Sep 27, 2022·edited Sep 29, 2022Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

Thank you for covering this old but important ground.

This autumn see’s the introduction of Gardasil 9 to NHS vaccine schedule with double the aluminium of its predecessor Gardasil, this information is both relevant and necessary for full parental informed consent considering 31 lawsuits are currently underway Stateside for aluminium containing Gardasil vaccine harms.

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Sep 27, 2022·edited Sep 27, 2022Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

In the decade following HPV vaccine introduction, the rates of cervical cancer actually increased 50% in the UK - quite the opposite of expectation if the vaccine is targeting the virus that causes it.

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Sep 28, 2022·edited Sep 28, 2022

More recent reports credit HPV vax with lowering cervical cancer by almost 90% - in all fairness. Curios about the apparent discrepancy...

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Thank you for this information about the new Gardasil vaccine this is very frightening!

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“Under the Skin” by Bert Ehgartner, written by Dr. Exley on July 25th in this substack, is an EXCELLENT film that goes into more detail about Gardasil and Gardasil 9 with excellent excerpts from Dr. Exley himself with his team. It is an absolute must see. The research it mentions with the sheep is very eye opening!


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Sep 27, 2022Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

At least the Biggest Medical Scandal of our time (according to the gender critical movement) is motivating concerned parents to 'do their own research' into the side effects of puberty blocking drugs, mutilating surgeries and pharma promoted ideology. Some of the TERFs I've peaked are starting to ask questions about vaccines too...

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There's a massive amount of overlap here especially considering that autistic children are massively overrepresented at 'gender clinics' according to even their own data. So they harm us with vaccines and then cut us up via gender ideology. At this point I run out of words, to be honest.

I would definitely like to see more feminists questioning vaccines though. I have seen a few but not as many as I would like.

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It's up to us to keep speaking out. There are other outcasts from the 'neurodiversity' hivemind who want to learn more about root causes and biocompatible symptomatic relief.

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Yes we have to try. I really can't stand the 'neurodiversity' nonsense. I had a bunch of them wade in on me on twitter a few weeks ago, accusing me of being 'self-hating' for saying that I had found some symptom reduction with the silica waters protocol.

Such a relief to communicate with someone who understands.

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When you consider how many hormone disrupting chemicals have been drenching our environment for decades, is it any wonder that more people are experiencing problems in an area of life that is one of the most influenced by hormones? And is it any wonder that there are many elements in society that are ready, willing and able to exploit those problems for "fun and profit"?

Add aluminum injected many times during pregnancy and childhood, and the inflammation caused by those injections "treated" with a liver-toxic substance (acetaminophen a.k.a. paracetamol) that can prevent the liver from de-toxing the aluminum.... What could possibly go wrong?

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Toby Rogers (also on substack) has a great article on exactly the point you raise above.

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Yes, I love Toby Rogers!

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Thank you Dr. Christopher for sharing this. I learned about you from The Epoch Times, and am interested in learning how I can safely get aluminum out of the brain and body after being poisoned by previous vaccines. I'm looking forward to reading your book!

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Oct 27, 2022Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

You people just don't understand. You can't conduct science like this as doing so is to be for diseases like Polio and Measles and Mumps and Diptheria to comeback and strike us down like the time of the black plague. This is wrong-think and you all have been reported to the proper authorities. (I'm kidding... I don't even know how to do that even if I wanted to. I just don't get to start many comments with 'you people')

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Sep 27, 2022Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

Great post - true science..

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Thanks, how interesting. I will read the study.

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So with regard to implants, would a persons PH levels influence whether the aluminium became toxic? Could other factors like synthetic bone cements contribute to this also?

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Dr. Exley, Highwire just tweeted this out. Apparently someone has done a study on asthma and aluminium adjuvants and the MSM covered it, obviously they got Dr. Offit to comment


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if you look up the definition of evil in the dictionary it says...see big pharma

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Between injected Aluminum, Amalgam fillings, and Root Canals, we are all doomed by the good intentions of our own hands.

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Sep 27, 2022Liked by Dr Christopher Exley

Drink Dr Exley's suggested protocol of one litre of high-silicon mineral water every day to eliminate the aluminium ("high-silicon" being anything above 30ppm/30mg/litre)

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Dec 19, 2022·edited Dec 19, 2022

Watched the highwire interview and had to follow up by reading as much as possible on your life's work.....I especially like the comment that...people are aware that aluminium causes alzheimers, but are also aware they are to believe that alzheimers isn't caused by aluminium. I'm of that older generation.

Just started on my high silica mineral water

2 questions

''''''' Given you suggest an adequate blast of silicic acid is required, do you consider it more effective to drink a decent glass in one go, or is sipping just as effective ?

''''''' Evian is given as 15mg/l Silica SiO2 [Silicon dioxide] - does this represent silicic acid in some way - and if so, how much does it represent and is it considered too low ? BTW I have zero knowledge of chemistry - many thanks

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Thank you. Please read my substacks on this subject and, of course, my book. Silicon-rich mineral waters have been defined by us as those that contain 30 mg/L or ppm silicon, usually written as 'silica'.

