tell a positive story for zeolite ingestion. People have to make up their own minds based upon the science available and the experience of practitioners such as yourself. Thanks for your comment.

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Thank you so much for replying Dr. Exley and explaining your position. Keep up the great work.

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Dear Dr. Exley, is hydrous sodium aluminosilicate (zeolite) used in metal detox remedies possibly harmful? I have been tempted to try a heavy metal detox product that contains the ingredient mentioned. I am reluctant to try it because it might add to the Al burden in my body which I am purging with high silica mineral water.

Thank you

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In short yes, see my many, many comments on this on substack.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27

MDR. So us plebs have to sift through your "many-many comments" "on this" "on substack"? Which comments and made where? On your SS? Comments on others' SSs? None of your articles refer to zeolite in title and search turns up que dalle connard. Sounds to me like Tracy needs help and you couldn't even give a damn

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I’m satisfied with Dr. Exley’s answer, he doesn’t need to elaborate.

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That's not fair.

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Jun 27Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

Here are a few of Dr. Exley's Substack articles, where Zeolite is mentioned:


PS. About the requests for personal assistance from Dr Exley: Let's help each other, and allow Dr Exley to focus on writing informative articles about the dangers of Aluminium. Thanks.

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Thanks. Wow…let’s not fight each other. We are in grave danger and need brilliant minds. I am totally not a chemist!!!

Blessings all.

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Thank you

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You're his PA or what? He was asked a simple question: Does he recommend zeolite for cv-vaxxed injured and if not, why not? You mean to say I've got to wade through your presearch results on articles "where zeolite is mentioned" to work out what Exley thinks or what commenters think Exley thinks?

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Jun 27Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

I’ve been to PA many times. Lots of beautiful there. But the aluminum siding saleswo/men that besquat it - fractal turtles up & down - have well-past ruined it.

Did some business, & conversing, with a woman who, along with her family, fled the Ardern regime. I brought Oz into the conversation for any insight she might have had on where all the Croc Dundee’s & Elliott Marston’s & Errol Flynn’s-characters & Tasmanian Devils had gone by the time “the pandemic” was loosed. With some dismissive contempt she characterized Aussies as always wanting to be like Americans. I don’t think she has a high estimation of either of the A’s.

I don’t either.

Before all the segmentation the first & still the liverwurst “I identify as” prefixed some country-container name.

Would it were more vinegary ones - like you, perhaps - populated both places. And all, or most, other places, too.

Then maybe more than communication styles - packaging - would be properly slapped around & straightened out.


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I also read Dr Exley’s book -parts of it- years ago and drink Fiji daily. Which water are you using and how are you dosing, please? …amount, frequency, duration.


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I drink 1 liter of Fiji water a day as per Dr. Exley’s recommendation.

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Thanks for the info. Looking forward to part 2, where I hopefully understand why Al3+ is so toxic.

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Chris -- could you do a plain language subscript to this so I can begin to understand it - no natural science background I am afraid - sure I can get this if in a slightly less technical mode. Thanks

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I will do a summary after I have completed all three parts.

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Dr Exley, so grateful!

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Al is used as an adjuvant in the Quaxcines. It is used deliberately to invoke massive immune response and in this capacity is more toxic that Hg. Al is also the most prevalent heavy metal on earth. Clinical expertise has these concerns the former is of great concern.

The chemistry is useful but not comprehensible for most readers.

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We disagree. Aluminium is not a heavy metal.

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you might consider mentioning your disagreement?

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Chemistry in context, as I look to provide, is the key to understanding why we should be very afraid of the Aluminium Age.

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Clearly you are a chemist. Fully realize and respect the level of expertise required, but also see the reductionistic lens through which chemists see the world. Good friend is Physical Chemist, Professor Emeritus, head of Chem dept Big 10 school.

Personally know 6 either retired or on the cusp of retirement PhD chemists.

Oddly they are very easy to hoodwink.

I am not particularly interested in spreading fear. If I were Dioxins and Furans are more concerning as are the toxic heavy metals.

Have spent decades with avoidance strategies, but also chelating immune compromised humans.

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I am a biologist.

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Yes, my problem too.

My sister is a biochemistry major. Wonder if she will comprehend?

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Make no assumptions about the highly educated as often they know more and more about less and less. The best educated (notably the Chem PhD's) are the easiest to hoodwink

For this reason clinical expertise over decades coupled with comprehension it the safe bet

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interesting so am I before getting Doctorate

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For decades assays for heavy metals include Al, that is because it is so commonly used in the Quaxcines as an adjuvant and exceptionally toxic. That is a fact. Specific density or gravity attempts to separate Heavy from Transition etc however clinically the distinction is blurry as the heavy metal Gold is not toxic but most are. Al is toxic when used as an adjuvant, even though its density does not fit the criteria you prefer to use.

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Simple rules do not exist in biochemistry.

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Why did you get a doctorate for something simple?

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Hi Dr Exley - I read somewhere that zeolite can contain aluminium. As you are no doubt aware, zeolite is being recommended by many "natural health experts" to rid your body of potential damage from cv19 injections. Do you think this is a good idea?

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No, I do not and I have commented on this many times in my substack.

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Thank you Dr Exley. Unfortunately, none of your SS posts contain "zeolite" in title and search function turns up nothing.

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