"I know that to many I sound more and more like a broken record." - no no no - they are relentless and so must we be. I have seen the young ones through the years - the damaged ones have increased terribly. Simply we are in a "great poisoning" - One day we will all be controlled by vaccines administered at birth and throughout our (short) lives - Steiner saw this last century, It is their "dream".

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In 2021, quietly in the midst of attendance at the covid circus.....municipal governments were beginning to add fluoride to all local water systems. Here in Massachusetts, where we have 511 towns/cities, prior to 2021 less than half (especially out here in the western part of the state) were poisoning their people. Now it's all across the board. This was the year that I first became aware of the 6-years suppressed report that had finally been released which found that there is NO SAFE LEVEL OF FLUORIDE IN DRINKING WATER. So funny that these things should occur simultaneously.

-In Christopher Bryson's The Fluoride Deception, he writes about how dialysis patients exposed to fluoride fare much poorer, and links the fluoride to accelerated kidney failure, among other things.

-None of this is surprising. The "government" has shown its desire to cause democide by its actions over the last three years....this desire has been there for a long, long time, but it didn't become obvious until now.

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I have been paying attention to your wisdom since 2014, when I discovered your research into the dementia/alzheimers aluminum connection and knew it was the smoking gun that implicated vaxines to autism, which to me has always been a blanket term describing the brain damage that these poisons cause; it expresses in children as autism, while it expresses in adults as dementia and alzheimers. At the time, I screenshot your wikipedia page, and your credential page at Keele and downloaded multiple research papers which you had been involved in because somehow I knew that eventually you were going to speak out against the narrative and end up blackballed. Dunno how I knew at the time, I just knew. Keep the faith, and warrior on!

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Thank you, while I have a voice and irrefutable science to support it I will do my best to be heard.

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Thank you for highlighting fluoride and its chemical reaction with aluminum in the stomach that results in increased absorption of aluminum through the intestines, enabling brain and nerve damage. Publishing this scientific information will eventually get to people who will remove these toxins from the food, drug, cosmetic, and water supplies.

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Hi Chris! I've read your book which is straight to the point and extremely informative. I contacted The Highwire to let them know they need to include YOU in any fluoride discussion as you make clear what makes higher than normal levels of fluoride dangerous is ALUMINUM. I sent them a link to this sub stack and encouraged them to contact you.

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I completely agree with all your statements! What the attorney stated on the HIGHWIRE is further proof of "captured" agencies that are supposed to be responsible for safety of water. Instead, they created a situation where anyone drinking municipal water is being poisoned by fluoride and aluminum! Learning of this, I am sure glad that I have been drinking RO water for more than 30 years. Thank you for the updates!

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Keep talking about fluoride please. I am sounding the alarm here too in my world.

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Also check out Dr Elmar Jung's podcast with other holistic dentistry legend Dr Graeme Munro-Hall talking about this subject; https://www.dr-elmar-jung.com/podcast/episode-047-fluoride-update-with-dr-graeme-munro-hall/ + https://iaomt.org/iaomt-fluoride-position-paper-2/

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Thank you for that. I love the part where the researcher asks what do you want the research to say and I will design the research to find it that way. Lol

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We were aware back 50 yrs ago in chiropractic college that there were problems with fluoride in our USA drinking water. The only well known, acknowledged problem with it at the time was fluorosis, ie mottling of the tooth enamel, but we knew somehow that there was more to it than that. I always thought that it was insane to be putting it in drinking water, swallowing it when it was only meant to help make stronger teeth. Why take it into your body at all? If you really wanted to use it for that purpose, you could just buy some fluoridated mouthwash, swish it around in your mouth and spit it out. Thanks for revealing to us the aluminium-fluoride connection, it explains much.

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FlouRide, a By-product of Alumina/ Nuclear & Heavy industrial fertilisers, & A Poison, Not 'Allowed Into the Environment' @ processing Level by Local OZtopian EPA - NOR afterwards, as Stipulated in Corporate Product MSDS [ Material safety Data Sheet]. BUT, Perfectly O.K. to dissolve in Ingestibles - Logic? Mind you, It does 'Save' on a large amount of 'Waste Stowage Space' @ Dedicated facilities!