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Thanks, have read the book and substack, and using the 30 mg/L product - still not sure though on sipping, so drinking a decent glass each time. Thanks again - all rather worrying and depressing, the treatment of your science. Andrew

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Sorry to harp on old ground but am I correct (after reading your latest book) that the toxic effects of the aluminium in my spinal screws (or indeed in stored body parts) could have be initiated by the fluoride in the bone cement or another element in this man made product which could have changed my body’s PH?

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pH? No, but fluoride can increase the toxicity of aluminium under certain circumstances.

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Oh that’s interesting. It’s the combination of things which upset the body’s chemistry is it not? Which combination though is the question. Surely PH change could make things more toxic?

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Hello Vannie, Have you ever listened to one of Dane's weekly Global Alert News broadscasts? On the top right of his site under the label of Recent you can find recordings of over 370 of these information packed programs.

His latest broadcast of October first made me think obout your questions concerning Chemtrails and commercial airliners. On this broadcast he cited a recent article from the UK Guardian that provides some interesting statistics from your own Cival Aviation Authority on what is termed Ghost Flights. They inform us that since 2019 there have been approximately 500 such flights (those with no passangers) per month arriving or departing from your airports. Further, there have been about 3500 almost empty passenger flights recorded in total. Now I know you look for absolute proof, but sometimes we have to work with puzzle pieces only and draw conclusions based reasonable evidence, especially when actual conspirators only provide us with lies as they try to hide the truth from our eyes.

I would strongly suggest that you view Danes latest recording which is especially informative and convincing. You might also want to check out the Guardian article and go from there.

Best wishes,


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Thanks for the description of this process. So, I wonder in what form the aluminium is in water. It is put in the water systems, at least here in Australia, they do. I cannot remember the reason now that they do this, but as far as I am concerned it is not necessary.

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Aluminium is found naturally in water but it is used in water treatment and it is very effective in this respect when done effectively. Read more about this in my book.

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Hello Dr. Exley and anther truthseekers:

Yes Dr. Exley, I have read your book and am one who has really come to appreciate the dangers of aluminum that you speak of, and I have taken and used your advice in several productive ways. I do this because I appreciate your career, your research, your plight and your conclusions. But just as importantly, I Trust in you and your higher values.

However, with all due respect, and admittedly not as a scientist, but as also one with higher standards and God given reasoning, I have to humbley question your stance on geoengineering (AKA Chemtrails).

You indicate that you are not convinced of any significant amount of aluminum in these stratospheric aerosol injection programs. You said that your own testing, using, Keeley University's instrumentation, came up short on aluminum. From my understanding, the tons of aluminum being dumped all over the world are comprised of nanosized particals that are undetectable by most measurement devices used for their detection.

Again, please forgive me for questioning the expert, but is it possible that Keeley's equipment is as lacking in a similar fashion to the way they treated you?

You also indicate that you have seen no peer reviewed study that has confirmed significant content of aluminum in this spraying. But why would you, of all people, expect to find such a study in the bought and paid for environmental science community? For example, Dr. Keith Caldeira, a chief U.S. government climate scientist, and who is up to his eyeballs in geoengineering, makes claims that these programs don't even exist.

Yes, we know these programs exist and that major governments all over the world, including yours and mine, are colluding in carrying out and hiding these illegal and deadly campaigns. Deadly, yes because they are not only used for weather control, including droughts, wildfires and drastic "whiplash" temperature swings all over the world, but because they do, in fact, contain asignificant amout of aluminum as evidenced by official U.S. patents, senate records and a plethora of other evidence that can be found at geoeneineeringwatch.org., the largest, most watched and most trusted organization that deals with this subject.

Please, Dr. Exley, check out this site and contact Mr. Dane Wiggington, who like you has made his subject his passion and reinvestagate this important issue. We really are on the same team and need your support! Thanks and Gof bless you, Larry

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You cannot have it both ways. Either you respect my integrity as a scientist or you do not. I have written my honest opinion on this subject in my book and this is based upon science. I have at least carried out a carefully controlled study to test the hypothesis that aluminium salts are being used in geoengineering in the UK. We could not find any evidence to support this. Wigginton and the many other proponents shouting this from the rooftops need to organise a carefully controlled scientific study. I have said this to him and others in direct correspondence with them.

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Yes Dr Exley, I see your point and I sorry if I have offended you.Thank you for the suggestion of joining forces with other anti-geoengineering organizations. I'havd to pass that suggestion on to Dane, but I'm sure there good reasons why this is not happening.

I've heard you say that even small amounts of aluminum contamination

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could be a problem, I believe due to their cumulative affect added to the total load.

My purpose is not to try to discredit you or your findings, but to look for support in very important cause.

You said in your book that your study showed no unusually high amount of aluminum. But I can't amagin that decades of breathing in even trace amounts of aluminum would not be a health issue

I was just surprised by the way your book seemed to discount this problem

And by what I now know of government corruption, I realize the extent to which "liners figure."

