"and in consequence lowered atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide and contributed significantly to global cooling"

I'm coming across quite a few mentions that the current level of CO2 in the atmosphere is 0.04%, towards the lower threshold of the level necessary for plant life to thrive. Also that CO2 is nowhere near as significant a contributor to global warming as water vapour, and that rises in CO2 levels follow global temperature changes by a lag of 800 years. There are so many pollutants out there (and in our bodies!) which should be reduced or banned, but it seems that plant-friendly CO2 and nitrogen compounds are being aggressively campaigned against - if successful, this would result in seriously stifling the well-being of human populations. Dr Patrick Moore, founding member of Greenpeace, spoke clearly about these topics recently on UK Column.

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Yes, but the atmospheric content of carbon dioxide prior to this time was more like 10-20%. I do agree, I am not demonising carbon dioxide only offering alternative reasons why its content in the atmosphere may be increasing.

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Have you seen this brilliant work up by @ethicalskeptic ? https://theethicalskeptic.com/2020/02/16/the-climate-change-alternative-we-ignore-to-our-peril/

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Yes, at least something similar. Thanks for the information.

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Hello Dr. Exley.

Way back in 1983 or 1984, I was part of 2 different week long seminar/workshops with an Iridologist named Bernard Jensen. He was the first person I had ever learned from that said that the human body is sadly lacking in Silicon. Just before I attended those workshops, I had the pictures of my irides done and that Iridologist suggested that I take Equisetum/Horsetail tabs, the herbal tablet. I was taking 8 tablets 2 to 3 times per day.

On the second day after I started the Horsetail tabs my hair changed overnight for the better (much better). I was flabbergasted and very motivated to continue to take it. And my hair and nails still grow like weeds. It's pretty amazing for a woman of 72 having hair down below my waist and still mostly brown except for, of course, the front part.

That was my initial introduction to silica. Now, with drinking the silica rich water as per your brilliant suggestions, I am again thrilled with the effects of this, obviously, needed element for the human body.

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I did physics research and am trained in physics. I know enough to ask questions and look for dynamic processes that are missing from climate models. (Imv, climate science is thrashing about in quicksand.)

Geologic subsurface flooding likely transports heat/organics/CO2/minerals/radioactives to the surface from the magma and is occasionally affected by eruptions from the magma.

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It would be interesting to know if silicic acid interferes with the function of the silicon component in quantum dot technology.


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As you will quickly see,this isn't just any information link. I say to all please spread to your worlds as quickly as possible. Thank you.

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