Apart from it's Haloid Status, along with Bromide [ used in Bread baking product & Other Sterility Environs], & to a lesser degree Iodine, The only way for said Ingested Flouride to 'Track Back' to Folks teeth, is via the Body's Transport system - The Bloods. SOoo, If the Bloods transferring Required products thru our Anatomy, including Organs & honey combed Skeletal structures, who is to say it even reaches said teeth, &, apart from Brain Compromising issues, Doesn't Degrade Bone Infrastructure/ Integrity? I've read that, along with similar vegetable Uptake & Storage of Potable flouride, that up to 80% of 'Stored' onboard Flouride, is in the Skeletal structure? So surely, issues such as Osteoporosis, from accumulations can be a Contributor?


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Chlorine is added to town water in some towns near me, in central México. No mention of fluoridating the water, yet. I was talking to my partner recently about how if chlorine is bad, fluorine is worse. Thanks for making the connection with aluminium salts.

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Chlorine, essentially as a physically dissolved gas, is added as a disinfectant. Much of it is released from freshly drawn water, hence the smell. Remaining chlorine is converted to chloride which in this context is harmless.

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Here's an odd thing. I was jumping around in "The Age of Aluminum" video on the Aluminum Research Group youtube channel I just discovered. And in it there's a commercial clip of people brushing their teeth and so forth, and estolling the virtues of aluminium in everything! I got curious to doublecheck again what's in my toothpaste (speaking of floridation) - old school basic Crest, which has been around forever and I've used forever. No aluminium in the list. But another ingridient jumped out at me - hydrated silica. On search, the wiki page for it says when dissolved in water it's usually known as silicic acid! Just an odd thing, is all.

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Sand also dissolves in water to give silicic acid, though you may have to wait for a hundred years.

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Just a followup note. I was looking around about aluminum in the toothpaste tubes from something I remembered. Turns out it's there in the tube construction, but just as an internal layer - not exposed to the toothpaste. (I thought maybe it was.) And Colgate and others are actually phasing it out. But not for aluminum concerns but rather to allow recycling of the plastic tubes. But while searching this, I also found this out. My original comment above on hydrated silica in my brand, tuns out some companies use hydrated aluminum oxides instead! So mixing flouride with aluminum (in some chemical form), as another of your posts that just came out talks about! And.... in the search results I also came across a 1990 (or maybe 1984, not clear) Dutch study associating aluminum in toothpaste with alzheimers! It's titled "the use of aluminum-containing toothpaste and its potential risk"! And under similar articles, another one too!

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It's always some type of POISON they're rabidly forcing on the public on pretense that it's for our own good. The point is, they are ALWAYS pushing POISON on the public. At some point, you'd think people would wake up and ask WHY this is so?

Occam's Razor would conclude the most obvious answer is probably the correct one.


(And it's easier to kill us if we're first weakened, i.e., mentally and physically destroyed, disabled, damaged. )

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I am also trying to learn about 5G and radiation from the towers, our cell phone, our own routers at home, and our smart meters. I am probably missing other ways of being radiated. Practically no one ever talks about that. I think it would be a good thing to try to measure it. To at least be educated on how much danger it is. I hate when "oh no, someone got cancer, and there was no way anything could have been done. It just happened." Did it just happen though? Or were they being poisoned, without their knowledge, one way or another for years?.

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The single most effective (and required) method of exterminating us is via direct injection. The older vaccines were the "soft kill." The warp speed jabs are the "hard-kill."

Before the new jabs were rolled out, the older vaccines were already responsible for well-over 90% of the deadly and disabling conditions suffered by Americans, including cancer.

In 2020, over 99.74% of Americans had been exposed to vaccines, with only 0.26% remaining entirely unvaccinated. The entirely unvaccinated population had below 0.01% risk of cancer. For the 99.74% vaccine exposed population, the lifetime risk of cancer was already over 50%.

The absolute MOST effect "preventative health" measure is simply to avoid ALL pharma products, particularly any injections. The cell towers and smart meters do pose additional risk, and we've yet to see the full deployment of their capability to wreck us all.