Also, I agree with you that we can't have it both ways, so can't we also ignor this dangerous threat to our lives and to our environment while at the same time survive it. And this is all true even if there were no aluminum in geoengineering.

Got to go prepare for the hurricane that the geoengineers have whipped up. Praying that it does not hit Charleston SC and also for those that it has and will hit.

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Did he ever reply to you? I used the email contact from his geoengineering website. Speaks volumes that he isn't prepared to enter into a debate, nor answer simple questions!

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Yes, I had limited email correspondence with him and others associated with him.

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Hello Vanie,

I can't tell you why you and Mr. Wigington have not connected, buy I know he spends untold hours working to save us and the planet from the onslaught of geoengineering atrocities. However if you Investigate his website, I believe your questions will be addressed.

But please allow me to take a stab at some of your concerns

First, on the issue of worldwide agreement of "chemtrails," I know nothing of the daily rotation you speak of, but I do know that it would be impossible to conduct these operations without spray overlap which would certainly cause tensions and other problems without the cooperation of major governments. Also I don't know how many commercial jets do this spraying, but I do know the Military leases commercial planes for this purpose.

With respect to you contrails vs. Chemtrails concern: First, all commercial passenger jets and military tanker jets are equipped with with a "high bypass "Turbofan" jet engine that is designed for. maximum fuel efficiency. This is described in depth on Dan's. Website where you can see film footage of the trails being turned on and off in flight. Also, I live in an area with very high traffic commercial, as well as military flight. I have never observed contrails in normal jet activity, but, almost daily, I see higher altitude trails, often making tic tac toe like grids in the sky. These trails spread out to form dingy gray film that covers the sky.

Finally, on your assertion of the volumes spoken that Dane is not prepared to answer questions on thiis subject, Mr. Wigington has debated many high government and science officials. On his website you will find some of these debates, including one with top geoengineering scientist Keith Caldeira. Despite debating a government paid lier, Dane sweeps the floor with him.

I hope I've helped with some of your concerns, but have at least enticeded you to check out the geoengineeringwatch.org.site.

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Hi Larry, I'm in the UK so I'm not sure we are suffering to the extent that those in the US may be. I have looked at Dale's website and as I didn't find answers that satisfied my questions, I decided to contact him directly.

The point I am making about things happening on a daily (or not) basis, is that so many people on UK social media sites are sharing images of trails in our skies. They are claiming that these are chemtrails but when I look on websites such as Flightradar24 I see that these are commercial aircraft. I often check when I see planes leaving trails flying over my house. So, logically, these can't all be "chemtrails" if they are all commercial airlines - flying to and from legitimate airports - leaving them, can they? And where would they keep the chemicals in a plane full of passengers and their luggage?

Also, as I've pointed out to friends who believe they are chemtrails, they often appear when there is a low-pressure weather front approaching (already predicted by the weather forecasters), which means that water vapour condenses more easily (even without aircraft passing over clouds start to appear). Then, maybe the next day when the air pressure rises, there are no trails, or those that appear are short and dissipate quickly.

I read about high bypass turbofan engines on Dane's site, but also found other information that states that these engines create more water vapour! For example:




So who is correct? As I said, I see trails emerging from standard commercial aircraft so if they aren't "chemtrails" they must be "contrails". They sometimes dissipate quickly (in high-pressure air systems) or they linger for longer and spread (when low-pressure is present).

As for high government and science officials, we know that anyone can say anything but it doesn't mean they are correct!

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Hi Vannie, A while ago I sent you a long response that somehow disappeared before I could send it. Voodoo or someone playing around which often seems to be the case when trying to uncover globalist lies.

Anyway I can under your concerns based on your research and experiences

I agree with you that is likely impossible for a commercial jet full of passengers has no place on board for the huge tanks used for chemtrails. I have see photos of them which take up most of the space that would otherwise be used by passengers.

What I have personally experienced over my sky's is a separation between normal commercial flight activity and typical military aircraft with designated high flying craft used in geongineering. The trail grids that these planes lay down are often crisscross like thse of a game of tic tac toe They then spread out to blanket the sly, usually for hours without dissipating.

As far as a debunking site, you can find fake sites used to debunk just about any rational conclusion such as Henry Kissinger's proclivities for ugenics. These sites are often controlled by elites through foundations allegedly for the public good. I'll try to check out the site you provided. But we need to always check out who is actually behind the curtins of these sites.

I have often times tried to start a conversation about these "elephant in the sky" trails that are so prevalent in my area, but no one wants to hear it or face it. For example, in our local newspaper.

They never publish my letters on chemtrails. I ask them what is this blatant phenomenon? The simply ignore me because they are paid to do so.

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I've contacted Dane Wigington to ask him some questions about "chemtrails" (regarding, firstly, how people seem to be claiming that all commercial airlines are emitting chemicals rather than condensation trails in, what seems to be, a worldwide agreement on certain days yet not on other days and, secondly, about his claim that modern commercial aircraft engines aren't capable of emitting water vapour despite other studies showing that these modern engines emit MORE water vapour - hence more condensation trails.) However, so far, after 6 weeks and two emails, I have yet to get a reply.

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