We must also deal with the fact we have been shed upon, so assume you must detox from the warp speed jabs, do what you can to limit cell phone damage, and live your life. I did watch a video showing that a little, cheap, Mylar "emergency space blanket" effectively blocks (reflects) even an up-close exposure to directed microwaves. I seriously want to buy a case of them and line my house with them;-) But alas, we must still live our lives.

Fear is their number one weapon against us. Stay hopeful, enjoy and appreciate all that you can in your life. None of us get out of this "alive" anyway. We're just here for a short time even if everything is perfect, (at least on each round?)

Godspeed, Joy

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Blue Zones are getting some discussion as of late. A recently released documentary I believe. I haven't watched it though I suspect the silicate water and aluminum aspect of these zones won't be covered.

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You are correct in your suspicion! Coverage... yes... Explanation of mechanisms... all over the proverbial map - excepting any reference to silica waters or aluminum (through 3 or 4 episodes at which point I quit).

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I am not sure if they have aluminium in water in the UK and the US but here in little old WA of Oz we have aluminium in the water supply as well as fluoride. That to me seems a double whammy!


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Lots of kids and adults here in the States are on the spectrum, so much that now schools have special programs designed just for them. They are being poisoned one way or another.

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I was thinking the same John here in Melbourne we add both Fluoride and Alum.

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G'Day Andrew. The wife made the last comment, but I'm a Plumber, & have worked on Water treatment Plants for 8 years Plus - The In & Out 'Products'. in short, the In - Potable water, has the Flouride [ Sourced as a Commercial Dissolvable Input, - Fl is a Poisonous By -product from Processing Alumina/ Nuclear Materials/ Heavy Industrial Fertilisers, & NOT allowed by THE EPA to Environment @ process level! Flouride, like Bromide [ Called 'Bread Improver' in Baking products - Bread etc.,] & their weaker Cousin Iodine Are Haloids - 'Suit casing' Alumina [ Motor Neuron Complicator] past Blood brain Barrier!] Content & Alumina in water, is generally used for 'Turbidity' - Clarity & flocking reduction - But STILL in the Finished 'product'!

Outgoing Waste water thru Sewage Treatment IS the same. Not only does it Contain ALL of the Previous Toxins from INput supplies, PLUS also Everyday Soluble Chemicals & Personal products such as Anti persparents [ a lot are high in Al for 'Drying' & Readily absorbed into Body thru skin], A broad spectrum Pharma products, including Chemo protocols NOT 'Captured' by Dedicated systems, Plus the Treatment process chemicals such as Ferric Sulphates & PAC - Poly Alum Chloride. Some offgas, Some are Contained, & with Water Corporations Nationally, 'Pushing' the Lack of Resources SWINDLE - Including Water, these Chemical Cocktails, are Pumped Back down into the Terra - Supposedly for 'Nature' to 'Clean Up'! in case Folks are wondering, The Supernatant [ Clear liquid pulled off, @ end of Sewer processing Run, & dosed with Chlorine [ Bacteria Control], this is refered to as 'Black Water', STILL CONTAINS- ALL of the aforementioned 'Dissolved Chemicals'! Anyone - Govt., or not, telling You otherwise = B.S.!

Be Well - John D.

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Just received your Aluminum Atom book from Amazon. Question: is there ingestion risk from fluoride water filter that uses activated alumina?

Thank you

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Dr @drchristopherexley,

I recently added your great work to the pandemic timeline website Totality of Evidence and reported it on substack.



In the comments @jj12212451 questioned your recommending Fiji water given that it contains fluoride. Were you aware silicon rich Fiji water has fluoride on it's label? Could you comment on this? Thank you.


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I don't recommend any specific water only that it should contain 30ppm or more silicon written as silica on the bottle. I am aware that mineral waters contain fluoride but I am not aware of any that contain above 1ppm, usually much less than this. Since the issue with fluoride in potable water is aluminium then regular drinking of a silicon-rich mineral water will counter any increased absorption of aluminium through the gut due to the presence of fluoride at sub 1ppm levels. Best wishes, Chris

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its historical record that the Gulag camps were able to reduce their military man power in guarding the fact;ities by FLORIDATING the prisoners water supply !

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Fascinating. Thank you.

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